Town Heretic claimed that those who used their bodies to shield there loved ones are heroes.
It was heroic. Sure. But you were the first one to use hero in any context. I noted their sacrifice and what Christ had to say about it.
Thall, corrected Town Heretic and told him that true heroes act out of a sense of Agape, not a sense of Phileo.
He didn't mention Phileo and didn't aim that remark, long after you had made your charge and I'd answered you on it. I think you're forgetting yourself...a look at that thread.
Thread: Colorado Movie Theater
Here's CW July 24th, 2012, 05:46 PM (repeated from her earlier post)
Originally Posted by Christ's Word
1. Sadly, no man in the theater was mentally and physically prepared to defend his family or his fellow citizens. God does not approve of cowardice, it never works out for the cowards.
I responded with: "Observation: you made a joke out of a human tragedy and took a cheap shot at the dead."
And, as I noted, you were the first person to use the word hero between us, if sarcastically. You did it a few posts later in post 245 and repeatedly thereafter:
Originally Posted by Christ's Word
Here you go Mr. Revoked......this is how it is done. Big difference from your Colorado heros,.......huh? Turned out a little different as well.
You doubled down on the coward bit again in post 390:
Originally Posted by Christ's Word
More histrionic dribble from an idiot who would prefer to praise the dead instead of teach cowards how to live.
I answered four posts later with: "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends." John 15:13
No THall anywhere in sight.
Your next ironic post (395) was filled with:
Originally Posted by Christ's Word
That is the scary part about "too stupid to learn morons" like you "Mrs. Revoked"...a rock head yahoo like you...You are a coward...sick...too stupid to learn...It is no surprise that you can't discuss the situation like an adult and just hurl childish impotent insults.

Another funny from that thread is found in your post 407. It's funny because of your complaint about my sock puppet speculation. Here's what you said in part:
Originally Posted by Christ's Word
How many user names do you post under when you are getting your butt handed to you publicly? 2, or are there more?
THall showed up in post 426, making several posts aimed at others and about tactical considerations. None of those were addressed to me.
You continued in post 504 to defame those dead:
Originally Posted by Christ's Word
Was it the part about not cowering and letting a nut shoot at innocent people for 15 minutes? It seems you prefer to have lots of dead to mourn over? I would prefer more people live.
In post 538 THall wrote, to everyone, about agape love alone and declared that love for all would have demanded a different action than the shielding of particular loved ones. To be fair, later he called the victims sheep. Zoo called him on that and he answered in post 573:
Originally posted by THall
What would you call them, wolves?
Now in an aside your alter ego called me a coward a couple of times and while I believe in later posts and elsewhere
he did finally defend or echo your use of that word aimed at the dead in Colorado, what I find truly interesting is that you never said, "No, it wasn't THall who called them that, it was me." It's almost as though you forgot which account you were writing under...
