Racism in America


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

The Institutionalized White Guilt Complex which supports and enables black racist violence against whites LINK

More secular humanist legislation and electing race-baiting liberal leaders is not the answer to the race problems that is tearing apart our once great nation.

It seems like you might be tired of hearing about racism toward blacks and are attempting in your post to denigrate racism by pointing out reverse racism.

I wanted to point out what people haven't heard nor will hear from your liberal lamestream media. There is racism in this country and the current leaders and culture are the cause of it.

Folks have been aware for years that racism goes both ways. People are condemned because of their skin color.

I've provided a solution in numerous posts, but you liberals just don't want to listen.

I think this knowledge of white and black racism is difficult to take in because of the fact of so much denial and white privilege.

It didn't take long, but the racist in you finally came out: "white privilege". Granted the Kennedy's and the Biden's are privileged white folk (many of the Kennedy's were born with a silver coke spoon in their mouths), but I had to work for everything that I have and of my friends who are white, they did as well.

Your post seems to be an angry reaction against some real "white guilt" you may be unsuccessfully trying to tamp down.

Am I making any sense to you?

The entire thread is dedicated to white guilt ridden liberals like yourself who just can't seem to play the race card enough.


There are "2805 [documented] victims of lynch mobs killed between 1882 and 1930 in ten southern states. Although mobs murdered almost 300 white men and women, the vast majority almost 2,500 of lynch victims were African-American.

Of these black victims, 94 percent died in the hands of white lynch mobs. The scale of this carnage means that, on the average, a black man, woman, or child was murdered nearly once a week, every week, between 1882 and 1930 by a hate-driven white mob."

Black Victims of White Lynch Mobs by State, 1882-1930

State No. of victims
Deep South
Mississippi 462

Georgia 423

Louisiana 283

Alabama 262

South Carolina 143

Border South
Florida 212

Tennessee 174

Arkansas 162

Kentucky 118

North Carolina 75

- almost 2,500 of lynch victims were African-American.

- 94 percent died in the hands of white lynch mobs

-average(s) a black man, woman, or child was murdered nearly once a week, every week, between 1882 and 1930

"Black" on "white" violence is so minuscule compared to "white" on "black" lynchings by white mobs that "aCultureWarrior" should be embarrassed to even mention it.


And now a few more words from a white liberal guilt ridden race baiter:

Black Victims of White Lynch Mobs by State, 1882-1930...

Thank you ole white liberal guilt ridden race baiter for showing that there was definitely a dark side to American history when it came to race relations.

The OP has shown that things have changed:

For perspective, a total of 40 people were murdered by white racists in the South in the Civil Rights Era, 1954 to 1968, according the national Civil Rights Memorial LINK

but you racist baby murderers are concentrating now on those who can't fight back.

Klanned Parenthood: Because lynching is for amateurs

Now that you've done your very best to keep the racial flames alive ole white liberal guilt ridden race baiter, do you have any solutions to the problems that America currently faces when it comes to race relations?


More secular humanist legislation and electing race-baiting liberal leaders is not the answer to the race problems that is tearing apart our once great nation.
Facing some difficult truths about America's racism is dislocating many folks' inherent racism. The response to this information undoubtedly feels destructive to many citizens' idea of what America represents.

I wanted to point out what people haven't heard nor will hear from your liberal lamestream media. There is racism in this country and the current leaders and culture are the cause of it.
If you are going to continue to grasp onto your generalization that I am a liberal, then I am one liberal among many that can easily acknowledge racism within everyone on either side or in any group.

To me your anger and defensiveness is pretty transparent. And it's not uncommon for the accused to reflexively blame others who challenge our strongly held cultural beliefs.

I've provided a solution in numerous posts, but you liberals just don't want to listen.
Speaking personally, if you still consider it part of your mission to label me as a liberal (which I am decidedly not in many ways) then you must prove how my posts exhibit ignoring or not listening to your beliefs.

It didn't take long, but the racist in you finally came out: "white privilege". Granted the Kennedy's and the Biden's are privileged white folk (many of the Kennedy's were born with a silver coke spoon in their mouths), but I had to work for everything that I have and of my friends who are white, they did as well.
Again, your remarks about white privilege and preference tell me you are as yet unwilling or unable to be accountable for your own racism.

The entire thread is dedicated to white guilt ridden liberals like yourself who just can't seem to play the race card enough.
Your idea that American citizens' recognizing racism in themselves and others is somehow wrong merely tells me you have not yet found self-reflection helpful for you.

Speaking as a Christian, I believe it is essential that we all recognize the giant logs in our own eyes before we try and point out the tiny bits of sawdust in our neighbors'.

By the way, I am able to freely admit to my own racism and bigotry and to me that is a first necessary step to doing something about systemic indignities to others.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

More secular humanist legislation and electing race-baiting liberal leaders is not the answer to the race problems that is tearing apart our once great nation.

Facing some difficult truths about America's racism is dislocating many folks' inherent racism...

So God made man with an inherent hatred of other people's skin color? And here I was giving you white guilt ridden liberal race baiters full credit for that.

BTW, I must have missed your solution to the problem of racism in America in your long winded and ever so boring reply.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So God made man with an inherent hatred of other people's skin color? And here I was giving you white guilt ridden liberal race baiters full credit for that.
As any careful reader of the Bible can discover, there are traditions that welcome the stranger and other traditions that advocate killing the stranger.

It depends on your personal opinion as to the character and passion of the God you see revealed in Jesus.

BTW, I must have missed your solution to the problem of racism in America in your long winded and ever so boring reply.
I apologize for stating my opinion in a way that has apparently turned you off.

I meant to merely echo the truth that the first and necessary step to all cultural change is to start by being accountable for one's own contribution to the problem before us.

To the extent that we live in a racist society means that to that same extent we are all responsible. No one is to blame. But we are all accountable.

Does that make better sense to you?


New member
Your are a lying piece if hateful low, life scum aren't you?

Take your lies, distortions and half truths and shove them where the Son down shine.

By the way i'm sure opinions, agendas and deciept make Jesus want to vomit.

How far/deep would you like research/digging into the origins of "racism" to go? This is actually what would make Jesus the Christ or anyone else vomit. It is unfortunate that most appear oblivious to the origins of racism that was downright murderous in intent, and cold-blooded and calculating.

Do you know what "origins" i am referring to?

Thank you kindly.


Originally Posted by This Charming Manc
Your are a lying piece if hateful low, life scum aren't you?

Take your lies, distortions and half truths and shove them where the Son down shine.

By the way i'm sure opinions, agendas and deciept make Jesus want to vomit.

How far/deep would you like research/digging into the origins of "racism" to go? This is actually what would make Jesus the Christ or anyone else vomit. It is unfortunate that most appear oblivious to the origins of racism that was downright murderous in intent, and cold-blooded and calculating.

Do you know what "origins" i am referring to?

Thank you kindly.

Thanks for bringing up TCM's name again, as I really want to know if he knew of comrade Nelson and Winnie Mandela's practice of "necklacing" during his liberal journey to now communist South Africa.

I'd like to know if he stood alongside comrade Nelson when he and others communists sang about murdering white people.


Or if he knows anything about the genocide of white South African farmers (over 1,500 of them).


I fear that the truth scared comrade TCM away. I hope that your post brings him back.


Originally Posted by This Charming Manc
Your are a lying piece if hateful low, life scum aren't you?

Take your lies, distortions and half truths and shove them where the Son down shine.

By the way i'm sure opinions, agendas and deciept make Jesus want to vomit.

Thanks for bringing up TCM's name again, as I really want to know if he knew of comrade Nelson and Winnie Mandela's practice of "necklacing" during his liberal journey to now communist South Africa.

I'd like to know if he stood alongside comrade Nelson when he and others communists sang about murdering white people.


Or if he knows anything about the genocide of white South African farmers (over 1,500 of them).


I fear that the truth scared comrade TCM away. I hope that your post brings him back.
Does "theologyonline.com" require a minimum IQ to participate on its forums?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So God made man with an inherent hatred of other people's skin color? And here I was giving you white guilt ridden liberal race baiters full credit for that.

As any careful reader of the Bible can discover, there are traditions that welcome the stranger and other traditions that advocate killing the stranger.

You'd better read the Bible more carefully, as I believe you're talking about the subject of immigration and not race relations.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
BTW, I must have missed your solution to the problem of racism in America in your long winded and ever so boring reply.

I apologize for stating my opinion in a way that has apparently turned you off.

I'm used to dealing with white guilt ridden race baiting liberals.

I meant to merely echo the truth that the first and necessary step to all cultural change is to start by being accountable for one's own contribution to the problem before us.

To the extent that we live in a racist society means that to that same extent we are all responsible. No one is to blame. But we are all accountable.

So the Christian who loves his neighbor as he loves himself and doesn't see skin color but only sees what kind of character each individual has is as responsible for racism in America as the Paulbot KKK and the Obama/Malcolm X black nationalists?

Does that make better sense to you?

You're still batting 100 when it comes to your racist ideology.


We've been putting up with your moron IQ level posts for years now jgarden, so the answer is no.
It was a rhetorical question - the fact that "theologyonline.com" continues to regale us with his "pearls of wisdom" is testament to the the fact that their are no minimum requirements!




You'd better read the Bible more carefully, as I believe you're talking about the subject of immigration and not race relations.
I am talking about the stranger, the "other," the enemy, the "less-than human."

The conservative. The Jew. The Muslim. The Christian. The liberal.

The immigrant, the African American, the homosexual.

I'm used to dealing with white guilt ridden race baiting liberals.
I certainly feel guilt for my bigotry and racism. I guess I am just surprise that you apparently feel nothing.

So the Christian who loves his neighbor as he loves himself and doesn't see skin color but only sees what kind of character each individual has is as responsible for racism in America as the Paulbot KKK and the Obama/Malcolm X black nationalists?
How does one, pray tell, NOT see skin color?
Last edited:


Since I highly doubt that This Charming Manc will respond to the post that started your brilliant observations, would you care to take a shot at it?


You're not the only white person who finds it difficult to recognize and identify how historical policies have shaped their communities and their position in life.

You were born into it and so you do not recognize it.


Two young fish were swimming along one morning and met an older fish coming their way.

"Morning boys," said the older fish. "How's the water?"

The two continued on swimming for awhile and finally one fish said to the other "What the hell is water?"


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So the Christian who loves his neighbor as he loves himself and doesn't see skin color but only sees what kind of character each individual has is as responsible for racism in America as the Paulbot KKK and the Obama/Malcolm X black nationalists?

How does one, pray tell, NOT see skin color?

If you ever decided to take the Christian faith seriously, you'll find that you'll look past outward appearances, be it skin color or physical handicaps, and only see the Godly character* deep down inside of the person that you're interacting with.

* How to build a Godly character

"Build Godly character by remaining faithful to what is right in spite of pulls to the contrary. Be of great faith and a spiritual man who is pleasing to God. We must resist temptations to do things we know we should not. We live by faith that God will give us the strength to endure whatever trials we face in this life. But when we compromise we tear down that character. Every time we give in, we find it that much harder to resist giving in the next time we face temptation. Sin becomes our master always placing us in slavery.

We need to be sure that what we do is out of faith and confidence that it is right and acceptable to God or not do it at all. We need to be sure our motives are right and our conscience remains clear in everything we do. For this reason it is vital that we properly educate our conscience so that it is in accordance with God’s Word, the Bible."


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So the Christian who loves his neighbor as he loves himself and doesn't see skin color but only sees what kind of character each individual has is as responsible for racism in America as the Paulbot KKK and the Obama/Malcolm X black nationalists?

If you ever decided to take the Christian faith seriously, you'll find that you'll look past outward appearances, be it skin color or physical handicaps, and only see the Godly character* deep down inside of the person that you're interacting with.

* How to build a Godly character

"Build Godly character by remaining faithful to what is right in spite of pulls to the contrary. Be of great faith and a spiritual man who is pleasing to God. We must resist temptations to do things we know we should not. We live by faith that God will give us the strength to endure whatever trials we face in this life. But when we compromise we tear down that character. Every time we give in, we find it that much harder to resist giving in the next time we face temptation. Sin becomes our master always placing us in slavery.

We need to be sure that what we do is out of faith and confidence that it is right and acceptable to God or not do it at all. We need to be sure our motives are right and our conscience remains clear in everything we do. For this reason it is vital that we properly educate our conscience so that it is in accordance with God’s Word, the Bible."
I very rarely am unable to ignore skin color. That's just the way I am wired. I am also rarely able to speak with nonviolent communication. Or refrain from judging others.

I do not believe those struggles brand me as not a Christian. That's because the struggles themselves are all about myself as a human being trying to more closely model Jesus.


I very rarely am unable to ignore skin color. That's just the way I am wired.

You've allowed yourself to become that way, you weren't wired that way by God.

I am also rarely able to speak with nonviolent communication. Or refrain from judging others.

Unfortunately, you don't righteously judge others according to God's standards.

I do not believe those struggles brand me as not a Christian. That's because the struggles themselves are all about myself as a human being trying to more closely model Jesus.

All Christians are a work in progress, it's just that some have progressed (towards being more like Jesus) than others.

Based on the numerous posts that you've written in different threads that we've shared, I'd say that you have a long way to go.


You've allowed yourself to become that way, you weren't wired that way by God.
I sadly agree with you. Inhumanity to others is learned. But so is compassion and kindness.

Unfortunately, you don't righteously judge others according to God's standards.
I try to follow the standards of God revealed in the life and death of Jesus. The character of his God does not judge. The idea of a judging, jealous God of justice is a more newer tradition.

The God of Jesus is an embodiment of the epic morality of socialism and structural change that can be found throughout the Hebrew Bible (what we call the "Old" Testament). In fact, of all the world's historical faith leaders, only Jesus of Nazareth has the passion of social activism.

All Christians are a work in progress, it's just that some have progressed (towards being more like Jesus) than others.
I agree. I think that is self evident.

Based on the numerous posts that you've written in different threads that we've shared, I'd say that you have a long way to go.
I agree. I respect your opinion and interpretation. There is much truth in what you have said here.


I try to follow the standards of God revealed in the life and death of Jesus. The character of his God does not judge. The idea of a judging, jealous God of justice is a more newer tradition.

You had better get yourself a new Bible because God is all about righteous judgment (read the Ten Commandments for a start) and expects mankind to do so as well.

If you think I'm just talking about the God of the Old Testament, then you haven't read the New Testament either.