That is because the theory is proven to be absoulutely wrong. And as a result, the theory was modified to a place where it can't be proven or disproven. It went from a ladder to a tree. That way you can say how two different complex organisms are similar to a simple organism and say that both complex organisms came from the same simple one.
...Since you live on the bottom of humanity, you find nothing better to do but spew venom...
My contributions in the leadership of very large projects now benefit lots of people around the world and have made me lots of dough. I live in a gigantic house which we bought to host family and friends.
Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!
Is there any race or nation that doesn't have a racist past?All Europeans and Americans should be embarrassed by their racist past.
Every single time a Christian brags about the money they may or may not have I just think of the whole "don't store riches on earth" bit. But like most of what Jesus actually said, Christians tend to ignore that.
And you ignore many truths that you don't like.
Why do you write concerning things of which you know precious little?
Why do you speak the name of Jesus, when you are not worthy to do so?
You don't understand the teaching of Jesus, since you deny the existence of God--the One Who is manifestly evident. Since you take up this imbecilic position, it is absurd for you to make any comment concerning biblical teachings.
A Christian has at least one thing in which to boast. But the atheist has nothing. He has no legitimate value theory, no legitimate rights, and no intrinsic worth. He is a vapor. Here today. Gone tomorrow.