

Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Since Knight has seen fit to make me a moderator, again, I thought I should re-introduce myself to TOL; especially those who don't know anything about me.

My name is Nori. I've been a member of TOL since late 1998. The reason my profile says 2002 is because Knight re-did the database about then and I somehow got lost in the shuffle.

I was widowed in January, 1999, when my 39 year old husband had a massive stroke. I only have one child, :jessilu: , who turned 22 today. I homeschooled her from second grade through twelfth grade with a semester break in fourth grade (right after my husband passed away) and a semester break in sixth grade (I traded her tuition in my church's school for my teaching Spanish.).

After my husband passed away, my daughter, one of my best friends, and I moved from central California to southeastern Indiana. It was one of the best moves I've ever made.

I attend an Assembly of God church, about ten miles from my house. Although I don't agree with everything the A/G teaches, they are the closest to what I believe. I try to be involved in children's ministries and music ministries.

My favorite offline activities are reading (almost anything), writing fiction and songs, singing, and watching movies. My favorite genres of movies are horror/sci-fi, action, and historical fiction (no love stories... :vomit: ). I like any kind of music except for rap/hip hop. My favorite music to listen to is classical, 80s rock, country, and southern gospel. My favorite music to sing is country and southern gospel.

Politically, I am right of conservative (some will call me fascist or worse for that) for the most part. I believe that the government should encourage personal responsibility instead of allowing people to use the government as a crutch. I don't have a problem helping out the elderly who have put into the system for years, believing that they'd have a retirement when the time came, or the truly disabled who cannot support themselves financially. I will save my beliefs on welfare for a later thread.

If anyone needs my help for anything, feel free to PM me via the user CP. If I can't help you, I can find out how to help you.


Hello, may I call you Nori? It's much easier than Ebenz47037..

I have a question. You said that moving away from Central California to Indiana was the best move that you ever made.

Would you mind elaborating on that and getting specific? I appreciate it.

Also, were you from Bakersfield?


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Welcome to TOL, Nori. I hope you enjoy your stay.




like marbles on glass
Thanks, I appreciate the chance to get to know you a little better. This was a good idea for those of us who haven't been around here that long. :)


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
We know Nori's story. But what has inspired the re-emergence of 5020?


Well-known member
Glad to have you moderating again, Nori. :thumb:

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally glad.

Uh, sorry, my "e" key got stuck. :noid:


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Hello, may I call you Nori? It's much easier than Ebenz47037..

I have a question. You said that moving away from Central California to Indiana was the best move that you ever made.

Would you mind elaborating on that and getting specific? I appreciate it.

Also, were you from Bakersfield?

I lived in Bakersfield about 23 years ago. Then, I moved up to the Modesto area. I lived in the small towns (for California) surrounding Modesto (Ceres, Riverbank, Hilmar, Turlock) until I met my late husband in 1993. From 1993 to 1999, I lived in Modesto.