rep thread


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

trump is not in first place

who is in first?

doesn't matter

do you trust the polls?


why not?

idiots lie

why would they lie?

they are mad

what do they lie about?

whether or not they vote in the republican primary

can that information be verified?

yes but it isn't


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

we have to borrow more money

that is not new

the republicans will be blamed if there is a shutdown

that is not new

the speaker will have to resign

that is new

the new speaker will not want the job

that is new

the debt limit will be raised

that is not new


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so what is for lunch?

hamburger steak on the grill with kernel corn and sliced tomatoes with sugar

you have that a lot

easy to fix and always tasty

do you use lawry's salt?

always with fresh ground pepper

are we doing neighborhood watch?

from inside, it is on the cool side


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

polling is replacing voting

what's wrong with that?

I don't get to vote

no one does

I don't even get polled

they can't call everyone

they can't call me

why don't you have a phone?

don't need one, don't want one

sounds like that is your problem

I should get a phone just so they can call me?

many others want to call you

those are machines


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

you can't trust the polls

why not?

idiots lie

about what?

being registered to vote, being a republican, voting in primaries

why would they lie about a thing like that?

they are mad

can't the information be verified?

it can but it isn't

why not?

too expensive


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

online polling

how does that work?

don't know but it is not a random sampling

so those online decide to participate?

sort of

whoa! that can't be good

I agree, we don't want people who sit at their computer all day

like tol?

that's not a good sample


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

the debate

did you like it?

it was so bad I went to bed

what does this mean?

hillary all the way

you must be depressed

is that what you call it?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so what is for lunch?

salad from whole foods

how many items?

20 but I add three more

isn't it time for neighborhood watch?

yes but it is little cool

so wear something warm

I will


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so how was neighborhood watch?

very nice, not much going on, what did I miss here?

not much

is it getting slow here

I think so

how slow?

about 80 posts in the last 22 hours

whoa! that is not good

it may be just a temporary lull

hope so


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

the speaker

who cares?

we could take a poll

can you trust a poll?

not if it is political

why not?

they lie

why would they lie?

they only count republican primary voters

can't that information be verified?

it can but it isn't

why not?

time and money


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?


how did it get started?

a religious ritual to observe the dead

why is that important?

to live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die

who said that?

thomas campbell

no one wants to die

it's nice to be remembered

you may have made a difference if you are

is that why we give away candy?

the children remember that


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

on the road again



what keeps a family together?

we is more important than I

that's it?

that's it


New member
Hall of Fame

Move to Arizona, folks.

Yes, but it is a dry heat.

