Hi Jukia! Those who've listened to the show heard a physicist discuss the
issues you raised above -- and not just any physicist but -- the very scientist who is an expert in magnetic fields who, apparently alone in the history of the world, had successfully published predictions, later confirmed by NASA, of the strength of the fields of Uranus and Neptune, and of the wildly rapid decline of Mercury's field strength. (Similar to a thousand other atheist claims, materialists say that Mercury's rapid decline is not evidence for its youth but is instead merely an amazing coincidence -- that just when we happened to measure it, we caught it in a wild decline, just like the Earth! Wow, double coincidence.)
Also Jukia, I don't recall if you've ever commented on our question at
Do Atheists Even Have a Hypothesis on Origins? Because atheists don't have a workable hypothesis to account for human consciousness, therefore they don't even have a theory to explain where we've come from, let alone a robust theory. The following pattern shows that atheists do not have even a hypothesis on origins, as demonstrated by these six irrefutable observations:
- the origin of species for Darwin begins with species already in existence
- the origin of stars begins with the explosion of existing stars and with protostars
- the origin of genes that code for new proteins begins with modifying existing genes
- the origin of species by neo-Darwinism begins with existing complex reproducing life
- the origin of life on earth is increasingly seen as seeded from already existing alien life
- the origin of
the universe is increasingly explained by appeals to the pre-existing multiverse.
This pattern demonstrates that many in the public, following a gullible media, have undue confidence in the claims about origins from materialists. Consider also the origin of something as relatively simple as the eye's trochlea (click or just Google:
PZ trochlea), for which famed evolutionist PZ Myers admits that a lifetime of studying Darwinism gives him no insight into how such utter simplicity could have evolved. Then how about something complex? In very general terms, how might a material process
originate to encode a protein sequence onto a DNA molecule? Atheists have nothing. And they will forever have nothing, because a high-level understanding of physics and information affirmatively demonstrates that the laws of physics do not include symbolic logic functions. Information is not physical, and hence, strictly material systems cannot give rise to information systems.
Jukia, I know that years of annoyances between you and others here at TOL build up to anger and resentment. If you go to your grave never having asked the Lord to forgive you of your sins, then for eternity you will miss out on enjoying the Lord and enjoying the fellowship of any of your friends or loved ones who love Him. Also of course, then there would never then be reconciliation between you and me and the many others here who have also prayed for you over the years.
- Bob Enyart