Re: Bob Enyart


TOL Subscriber
Wow! God predestine Nag to whine to show the depth of the riches of His wisdom and knowledge. :freak:


Of course! :cloud9:

Besides, I was not "whining," just inquiring . . .and my name is Nang, Polly.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame

Could you be so kind as to explain your confidence in the eschaton and the realization of God's ultimate glory given unsettled theism's tenets regarding God's exhaustive foreknowledge?

If God is genuinely responsive to humans and to the course of history, and if God cannot infallibly know the future free decisions of man, it is in principle impossible for God to know infallibly what He will do in the future as well.

Where then lies your confidence that God's ultimate purposes will be realized?

EDIT: Also, some unsettled theists hold that God can occasionally overrule the free will of His creatures. That is, God can coercively make some things happen to ensure that His ultimate glory is realized. What is your position on this? Do you believe that God will always respect the free will of His creatures or that God will, albeit rarely, overrule the free will of a person or persons?

How was God in awe over what people did? Why did God repent that he made man, if he knew fully everything we would do? The future is partially settled. Can you accept that?

God knows everything there is to know. But he didn't build a race of robots.


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(BTW, be careful with your language. "Predestine" is not exactly synonomous with "preordain.")

Please explain the difference.

Of course! :cloud9:

Besides, I was not "whining," just inquiring . . .and my name is Nang, Polly.

Oh spare us the "cloud9" supposed resting assurance. I pretended I rested in this for years when it really wasn't the case. I just thought I was being pleasing to God in claiming that it gave me rest.

So does God predestine/preordain people to sin to fulfill His purpose?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
No, hence the screen name. But maybe you just wanted the debate, and not really the answer?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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If God is in control, and God works out all things according to His will, what are you questioning?

(BTW, be careful with your language. "Predestine" is not exactly synonomous with "preordain.")

AMR's question of Bob is very good and on point, and succinctly presented. Why don't we wait to see if Bob wants to present a good and succinct answer.

I have always seen Calvinist claim there is a difference yet, in practice, there is no practicle difference.


TOL Subscriber
Please explain the difference.

The word "predestine" is scripturally used only in context of the fate, or "destiny" of the regenerated elect. (See Romans 8:28-30) I believe that God has determined the fate of all men (Romans 9:21-23), and explain to others my belief in "double-predestination," only because the term has become a theological short-hand for describing the belief that God has determined and ordained the fate of all men. But, technically, "predestination" has to do with those elect "in the Beloved." Eph. 1:3-6

To "ordain" is absolute and comprehensive. It means to order, rule, and decree how things are going to be. This describes the power and office of a monarch, a king, or any sovereign ruler, who establishes the proper running of his kingdom.

God, as Sovereign King of the created universe, has ordained all that will occur and result within it and because of it.

So does God predestine/preordain people to sin to fulfill His purpose?

God ordained that angels and men would fail His glory, just because they are created. (God could not create gods, for gods by self-definition are uncreated.) But He created, anyway, in order to eventually provide Godly access for finite beings to His infinite and eternal presence.

In His foreknowledge of all things, God knew that His creatures could not be gods . . .but before He created, a Covenant within the Godhead was established, that testified to save creatures so that they might inherit glory. It was determined before the foundation of the world, that God the Son would come in the likeness of created flesh, in order to eliminate the first Adam's failure, and reconcile creatures with the Creator forever . . .apart from the law of sin.

"So Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him, He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation." Hebrews 9:28

This is what God has predestined for His elect saints.

"And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment . . ." Hebrews 9:27

This is what God has ordained for all ungodly men.


Blessed beyond measure
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God ordained that angels and men would fail His glory, just because they are created.

Well since this is the total opposite of what you say in this thread that you started, you're either lying or just a little warped in the head.


Formerly Shimei!
God works in all things . . .even my "whining" . . .to fulfill His purposes.

"Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out." Romans 12:33

So let me get this straight...

God predestined Bob Enyart to believe in OT and to not participate in TOL enough to your liking to fulfill His purposes, correct?


TOL Subscriber
Well since this is the total opposite of what you say in this thread that you started, you're either lying or just a little warped in the head.

My OP was the words of another, but I fail to see what you consider contradictory.

BTW, I do not appreciate being told I am either a liar or warped, just because you are not up to speed on these subjects. Not nice of you.

Also, I notice that Bob seems to have a team running interference for him . . .why are you people asking distracting questions of me, when Bob was first asked a straight-forward question?

Odd tactics . . .

I am disappointed so far in Bob. Thought he might be able to talk OT for himself, since that is how he makes his living.


TOL Subscriber
So let me get this straight...

God predestined Bob Enyart to believe in OT and to not participate in TOL enough to your liking to fulfill His purposes, correct?

Seems to be so . . . but God might grant Bob repentance. Who knows?

Just to let the team know, from here on out, I will not respond to any more remarks and/or questions, except from Bob.



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
That is funny . . .you think you have outwitted AMR?


When? I musta blinked and missed it!

So far, I see Bob not taking on AMR . . .
Must have. AMR never bothered to respond so I am left to conclude that AMR was unable to respond. :D


TOL Subscriber
Well, it seems the team has run down the clock, and Bob has left the building.

What a hoot . . .:chuckle:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Interesting . . .

I am receiving neg reps, mostly from TOL heirarchy. . .simply because I said I would like to talk to Bob.


Like I bothered Bob, or something?

At this point, I hope Bob does not bother me.

I am too busy and have lost interest . . .


Consider the following...

You walk into a StarBucks because you heard that someone you would like to talk to hangs out there sometimes. By your own admission in the opening post you thought that last time they were there was 2005. You are told by those that work at StarBucks that indeed this person does show up from time to time...but isn't really a regular (and the last time they visited was much sooner than 2005).

However, they tell you that you can almost be guaranteed to talk to this person if you just call them at a 555-5555 at 5:00pm on any day.

You then GET MAD because the person you wanted to talk to isn't at StarBucks and no one there knows when they will be coming back.

They try and calm you down by saying if you really want to talk to this person he has made himself available to talk to anyone at 5:00pm every day at 555-5555.

You, in our ever graceful way, scream NEVER MIND...I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO NOW!

Silly isn't it. That is EXACTLY what you are doing.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Seems to be so . . . but God might grant Bob repentance. Who knows?

Just to let the team know, from here on out, I will not respond to any more remarks and/or questions, except from Bob.

God cannot grant Bob repentance. If God did not preordain that He would give Bob repentance today before the foundations of the earth were set, God could not now grant repentance.