Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 3


TOL Subscriber
Time is as much a part of God as light is. Without God light would not be, nor would love or time.

Where in scripture is time listed or revealed as an attribute of God, like light is so revealed?


New member
Well, He did say He had made an everlasting covenant with the Son and promised Him a kingdom, and chose a people in the Son for the Son to redeem and to share in the inheritance of the beloved. Ephesians 1:3-18
But, according to you, that was not an event.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Yes, when God said "Let there be light".

Are you drunk?
Thank you. I cannot understand how someone could be so stupid as not to get that. And yet we are surrounded here by those too stupid to understand the simplest and most obvious things, because it disproves their tradition.


TOL Subscriber
how long do you think it took him?

This is a mind-blowing contemplation to consider.

God is eternal, so did it really take him time, as we know it, to determine and achieve the creation of this world and universe? Can we measure the nothingness from which He made this earth and its inhabitants?

Think about it . . .


New member
Where in scripture is time listed or revealed as an attribute of God, like light is so revealed?
It is revealed in the fact that it is here.

You like to claim that everything else that exists in creation comes from God, but not time. The reason is because it destroys the rest of your faulty religion.


New member
Thank you. I cannot understand how someone could be so stupid as not to get that. And yet we are surrounded here by those too stupid to understand the simplest and most obvious things, because it disproves their tradition.
For AMR and Nang, they would rather look stupid, than admit they are wrong.


TOL Subscriber
For AMR and Nang, they would rather look stupid, than admit they are wrong.

I only admit to being wrong, when my accuser gives me proof and evidence he is right.

You have intellectually and spiritually failed in this regard . . .

You have provided no scriptural proof that time is a part of the essence/Being of eternal God.


TOL Subscriber
It is revealed in the fact that it is here.

You like to claim that everything else that exists in creation comes from God, but not time. The reason is because it destroys the rest of your faulty religion.

I have said all along that God created time. Time came from God, but time is not God.

Why do you dishonestly attempt to distort my posts of the last few days? Do you really think you can erase my words and beliefs so easily, just to save face?

People who bother to read these kind of discussions are usually of upper intelligence, and will see through your attempts to rob me of my sincere witness.


TOL Subscriber
Movement, communication, relationship, are also not God, but they are eternal, because God is. Same with time.

Whatever . . .

Have a nice life fella. Too bad you are incapable of meaningful fellowship with the Lord's people.



Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
I am a creationist that believes in the literal creation of world by the ex nihilo power of the Creator, accomplished in totality, in THE TIME of six, 24-hour days.

Yet you defend those in this thread that say the earth is billions of years old.


New member
Hi everyone,

Looks like the "Part 3" discussion really got some attention. In case anyone is interested, I'm going to address the topic of God and Time on my blog. Since I'm new here, the settings won't let me post my 'blog address. But if you go to Google and search for "befriending wisdom" you'll probably find it. It is a 'blog hosted at Word Press, and has my name in the domain.

I hope that my contribution is helpful!

Rich Holland (it is me on the radio with Bob!)