Religious Test


New member

The protesters, politicians, and news media; they do not mention that Muslim countries have a religious test.



The protesters, politicians, and news media; they do not mention that Muslim countries have a religious test.
Let's not forget that the American Constitution established no state religion and allowed for freedom of religion.

The fact that other countries do not provide for religious freedom is no excuse for Americans to follow their example - if we think that our system is preferable to theirs, then we have to act like it, even when faced with adversity!


New member
Guess what? I was at Google search looking at Muslim religious test, and when I came back latter; they were all gone. I would say that the Internet is becoming untrustworthy.


New member
Let's not forget that the American Constitution established no state religion and allowed for freedom of religion.

The fact that other countries do not provide for religious freedom is no excuse for Americans to follow their example - if we think that our system is peferable to theirs, then we have to act like it even, especially when faced with adversity!

Let us also not forget that there are Muslims with evil intent.


New member
Let's not forget that the American Constitution established no state religion and allowed for freedom of religion.

The fact that other countries do not provide for religious freedom is no excuse for Americans to follow their example - if we think that our system is preferable to theirs, then we have to act like it, even when faced with adversity!

so the religious descrimnation we place on ISIS is unconstitutional


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Their fanaticism is all based on a life beyond death. this means it is based on a religion, as they understand it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's still not a religion.

noun: religion

1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
"ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed; More
sect, church, cult, denomination
"the freedom to practice their own religion"
2. a particular system of faith and worship.
plural noun: religions
"the world's great religions"
3. a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.

ima go with 2 and 3

it's a religion


New member
Their fanaticism is all based on a life beyond death. this means it is based on a religion, as they understand it.

he knows that but can't admit it since that means U.S. does discriminate based on religious belief which in turn provides a logical justification for religious tests that keep out harmful religious ideology.


Their fanaticism is all based on a life beyond death. this means it is based on a religion, as they understand it.

I don't disagree here. But they're a political, extremist, terrorist organization that uses religion to justify their violence.


Their fanaticism is all based on a life beyond death. this means it is based on a religion, as they understand it.
Christians believe in life beyond death but that doesn't mean that all Christians are fanatics!

Marxist communists don't believe in a hereafter and yet many were fanatically loyal and willing to die for the cause.

Fanaticism is a human "mindset" that is not unique to any one religion or belief.