Report: Even Atheists, Agnostics, Nonreligious Americans See Evidence for Creator


New member
The report points to the plain fact that the non-believer is without excuse. If only Christians would cease from taking the bait from the one who actually hates God, given their professed indifference or ignorance in claiming, "I do not know God exists" or "I need real proof God exists."
Your special pleading for your own specific version of God is all rather pathetic.
I don't suppose you hate anyone else's version of a creator any more than I hate yours. :plain:


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Really? I thought atheists didn't believe in God.
I don't think this thread is about atheists. It's about non-religious folks believing in a "Creator" of some sort. I think there are quite a lot of people who prefer to let God be God, and not to explain and characterize God as religion does. Nor to use some idea of God to set themselves apart or above everyone else. Like I say, dogma is often religion's own worst enemy.


like marbles on glass

I had the same thought as you, and I also took a look at the research yesterday (the powerpoint summary you mentioned) to see their methodology. Nowhere are there any data showing group sizes, how they were weighted, or what their "maximum quotas" were. Disappointing.

I think there's a bit of slight of hand going on here. Notice how "atheists, agnostics, and those without religious preferences" are lumped into a single category? But as the Pew data shows "those without religious preferences" are not atheists or agnostics.

So how many actual atheists and agnostics agree with that statement? We can't say, as when you click the "download the research" button at LifeWay's website, all it takes you to is a powerpoint summary. Lame. :down:
Agreed again. "No preference" can't be assumed to be atheist or agnostic.


Well-known member
Here is a fairly complete list of issues with U'ism. I'm not going to mention the source to avoid confusion about the journal's name, but you can find papers by scientists on each of these items and they are not necessarily by Christians. It is very likely that the dissenters from U'ist orthodoxy are unemployed, though.

Creation vs. Evolution

This site was completed after having grown weary of false evolutionary doctrine promoted by public television, national networks and other media, and taught in our public schools. Although "evolutionary theory" does not meet the universally accepted definition of 'theory' or 'hypothesis' or, for that matter, the universally accepted definition of 'science' (see section, Creation versus Evolution, for definitions), students continue to be taught evolution as “proven fact”—and later in life, they perpetuate this doctrine as teachers, journalists, and parents without question.

What many people today never hear and realize is the fact that so-called evolutionary theory is not based on known scientific laws or the preponderance of scientific evidence. Rather, scientific creation, as described in the Book of Genesis, is perfectly consistent with all known laws and evidence—and such evidence is overwhelming. The reality is, evolutionary doctrine is built on false assumptions and poor science. It is the greatest deception in modern history.
Why do secular scientists continue to adhere to a false evolutionary doctrine? This site provides the reasons, and summarizes much of the evidence for scientific creation. I ask any skeptical person to give this site an impartial reading before dismissing the scientific creationist viewpoint.

Consider the following evidence for Creation:

• Evolution is contrary to natural laws (without exception) whereas creation is consistent with natural laws—for example, creation is consistent with the laws of thermodynamics and law of biogenesis.

• There are no known biological processes for evolution to higher levels of organization and complexity—mutations are overwhelmingly degenerative and none are “uphill” (that is, unequivocally beneficial) in the sense of adding new genetic information to the gene pool.

• Geologic land-forms and sedimentary features are completely consistent with a worldwide flood as described in the Book of Genesis.

• Enormous limestone formations, huge coal and oil formations, and immense underground salt layers are indicative of a worldwide flood—not slow and gradual processes over billions of years. Such features are satisfactorily explained by a worldwide flood and known geophysical and geochemical processes.

• A worldwide flood as described in Genesis 6–8 is within the boundaries of known geophysics—see phase diagram in chapter 4 and Pangaea Flood Video at

• There is no credible technique for establishing the age of sedimentary rock—fossil dating used to establish the age of sedimentary rock suffers from circular reasoning and guesswork, all based on the assumption of evolution.

• The standard geologic column with transitional creatures evolving toward more complex forms, as depicted in most science textbooks, is utterly fictitious and misleading, and does not represent the real world. In reality, it perfectly represents the aftermath of a worldwide flood.

• There are no transitional fossils or living forms—there is not one single example of evolution! Evolutionists look for “the” missing link—ironically, they are in desperate search for just one! But there should be billions of examples of transitional forms with transitional structures if evolution were true, but there are none. The bottom line, evolution has never been observed within fossils or living populations.

• Contrary to popular belief, evidence indicates that early man was intelligent and highly skilled with an advanced social structure. There is also evidence suggesting their belief in the existence of an afterlife.

• Soft tissues and traces of blood cells have been found in dinosaur fossils supposedly 70 to 250 million years old. (Soft tissues and red blood cells have relatively short life spans.)

• Carbon-14 has been found in coal and diamonds supposedly hundreds of millions of years old. (C-14 has a relatively short life-span.)

• Radioisotope dating suffers from multiple unprovable assumptions—the technique is “fatally flawed”—yet scientists contend as fact what they cannot prove.

• Abundant daughter isotopes are indicative of accelerated nuclear decay associated with creation (expansion, stretching out, or acceleration of the universe from an extremely hot, dense phase when matter and energy were concentrated) and a worldwide flood with massive restructuring of the earth’s lithosphere, not slow and gradual processes over billions of years.

• Evidences of accelerated nuclear decay in igneous rocks found worldwide are helium in zircon crystals, radio-halos and fission tracks, and rapid magnetic field reversals and decay.
• Over a hundred geochronometers indicate a young earth and universe.

Each of these evidences, examined individually, is enough to convince most rational people that evolution is a false doctrine and the earth is, in fact, young!

Article from _____

Jose Fly

New member
I had the same thought as you, and I also took a look at the research yesterday (the powerpoint summary you mentioned) to see their methodology. Nowhere are there any data showing group sizes, how they were weighted, or what their "maximum quotas" were. Disappointing.

Disappointing, but not surprising.

Agreed again. "No preference" can't be assumed to be atheist or agnostic.

Only if the folks conducting the survey had an agenda that they tried to spin the results towards. Oh well...can't blame 'em for trying!


Well-known member
Disappointing, but not surprising.

Only if the folks conducting the survey had an agenda that they tried to spin the results towards. Oh well...can't blame 'em for trying!

I guess you don't know that there are several polls that show that outside of the stream of academia (which are seminaries of liberalism and U'ism), the %s of high view of the Bible, the Creator, the Gospel are pretty high. The critical question therefore is what distance is the poll from that (polluted) stream?

patrick jane

I've done my own study and found 9 of 10 people belive in a higher power/God. My research has been ongoing for 40 years beginning in 1975.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yea, you said to never say never because no one knows the future but I know myself and you don't. That's more important, I'd think.

I'd love to meet Jesus. I really wish he would come back and settle the dispute one way or the other for good. That is the only proof I'd accept for the creator actually being as depicted in the bible.

This problem was beautifully explained on youtube by darkmatter2525. If Jesus came back most people wouldn't recognize him, and most dang sure wouldn't like his message. :chuckle:

This says it best:

Luke 16:31 "But he said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.'"