Remember the outrage over this story?

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Well-known member
I sure do.

McSwiggan had several broken teeth in the “attack” and said three men gay bashed him outside the popular bar, The Abbey. Officials said his wounds — he also needed stitches in his head — were self-inflicted. They said he used a pay phone inside the sheriff’s station to cause the damage to his face.

The defendant — a YouTube star and gay rights activist — faces a possible maximum sentence of three years and six months in county jail if convicted of the charges.


No, I don't.

But I'm currently sensing a hint of outrage from you.

Are you implying that hate crimes don't exist due to such anecdotal examples..or rather that you simply don't care either way?


McSwiggan had several broken teeth in the “attack” and said three men gay bashed him outside the popular bar, The Abbey. Officials said his wounds — he also needed stitches in his head — were self-inflicted. They said he used a pay phone inside the sheriff’s station to cause the damage to his face.

The defendant — a YouTube star and gay rights activist — faces a possible maximum sentence of three years and six months in county jail if convicted of the charges.

They're so persecuted, but here's one who had to fake persecution out of lack of persecution available :plain:

Liberal victim complex gone plaid :chuckle:

(Yes, that was a Spaceballs reference)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Says the gay supporter who doesn't like it when his false narrative is blown to bits.

Well firstly, 'gay supporter'? I'm just a guy who doesn't think they should be persecuted as does the law. In far right wingnut land that may equate but in sanity ville it doesn't.

Secondly, do you even know what a 'false narrative' is, or were you just trying to sound clever? Else explain just exactly what's been 'blown out of the water' with some case involving a homosexual law breaker. I'll wait while you don't manage to do that.

Well nope, not at all in fact. Just another example of far right wingnuttery on yours and Nick's parts again Musty...


Well firstly, 'gay supporter'?

'Gay sex supporter', yes. You have a problem with people who do not believe gay sex is a good thing.

I'm just a guy who doesn't think they should be persecuted as does the law.

I find it funny how you all have to consistently bring that up, every time.
What about when it wasn't the law?

Therefore, there is no point in repeating that over and over.

Just another example of far right wingnuttery

That's offensive.
If were a gay man in a bakery, I'd sue you.


New member
Hall of Fame
Dunno. His own blood on the pay phone? Ew.

Many on Twitter questioned his story after the police released a statement that he was seen injuring himself with a payphone in a holding cell in West Hollywood. Police confirmed to The Advocate that there is video of McSwiggan harming himself, but they haven't released the footage because it will be evidence. McSwiggan hadn't mentioned that he'd caused the stitches on his forehead when posting an Instagram selfie from a hospital bed, where police had taken him.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
'Gay sex supporter', yes. You have a problem with people who do not believe gay sex is a good thing.

Nope, I don't even have a problem with zealous cranks and stuffed shirts who, if they had their way, would turn the West into an effectively totalitarian state.

I find it funny how you all have to consistently bring that up, every time.
What about when it wasn't the law?

Therefore, there is no point in repeating that over and over.

Isn't it past your bedtime yet?

You're probably still bemoaning the overturning of women being denied the vote?

That's offensive.
If were a gay man in a bakery, I'd sue you.

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