I'm not sure I understand why Jesus would need or have faith?
This is what I understand faith to be.
Heb. 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Which just might be pointing to the possibility that some aspect or another is lacking either within your study approach, or hers (on this particular issue, as such "aspects" tend to be on a case by case).
In this case, I would say the aspect lacking in study approach is yours, not hers.
Her assertion reveals she rightly approached studying out the word "faith" from within a bit wider frame of reference.
Which will tend to be a bit more objective; will allow one to see that the word "faith" has more than one meaning.
Wider frame of reference - "oh, here is ONE meaning way over in these passages over here...oh, and look, way over on this other side, in these passages over here...here is a DIFFERENT meaning."
Either that, or she just looked the word up, plus some aspect of that.
By the way, Turbbo, when you have a sec, google the following words and take a look at the following pdf...
Here is another one to Google and read.
tmsj19a pdf
Both very worthwhile study approach references.
Rom. 5: 6-8.