Randall Terry in Studio

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Randall Terry in Studio

This is the show from Thursday August 14th, 2008.

There are many people listening right now who say, "Man, I want to serve God. I want to do stuff like Bob's doing but I did this, or I did that and I'm not worthy." ...[God] uses sinners to become saints. ...There is a God who redeems the lives of broken people and makes them into an emerald of beauty in His hands.


* Power in the Park: sponsored by American Right To Life during the 2008 DNC to expose the democrat-supported genocide of black babies. Please plan to come on out during the mornings of the DNC to the Martin Luther King Jr. Park right across from Planned Parenthood's brand new 52,000 mega-abortion facility in yet another minority neighborhood. Speakers include Jesse Lee Peterson, Ambassador Alan Keyes, Clennard Childress (BlackGenocide.org), Matt Trewhella, Bob Enyart, Flip Benham of Operation Rescue, plus a dozen others!
American Right To Life is standing in the gap for unborn babies during the Democratic Nat'l Convention, August 24-27 with Power in the Park, daily from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Denver's Martin Luther King Jr. Park at 38th and Olive. Evening rallies begin at 6:30 p.m. at 10828 Huron St. in Northglenn.

The nation's most powerful speakers, Dr Alan Keyes, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Rev.Clenard Childress and Rev. Flip Benham will come together in Martin Luther King Jr. Park to expose the genocidal roots of Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Party. As a result, one out of every two black babies is aborted, decimating the black population in America.

"Abortion ends more black lives than heart disease, cancer, accidents, AIDS, and violent crime combined. African Americans constitute little more than 12 percent of the population but have more than a third (37 percent) of abortions. That rate has held relatively constant, though in some regions the numbers are much starker; in Mississippi, black women receive some 72 percent of all abortions, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Nationwide, 512 out of every 1,000 black pregnancies end in an abortion. Revealingly enough, roughly 80 percent of Planned Parenthood's abortion centers are in or near minority communities." -Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

Modern day trailblazers, Keith Mason, Kristi Burton and Cal Zastrow of Colorado for Equal Rights will bring us up to date on Amendment 48, the first of its kind in the country which will protect all people from the moment of fertilization.

Other pro life leaders joining us in Denver will be:
Pastor Kevin Swanson, host of Generations Radio and President of Christian Home Educators of CO
Pastor Geno Geraci, Calvary South & radio host of Crosswalk 94.7 FM
Brian Rohrbough, president of American Right to Life - americanrighttolife.org
Pastor Joe Riccobono, president of Colorado Right to Life - coloradorighttolife.org
Bishop Phillip H. Porter is the founder of All Nations Pentecostal Church of God in Christ in Aurora
Pastor Bob Enyart of Denver Bible Church and radio talk show host, KGOV.com
Pastor Dale Sochia from New Orleans
Will Duffy, the founder of the Collaborator's Project- keeppeaceinstapleton.com
Pastor Matt Trewhella of Missionaries to the Preborn- missionariestopreborn.com
Steve Curtis, President of American Right to Life Action- artlaction.com
Jill Stanek, pro life nurse, hero, and blogger- jillstanek.com
Ron Brock, truth truck driver- truthtruckusa.com
Ken and Jo Scott, directors of Pro Life Colorado

And Dr. Alveda King will be there also, speaking in the same park, but with another pro-life group. PRAISE THE LORD!

For hotel accommodations call: Motel 6, (303) 429-1550, 6 West 83rd Pl., Thornton Colorado, at I-25 at 84th Ave, Exit #219, and ask to reserve a room reserved in the name of Colorado RTL.

For more info, call Jo Scott
American RTL
303 550-8170 or

Sponsor a Sheet: Can you sponsor a sheet? For any size contribution to help this project succeed, you can be a sponsor and we'll write your name on a sheet (or a Bible verse or something else). You can click to donate to American RTL to help fund the $5,000 Sheets of Shame project or call 1-888-888-ARTL!

Clinton Watch: American RTL will have photographers taking pictures of democrats entering Denver's strip joints during the DNC. You can be a sponsor of the ARTL Clinton Watch support project with a donation of any size. Whatever the amount, you can click to donate to American RTL to help fund the Clinton Watch or call 1-888-888-ARTL!

* Post-show Note: McDonalds Restaurants officially supported San Francisco's filthy, openly perverse, gay pride parade (photos show the full nudity, sexual gestures, etc., were openly displayed even in front of young children: gross photos abound). Please help Don Wildmon and the AFA BoycottMcDonalds!

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Operation Rescue volunteers are distributing tens of thousands of copies of two separate brochures. The two brochures are respectively entitled:

"Real Solutions for the Negro Problem"


"Is it Immoral to Vote for Obama for President?"
And the crime is...?


New member
Hall of Fame
Perhaps the "crime" is tolerating, encouraging, aiding, and abetting an adulterous lying hypocritical thief like Randall Terry. The guy is an absolute disgrace.

As I asked previously: why does this guy get the time of day? Because last I checked, walking out on your family and kids for something young and tastier isn't exactly in line with what one should expect from a Christian...

Gary North said it best a while ago. In part: "Terry, the founder of Operation Rescue, abandoned his wife of 19 years, along with their four children (three were adopted), and then declared bankruptcy, so that the National Organization of Women would get off his back. This declaration deprived his wife of their home. He then married his assistant, 16 years his junior, age 22. Without informing his followers of what he had done to his wife and children, he sent out a fund-raising letter to his supporters, who responded faithfully, whereupon he bought a $432,000 home -- not in New York state, where he could see his children regularly, but in Florida, where the state's bankruptcy laws don't permit creditors to get your home."

Classy. I don't think even John Edwards, Eliot Spitzer, or even Rudy himself had quite this much gall or audacity. Yet this man presumes to speak with some kind of moral authority. I'm not sure why anyone should pay attention to what this creature says about abortion (or anything else) considering his track record (or the hatred he expresses towards his own children these days, for that matter).



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I'm familiar with his past, Granite. You changed the subject. After I responded to a free speech article you linked to, you ignored that issue.


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I'm familiar with his past, Granite. You changed the subject. After I responded to a free speech article you linked to, you ignored that issue.

The man's past has direct bearing on whatever moral standing or lack thereof he brings to whatever pet subject he decides to pontificate on. Endorsing or supporing an adulterous, thieving, lying wretch and pretending his past doesn't matter might be okay in your book, but it isn't in mine.

Free speech isn't the issue. The issue is whether or not a deceptive waste of skin like Randall Terry should be listened to, period, or supported in any way, shape, or form. This isn't a man I'd consider let pet my dog let alone invite into my company to hop onto a soapbox. Yet your "familiarity" with his past--his past; how cute! A guy ditches his family and kids, steals money from his followers, then goes on whistling without a word of or indication of remorse--evidently doesn't do enough to even get you annoyed or offended with the man.

Given his "past" I wonder what Randall would have to do in order for you or Enyart to stop considering him good company or a moral authority.


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The man's past has direct bearing on whatever moral standing or lack thereof he brings to whatever pet subject he decides to pontificate on. Endorsing or supporing an adulterous, thieving, lying wretch and pretending his past doesn't matter might be okay in your book, but it isn't in mine.

Free speech isn't the issue. The issue is whether or not a deceptive waste of skin like Randall Terry should be listened to, period, or supported in any way, shape, or form. This isn't a man I'd consider let pet my dog let alone invite into my company to hop onto a soapbox. Yet your "familiarity" with his past--his past; how cute! A guy ditches his family and kids, steals money from his followers, then goes on whistling without a word of or indication of remorse--evidently doesn't do enough to even get you annoyed or offended with the man.

Given his "past" I wonder what Randall would have to do in order for you or Enyart to stop considering him good company or a moral authority.

I understand your point Granite. It reminds me of the Clinton fiasco. A portion of the population said it didn't matter that he was a lying cheating adulterer...as long as he could run the country. Another portion said that it did matter that he was a lying, cheating, adulterer regardless of how well the ran the country.

I guess the matter comes down to if the person is repentent and condemns their past and has tried to make ammends to those he has wronged (of which I do not know).


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I thought I made that pretty clear with my comments in the post: yet another example of how tasteless this man is, to say nothing of how self-serving he is now and always has been.

"Consider the messenger" comes to mind, as does the addage about taking something with a grain of salt. In Terry's case you might be advised to use a lot more than the proverbial grain. But you don't seem capable or willing to even criticize the man. Evidently a narcissistic nincompoop who destroys his family but cloaks himself in the right rhetoric is eligible for a pass.


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I thought I made that pretty clear with my comments in the post: yet another example of how tasteless this man is, to say nothing of how self-serving he is now and always has been.
So what's so tasteless about the 2 brochures he's distributing?


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Hall of Fame
So what's so tasteless about the 2 brochures he's distributing?

I don't consider the use of an antiquated word associated with Jim Crow to be in good taste (especially when it seems he's once again spoiling for a fight and is using incendiary language to bring attention to himself). Then again Terry's not known for good taste, even when he's not trying to hand off a dead child's corpse to a presidential candidate.

Just keep in mind that I'm not the one changing the subject, Jefferson. You are. The fact that you're not trying to defend the man says either you can't, or you don't think he needs defending.

Sweet Pea

New member
Perhaps the "crime" is tolerating, encouraging, aiding, and abetting an adulterous lying hypocritical thief like Randall Terry. The guy is an absolute disgrace.

As I asked previously: why does this guy get the time of day? Because last I checked, walking out on your family and kids for something young and tastier isn't exactly in line with what one should expect from a Christian...

Gary North said it best a while ago. In part: "Terry, the founder of Operation Rescue, abandoned his wife of 19 years, along with their four children (three were adopted), and then declared bankruptcy, so that the National Organization of Women would get off his back. This declaration deprived his wife of their home. He then married his assistant, 16 years his junior, age 22. Without informing his followers of what he had done to his wife and children, he sent out a fund-raising letter to his supporters, who responded faithfully, whereupon he bought a $432,000 home -- not in New York state, where he could see his children regularly, but in Florida, where the state's bankruptcy laws don't permit creditors to get your home."

Classy. I don't think even John Edwards, Eliot Spitzer, or even Rudy himself had quite this much gall or audacity. Yet this man presumes to speak with some kind of moral authority. I'm not sure why anyone should pay attention to what this creature says about abortion (or anything else) considering his track record (or the hatred he expresses towards his own children these days, for that matter).


That is frankly disgusting! I didn't know he had been such a sleaze to his own family. Blech.


Sweet Pea

New member
I thought I made that pretty clear with my comments in the post: yet another example of how tasteless this man is, to say nothing of how self-serving he is now and always has been.

"Consider the messenger" comes to mind, as does the addage about taking something with a grain of salt. In Terry's case you might be advised to use a lot more than the proverbial grain. But you don't seem capable or willing to even criticize the man. Evidently a narcissistic nincompoop who destroys his family but cloaks himself in the right rhetoric is eligible for a pass.

"You must spread some Reputation around..."


Sweet Pea

New member
I understand your point Granite. It reminds me of the Clinton fiasco. A portion of the population said it didn't matter that he was a lying cheating adulterer...as long as he could run the country. Another portion said that it did matter that he was a lying, cheating, adulterer regardless of how well the ran the country.

I guess the matter comes down to if the person is repentent and condemns their past and has tried to make ammends to those he has wronged (of which I do not know).

The difference is that Clinton wasn't playing morally superior. He wasn't trying to proclaim his own POV on things so much better than everyone else's that others should be forced by law to live by them.

One can't present oneself as "pro-family" while ditching his wife and kids for a 22 year old.



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The difference is that Clinton wasn't playing morally superior. He wasn't trying to proclaim his own POV on things so much better than everyone else's that others should be forced by law to live by them.

One can't present oneself as "pro-family" while ditching his wife and kids for a 22 year old.


...one would think. But evidently so long as he says the right things and promises to annoy the right people, all's well.


Staff member
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I don't consider the use of an antiquated word associated with Jim Crow to be in good taste (especially when it seems he's once again spoiling for a fight and is using incendiary language to bring attention to himself). Then again Terry's not known for good taste, even when he's not trying to hand off a dead child's corpse to a presidential candidate.
"The Negro Problem" was a term used by Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger. The "problem" in question, according to those racists, was (and still is) too many black people. Terry is using their racism against them. What's wrong with that?

Just keep in mind that I'm not the one changing the subject, Jefferson. You are. The fact that you're not trying to defend the man says either you can't, or you don't think he needs defending.
I don't need to defend someone who says he has repented.


New member
Hall of Fame
"The Negro Problem" was a term used by Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger. The "problem" in question, according to those racists, was (and still is) too many black people. Terry is using their racism against them. What's wrong with that?

I don't need to defend someone who says he has repented.

I'm aware of the phrase's origins. But I wouldn't use "the Jewish Question" in any context given how loaded it is. Same thing here. Besides, this is all about Terry: Come watch him get arrested (he hopes).

When, where, and how did this lying thieving destructive wanton wretch "repent"? He didn't happen to send the money he fleeced back to his supporters, did he? Who did he "repent" to? The children he doesn't speak to? The wife he betrayed? The church he fled from when they attempted to discipline him? Did he offer an apology to the people he defrauded and betrayed? We should all have it so good: walk out on your wife for some cute young thing, ditch your kids, move out of state so you can't have your new six-figure home taken from you, and ask for a hand out in order to jumpstart a new life. But hey! Raise your hand, say you're sorry, and assure everyone that "you're forgiven," and all's well. Nice racket.

Tell me, was Terry a Christian during, before, or after he committed adultery and walked out on his family?

Sweet Pea

New member
I'm aware of the phrase's origins. But I wouldn't use "the Jewish Question" in any context given how loaded it is. Same thing here. Besides, this is all about Terry: Come watch me get arrested (he hopes).

When, where, and how did this lying thieving destructive wanton wretch "repent"? He didn't happen to send the money he fleeced back to his supporters, did he? Who did he "repent" to? The children he doesn't speak to? The wife he betrayed? The church he fled from when they attempted to discipline him? Did he offer an apology to the people he defrauded and betrayed? We should all have it so good: walk out on your wife for some cute young thing, ditch your kids, move out of state so you can't have your new six-figure home taken from you, and ask for a hand out in order to jumpstart a new life. But hey! Raise your hand, say you're sorry, and assure everyone that "you're forgiven," and all's well. Nice racket for the moral majority.

I'd like to know where the evidence is that he has "repented" for ANYTHING. He's not back with his wife, he hasn't returned the money he got fraudulently, he hasn't done *anything* to make amends for his actions. I could *say* I've "repented" for a lot of things but if my actions don't reflect it, as far as I'm concerned, it's not real.


Sweet Pea

New member
...one would think. But evidently so long as he says the right things and promises to annoy the right people, all's well.

"Annoy the right people" is what it's all about. One of your links mentioned some stuff about taking pics of Democrats entering strip clubs. WHO CARES...it's not the Democrats painting themselves as moral authorities; it's those like Terry! And HE has shown by his ACTIONS, not just watching exotic dancers or supporting legislation that isn't popular with his "crowd", but disregarding his marriage vows and leaving his children for a 22 year old sweetie.

Betcha he blathers on ad nauseum about how gays are "destroying the institution of marriage" too...:dead:

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