Daedalean, it seems that not a large percent of people would say that they are motivated to make themselves look bad. Also, is this an arbitrary accusation that you would tend to only make against creationists? Or would you say that atheist scientists are among those motivated to make themselves look bad?
Not making oneself look good does not necessitate making oneself look bad. Your statements here deny the middle ground. That being said, would I tend to make this accusation more against creationists, probably. I fully admit that I am biased, however you must see that your editing of the Krauss interview is likewise biased to support a certain conclusion.
I imagine there are neo-Darwinists
I would just like to quickly point out this statement here seems to support a point I made earlier about using the term "Neo-darwinism" as a pejorative term for Evolution completely neglecting the actual definition of the term. I think we can safely assume you're not referring to evolutionary modern synthesis, but the the term is nothing more than an unnecessary expression of contempt for Evolutionary Biology and it's proponents.
who do that, but I just don't know who they might be.
Popular youtuber and Evolutionary Biology proponent
PotHoler54 has done this to give a specific example.
Science in general does this as a function of the Scientific method. It's interesting to note that every fraud or hoax that has been found, such as piltdown man, and Nebraska Man, were discovered and exposed by the researchers in those fields. To my knowledge no creationists has ever discovered a legitimate hoax, feel free to correct me on that. Even in one of the other "RealScience" posts we have Paleontologists admitting that Neornithes developed earlier than previously thought. I can name numerous examples where errors are admitted. Adjustments are made based on these discoveries and we move on.
DS, we've been having fun presenting the short-lived 14C that's everywhere it shouldn't be, with a summary of this at
And we have here the perpetration of a
known fraud. Hugh Miller, amateur geologist and creationist obtained several samples of dinosaur fossils from the Carnegie Museum of Natural History claiming he was a chemist wanting to do analysis on the specimens the museum officials told him the specimens were coated in an organic preservative shellac, Miller then submitted the fossils for carbon dating by Russian scientists (neglecting to tell them about the organic preservative). So when the Russian Scientists carbon dated it, what they got was a date for the organic preservative not the fossil. Yet this known fraud is even to this day still circulated by creationists as evidence that carbon dating doesn't work. The only think it's evidence of is perpetual deception from creationist organizations.
Dinosaur fossils aren't carbon dated, because they don't contain any carbon. Instead dinosaur fossils are dated using uranium-238, uranium-235 and potassium-40 dating, all of which have come to an approximate age in agreement with each-other within a relatively small margin of error. That you even suppose that carbon dating should or would refute evolution or the age of Dinosaur fossils demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of the subject matter.
And aside from wildly discordant dates atop and at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, it's amazing to just look at the flat boundaries in the canyon with your own eyes (I've been there a dozen times, including rafting), and to see what would have to be, by your reckoning, TENS OF MILLIONS of years of MISSING deposits and erosion, staring us in the face through the exposed walls of the canyon. Just check it out at
Not sure what this has to do with evolution, it's more or less an attempt to justify a worldview contrary to mainstream science. Therefore you must convince yourself that the science is wrong in all areas which contradict your theological proclivities (and not just evolution). Never have I seen a creationist declare that cell theory is "Just a theory", for what I would submit is largely due to the fact that cell theory doesn't contradict the creationist worldview. Large swathes of mainstream science are thus rejected by Creationists and unnecessarily convoluted explanations are offered to justify disagreeing with the conclusions of the vast majority of the world's foremost experts.
DS, it's so easy to make these kinds of assertions, but they just as easily cut both ways. Here's evidence, massive evidence, that I find evolutionists just blow off (really, they must blow it off, or re-consider their belief system, which many simply won't do):
Because it's not evidence of what you want it to be evidence of, first of all the missing strata are sandwiched between prior and preceding strata, which doesn't mean that they didn't happen, but rather than the layers weren't preserved either being eroded away or not laid down. Second of all, even assuming that these eras didn't happen at all (a logically absurd conclusion) it would still make the Grand Canyon at the very least 80 million to a billion years older than you want it to be, which I would suspect doesn't jive too well with a young earth :shocked:.
Bob, you value scientific evidence but you also value your faith in a literal genesis, and thus you find yourself in a very uncomfortable position trying to reconcile these two conflicting values, often to the point where you actually have to disagree with the overwhelming expert consensus.