Rewarded According To Works Yet Saved by Grace? How?
NJK Matthew 16:27 "For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works.
NKJ Ephesians 2:8-9 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. |
Eternity's a long time. A googolplex is 10^(100^100) or (10^100)^100---I can't remember which, if either, and I also don't know if what I wrote there aren't equal numbers. :dizzy: Anyway, a googolplex is the biggest number I know of off hand. It will remain so until I can figure out the Latin for 33, which is needed in order to supersede a googolplex as the largest offhand number that I know. It's much much bigger than Avogadro's number, 6x10^23, the number of atoms in a . . . I believe gram-mole, but possible kilogram-mole---but I really think gram-mole or gmol or just mol (unqualified mol means "gram-mole," I believe). It's an enormous number. The Global sovereign debt is in the neighborhood of 100 trillion dollars on a PPP basis, and that's a scary-big number. Fortunately, the global economy can finance this debtload. That's 100x10^12 or 10^13, which is not almost half of 10^23, which would be 0.5x10^23 or 5x10^22, but 10
orders of magnitude less. This is the equivalent of a 0.1
part per billion concentration. Even
lead is
safe at this level in
drinking water. 0.1 ppb, or 0.0001 ppm.
That's how small the global sovereign debt is, in PPP denominated in US Dollars ( $ ), compared to Avagardo's number, which is an even smaller number in relation to a googolplex. And a googolplex isn't even that big compared to eternity. Eternal life is going to be so long that there's literally going to be
nobody that you're not going to meet, in the eternal kingdom of God the new heaven and the new earth. You
will relive your moral offenses,
with your victims,
and all of them.
You're gonna've, "Got the time."
(Tommy Boy. The great and tragically late,
Chris Farley; died at 33, like Jesus did. (He was trying to sell the guy who "thought we were watching cartoons.") You're welcome if you get it.

The scariest thing for me is that we're looking down the barrel of a gun, not just as Americans but as currently alive humans, wherever we live, of a race for United States President between two members of the dreaded quote-unquote one percenters. Trump and Clinton are only separated by
two orders of magnitude in net worth. I personally am separated from Mr. Trump by five ( 5 ) orders of magnitude unless I've miscalculated, but Senator Clinton only trails him by two ( 2 ). She's partying in the same nightclubs as Trump is, is what I'm saying, while my own personal vehicle would be a scene in an 80s comedy, regarding how my vehicle would be treated by A-list valets. Neither of these people know what it's like to feel the anxiety when we realize we've forgotten to pay a utility bill. Neither of them. We wanted Bernie, we wanted Rubio, these people, we know, and we know, that they know, what that's like.
But given all that, I'd rather have Clinton. Because it'd be an interesting chapter in the very distant future's history books on American history. Literally, that's all, and that doesn't mean I'm a Democrat, it means I'm a republican, small R, meaning, that I believe in our republic. It's pretty awesome.