Granite, I despise McCain but have you noticed that most on this forum post seem to hold McCain up to a much HIGHER standard than they hold up Randall Terry?
They go out of their way to locate quotes from 1999 and 2000 that show McCain to be a squishy pro-choice candidate.
Yet they completely just SEEM TO ME to assume that Randall Terry must be good because... well, they said he was on kgov and all. Like that means ANYthing. Like ANY guest or host there was ever admonished for overt sins they were doing but hypocritically preaching against WHILE being a guest or host on the show.
They don't dig for any repentance, they don't seem to want any sign Randall Terry has tried to get his family back whom he walked out on, but they DO immediately accept as his repentance Terry's book that gives us far more details about his losing precious frequent-flyer miles than the wife and children he allegedly walked out on. The book's copyright was 2007... WHERE was his repentance? His printed word is the best place he could have shown it. Instead, someone on this forum has super-secret, insider-only information of Terry's repentance so we're supposed to ignore this jerk's destruction of his family while he PUBLICLY promoted pro-family values?
They keep saying to you that as long as he is actively pro-life they have no issue with him.
I have it on Good authority that a man who does not take care of his own family is worse than an unbeliever (1 Tim 5).
See, WHILE HE WAS ACTIVELY RUNNING FOR OFFICE AS A PRO-LIFE, PRO-FAMILY CANDIDATE and appearing on the requisite TOL-approved LeSea TV show and then the TOL-approved Internet radio show, Randall Terry seemingly was ACTIVELY STEEPED in his adultery. We found out later from the news but NOT from and with NO admonishment from any said TOL-approved TV show or TOL-approved Internet radio show.
But let Gingrich or McCain or Guiliani or any of those heathen Republicans (and they ARE that) show one hair of hypocrisy then it is shouted from the mountain tops!
I hate it when believers hold unGodly men up to a far higher standard than they hold Godly men up to.
Hi dittos. Welcome, and thank you for your observations. Spot on, even if we likely disagree on quite a few significant matters.:cheers:
As I've said before, Terry is a master of pro-life rhetoric and throws red meat to the pro-life crowd. He's a media savvy agent provocateur, and he talks a good game. This is, apparently, enough to pass muster. When you embrace this kind of selective religious moralism, one action is apparently good enough to cancel out another.
This, of course, does zero favors for the arguments against abortion and in fact does massive harm to the entire pro-life movement, as it makes easier for abortion defenders to paint pro-lifers as hypocrites disinterested in applying the very "values" they are promoting.
Terry's hypocrisy is the important thing. He is a liar, a thief, a perjurer, and a con man. As you said, someone here apparently has Double Secret Probation intel of some kind or another, but Terry himself has never expressed remorse for the damage he did, or once indicated he made a mistake or committed a sin as he bilked pro-lifers for dollars, ditched his wife, disgraced the movement, and ran like a coward from his church. Instead, he casts himself consistently as the victim.
It would seem, as you pointed out, that because he happens to be pro-life he is held to a different standard.