Sure it formed naturally, we just disagree on how. It had a mother and a father didn't it.
That's the sort of thing that tangles creationists up. Evolution doesn't happen to an individual. It's a change in a population.
I hope you can have some better questions in the future.
I'm guessing that your penguin color story didn't play the way you wanted. I asked:
Show me any necessary step from the simplest organism to the most complex, that can't happen by natural means.
And you offered your penguin story. Now you're admitting that it does happen naturally.
It's like me saying I evolved an arm because I have carbon in it.
See above. This is why you guys get so frustrated over evolution. You have no idea what it is, so you're just swinging your arms in the dark.
Sure it "contains" carbon but without the information you have nothing.
Perhaps you don't know what "information" is. Just so we know we're on the same page, how about telling us how to measure genetic inforamation in population? If you don't know, I'll explain it, and then we can go on. Fair?
It's intelligence and coding and that's the reality... it's not solely physical.
Tell us about it, and the math involved in determining it, and we'll talk about it.
Barbarian observes:
So, like all evolution, the feature was produced by modifying something already present. Thank you.
Yeah but we are interested in going from one feature to the next not what it's made of.
It's not that complex. An 8th grader could get it.
Sure I could get my kid's Legos in a million different shapes but nothing interesting would happen in and of itself.
And yet, some random mutations, filtered through natural selection, can produce useful new features. Can you see why?
So it's like saying a Lego with 2 posts and a Lego with 10 posts got that way because they are both made of... polypropylene.
No. You've got to get past that misconception. It's like a creationist once told me that humans were mostly water and clouds are mostly water, so science says humans and clouds are the same thing. He wasn't stupid, just ignorant.
And then there are two different structures built with sets (say a spaceship and a farmyard) and I ask how did they get that way? polypropylene. Kinda asinine.
I think "ignorant" is a better term. You guys just don't realize that it's not about materials. It's about a change in genes.
You and Darwin need to get up to the 21st century.
Darwin didn't have a clue as to the biochemical mechanism. He merely realized that it was happening and why. It wasn't until Mendel's work was rediscovered in the 20th century that scientists understood why Darwinian evolution worked. It was a major criticism of Darwin's work that he couldn't explain how a new feature wouldn't be swamped like a drop of white paint in a barrel of red. Mendel figured out why. And the general acceptance of Darwinian evolution is the result of that rediscovery.
Any time. Check it out, and learn. If you want to learn about information in biological systems, you might want to start by learning about Claude Shannon's equations. Among other things, it explains how to pack the maximum amount of information in channel, how to communicate reliably from a tiny transmitter millions of kilometers away, and how information changes in populations.
We can go from there.
Barbarian suggests:
Which is all that's needed. Show me any necessary step from the simplest organism to the most complex, that can't happen by natural means.
Without the information originally encoded I don't believe any can, no.
Beliefs are fine for religion, but you have to go with facts in science. As you know, science doesn't say that God didn't just poof the first organisms into place. So you can start there, if God's word isn't good enough for you (He says the earth brought them forth). Show me any necessary step from the simplest organism to the most complex, that can't happen by natural means.
You can wad up a ball of play dough and come back in a billion years and it's not going to be a pet.
Let's stick to you showing me any any necessary step from the simplest organism to the most complex, that can't happen by natural means.
Barbarian observes:
Yep. As you just learned, beta-keratin already exists in bird feathers. So it was modified to form a new feature. So can you answer the question?
The article stated it had beta-keratin in it so don't act like you are stating something you and I didn't know.
So why bother denying it? If you now think that was a bad choice for you, show us something else in an organism you think can't have evolved.
How'd these Legos get together to form a feature of a specific shape. Ummm PP. Guess I shouldn't have expected too much when I sent you the article. Congrats you figured out the article was about feathers. I wish we could get the scientists on the phone and explain the arrangement of 180 nano meter fibers and let Barbarian answer: beta-keratin like he showed them something new.
I'd be pleased to see your argument that it can't form by natural selection. What do you have?
Barbarian obeserves:
Originally Posted by The Barbarian View Post
No toolbox needed. Just living things. If you want to believe that God poofed them into existence instead of the earth bringing them forth as Genesis says, it makes no difference to evolutionary theory.
The process was supernatural... then natural. nuff said.
For a new religion, yes. In science, you need evidence. It's a tough game, but it works really well.
I don't care if you and Darwin still want to believe in the nano-fairy bringing you spaghetti strands for your penguins
You're back to the same problem; you don't know what evolution is. And it makes you totally ineffective in talking about it. First thing you should do, if you need the Quick Start instructions, is learn the four basic claims of Darwinian theory. Then you might be better equipped to fight it.
Just a thought...