Racism, Bigotry and Misogyny at TOL


There are only three ways a marriage can be made null:

Adultery, abandonment, or death.

Good luck seeing that respected in our now Babylonian society- and among those who have the biblical understanding of a rock :rolleyes:


New member
There are only three ways a marriage can be made null:

Adultery, abandonment, or death.

Good luck seeing that respected in our now Babylonian society- and among those who have the biblical understanding of a rock :rolleyes:

Interesting that you criticise the understanding of others, yet misuse the language of marriage nullity.

A marriage cannot be made null, since a declaration of nullity means that the marriage was not ever a valid one, that there was never a marriage. Death 'ends' a valid marriage, while adultery and abandonment are grounds for 'ending' a valid marriage, but don't cause it to be annulled.


New member
Cool story.

When putting some sense back into an out of control person, in your own home no less, warrants a criminal prosecution, then there is an oppressive nature within the law.

You can sit there with your frankly elementary morals all you want, but in the end I've always been right on this and you all are just desperate to conceal reality. That's why you all do as you do- like on that thread when you thanked Cruciform on a debate pertaining to papal infallibility.
You thanked him because he was against me, not because you believe in the damn infallibility of Francis.

I'm not imagining a thing, so stop acting as if I am- you few hate the truth, and therefore make it a point to go against me despite having no real argument.

Exactly how much is permissible to get your spouse under control? A slap? A shove?


Well-known member
There are only three ways a marriage can be made null:

Adultery, abandonment, or death.

Good luck seeing that respected in our now Babylonian society- and among those who have the biblical understanding of a rock :rolleyes:

Those are laws for 'the dead'.

. . . and Jesus instructed, 'let the dead bury their dead'.

Christians are instructed to leave you guys to your own kind.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I consider 'battery' as doing actual, purposeful harm to a person.
And as with so many things, you're wrong.

The shenanigans that go on in those court rooms is enough to make a reasonable person's blood boil- people being prosecuted on ridiculous semantics.
People are actually prosecuted over violations of laws that aren't hard to understand, over conduct that isn't hard to object to.

But you all aren't reasonable- that much is clear. It all comes down to dumping whatever blame you can on a man who makes the slightest mistake.
No, it's just not about excusing someone for breaking the law and dumping blame on an entire gender because you have a grudge and redefining statutes and dictionaries to manage it.

I don't need to justify that, because it justifies itself.
A neat circle, logically speaking.

We are in a relatively recent age of insanity that never existed in the 'law' before- it used to be sensible, now it is absurd.
Said the fellow as his wife went to cast a vote.

two rebellious women
:plain: Are you sure you don't want to go with 'uppity'?


Well-known member
Right ... so you agree that whoever commits adultery is in the wrong ...

Only among the dead who bury their dead. And possibly under the law of some lands. That 'adultery law' is one of the ten commandment which was found to be unto death and under which one brought forth only children of the flesh and no children of God. So it was found to be a curse, 2000 odd years ago. However that law is suited to the 'dead' who, at any event, is already 'the dead'.

Romans: 3 KJV N.T.
19 Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.

Adultery is not wrong among those who follow Jesus. In fact it is required so that one always serve in the newness of spirit.

Romans: 8 King James Version (KJV)
2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

In fact those who follow Jesus must routinely commit adultery in order to obey the Spirit of Jesus unconditionally.

Romans: 7 KJV N.T.
5 For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.
6 But now we are delivered from the law (the thou shall not covet commandment), that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter (i.e. not in the oldness of the thou shall not covert commandment)
7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.
10 And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death.

. . . In the same way that Abraham had to transgress the thou shall not kill commandment. And in the same way that Rahab had to transgress the thou shall not bear false witness commandment.

And in the same way that newly spiritually aware people must transgress the thou shall not covet commandment so as to serve in the newness of spirit.


Religious ideals and laws are different for different people. And this is appropriate. This give rise to many religions. Religions are anchored on intellectual theories for managing the spiritually dead. These are anchored on duality. Religions are for 'the (spiritually) dead'. However religions are also supposed to guide one to spiritual awareness.

However beyond all religions is spirit. And the laws of spirit are all exactly the same. These are beyond duality.

Becoming spiritually aware and in Christ is about a spiritual life that is free from duality. The doing away of the ten commandment is the doing away of duality which is the aim of and which anchored, all spiritual traditions.

Being led by the Spirit of Jesus, which is the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Intercession/Spirit of Love, transcend all religions. It is the aim of all religions to bring their charges to this place.

The Spirit of Jesus/Spirit of Truth/Spirit of intercession/Spirit of Love has no identity that can belong to any one tradition. It is the same Spirit at the cord of all spiritual traditions among all people.

If you embrace the Spirit of Jesus, you embrace the same divine Spirit of your tradition (if it is different).

The physical, 'seen' and eternal, son of man Jesus is not Lord. He makes for one religion that is appropriate only for one set of people. The Spirit, 'not seen', Son of God, Lord Jesus, is different and makes for an eternal, unbounded and all encompassing spiritual tradition.

Religions are diverse and they separate people. Religions are for the physically oriented who cannot discern their direct connection with everyone. Spirituality does the opposite. Spiritual awareness bring one into awareness of his live and direct connection with all humans.

At the latter spirit level, one discern the unbounded (universal) relevance of the Spirit of Jesus.
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Those are laws for 'the dead'.

. . . and Jesus instructed, 'let the dead bury their dead'.

Christians are instructed to leave you guys to your own kind.

You are insanely wrong, sitting here saying that adultery is okay as long as you believe in Jesus.

What drug are you on, seriously? The New Testament is very clear on adultery, and it is utterly against your nonsense.

~Corinthians 6:9-10~
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

Guess who's deceived?


People are actually prosecuted over violations of laws that aren't hard to understand, over conduct that isn't hard to object to.

When you turn throwing a wet tissue paper at someone into a nailed bat swung to the face, of course that dramatized account sounds like something to prosecute.

No, it's just not about excusing someone for breaking the law and dumping blame on an entire gender because you have a grudge and redefining statutes and dictionaries to manage it.

'Breaking the law', as in 'battery' meaning a slight wind brushing a cheek.

Said the fellow as his wife went to cast a vote.

Yeah, justify the oppressive nature of domestic courts on men because women wanted to vote after leaving their families almost a century ago. No matter what, there's always some way to justify you all's insanity :rolleyes:

:plain: Are you sure you don't want to go with 'uppity'?

Are you sure you don't want to go with 'goddesses'? Because you hold them higher than yourself, and they are your dictator.

I would love for the biblical Patriarchs to come back and tell men like you what fools you are.


Hall of Fame
Right ... so you agree that whoever commits adultery is in the wrong ...

Only among the dead who bury their dead.

Uh huh. My comment wasn't about dead people, but rather LIVING, MARRIED individuals who cheat on their spouses.

You are insanely wrong, sitting here saying that adultery is okay as long as you believe in Jesus.

What drug are you on, seriously? The New Testament is very clear on adultery, and it is utterly against your nonsense.

This ... from the guy who always makes excuses for men for committing adultery by placing the blame on women. You have no authority to lecture anyone.


Uh huh. My comment wasn't about dead people, but rather LIVING, MARRIED individuals who cheat on their spouses.

This ... from the guy who always makes excuses for men for committing adultery by placing the blame on women. You have no authority to lecture anyone.

I've never said adultery is okay, I always clearly pointed out that adultery is more likely to occur among marriages in which women use sex as a device of control. In which case, it is a slight mitigation and, as well, the wife is not blameless.

It is why the Bible teaches, outright, that withholding sex is a detriment to marriage. The Patriarchs were known for polygamy, and they could not withhold sex for a favorite wife- there is a consistent theme in which when you play at desires and jealousy, you are being sinful.

I have never held to being an 'authority' on 'lecture'. You're just as black and white as a zebra, is all, who consistently tries to seek out justification for ridiculous comments such as what you just made.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
When you turn throwing a wet tissue paper at someone into a nailed bat swung to the face, of course that dramatized account sounds like something to prosecute.
Which of course isn't what happened or ever happens, except in the illustrations of people who have to attempt to make a thing look absurd that really isn't in order to deride what they really shouldn't.

'Breaking the law', as in 'battery' meaning a slight wind brushing a cheek.
Not if you understand or mean to understand the law, which you've amply demonstrated is the case with you...I mean, if you bothered to know what you were talking about you'd have to change your opinion.


Interesting that you criticise the understanding of others, yet misuse the language of marriage nullity.

A marriage cannot be made null, since a declaration of nullity means that the marriage was not ever a valid one, that there was never a marriage. Death 'ends' a valid marriage, while adultery and abandonment are grounds for 'ending' a valid marriage, but don't cause it to be annulled.

'Nullify' means to 'invalidate'.

I don't go by the Catholic definition, which is entirely altered for the RCC's control.

Oh, and if you want to up your 'thanks' count, just keep striving against me and Rusha will give you as many as her mouse button holds out :rolleyes:

Interesting that you would defend them, and yet pretend to care about biblical marriage.


Well-known member
Uh huh. My comment wasn't about dead people, but rather LIVING, MARRIED individuals who cheat on their spouses.

This ... from the guy who always makes excuses for men for committing adultery by placing the blame on women. You have no authority to lecture anyone.

Bottom line: spiritually dead people are different from spiritually aware people. The former is obliged to esteem the 'thou shall not commit adultery" commandment. The latter has God given freedom, liberty and justification to transgress the 'thou shall not commit adultery" commandment and not get sin but instead, be glorified by God.

'The dead' does not mean a corpse. 'The dead' means, 'spiritually dead' but physically alive. These are carnal and/or natural people. They are children of the flesh, like Ishmael. They know only about physical sex. They do not know about love motivated sex. Love is a component of spirit and Spirit. Love is a thing of God. In fact God is Love. A natural man cannot know love. A natural man can know only lust/carnality.

1 John: 4 King James Version (KJV)
8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

The natural man, being spiritually dead, would not know love which is a thing of God. However he would mistake other things to be love:

1 Corinthians 2 KJV N.T.
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned

There are many spiritually dead/natural people in live marriages. These are only carnal marriages. Spiritually dead people can have only this carnal type of marriage. They cannot have spirit/love marriages. So these carnal/loveless/spiritless marriages are valid marriages but only until one becomes spiritually aware.

When one becomes spiritually aware one has God given freedom, liberty and justification to walk away from these old carnal/loveless/spiritless marriages and form new marriages with new spouses according to urging of spirit/love.

If one was spiritually dead and became spiritually aware, one will not be able to stay in his old loveless/carnal marriage which will killeth him. He or she must walk away and form a new union that is anchored on love, which will giveth life. This is described as serving in the newness of spirit/love.

The natural and spontaneous rising and sustaining of love (in one's own heart) for another person can and will always crash one's existing loveless marriage.

There is no natural glue (like God/Love) holding together a carnal/loveless marriage. There is only man imposed, artificial, social and religious conditioning holding such marriage together. It simply crumbles and dissolves easily when God as Love, appears and is sustained, on the scene.

A newly spiritually awaken person might choose to stay in his or her old marriage. However such a marriage will be a lie and result in his or her spiritual suffering and possible spiritual death. His or her heart will be perpetually with another person in another place. This marriage will be at best temporary. Dissolving of such sad marriages are inevitable.

In the current increasing spiritual reality on earth, more and more people will be naturally and spontaneously walking away from their marriages if these are carnal/loveless. Many people marry for social, religious, intellectual, material and/or other carnal reasons. These marriages cannot survive in the spiritual age that is now at hand. These marriages will all crash, real bad. It cannot be helped or controlled.

Only spiritually dead people (called the dead) discern wisdom in, esteem, use, promote and invoke the 'thou shall not commit adultery' commandment.

The fact is spiritually aware people can have sex with another person (of the opposite sex) only if that act is motivated by Love. This is their nature which is divine. For them God is Love. If they are newly spiritually aware and they are in an old marriage, then they cannot stay in that old marriage. They will divorce. The force of Love cannot be opposed.

You should know that one can have either 1. carnal sex or 2. one can have sex out of an expression of love. Carnal/natural people have the former. Spiritually aware people have the latter.

The adultery and coveting commandments were given to regulate the behavior of carnal people in carnal marriages. Those laws are not for spiritually aware people.

Spiritually aware people are different. Love motivated sex, at any and all forums, is always totally divine, even if it is done inside a formal marriage, outside a formal marriage and even extra maritally. At all forums only children of God/love are brought forth from love motivated procreative sex.

On the other hand, at all events, only 'children of the flesh' are brought forth from loveless/carnal procreative sex even if it is done inside a formal marriage, outside a formal marriage and even extra maritally.

My post was based on the above facts and distinctions.

The question is, if you are in a loveless marital union (if your spouse do not love you/no longer love you) will you force your spouse to have sex with you, because the law of adultery and coveting say that he or she can have sex only within your loveless union. And it is the duty married people to have sex.

What about you can you have sex, even in a marriage with someone you do not love or no longer love?

The fact is spiritually aware people cannot have loveless sex. This is why they have God given justification to transgress the 'thou shall not covet' commandments so that they can leave their sad carnal marital life and their old spouses, and form new love motivated unions with new people.

Fact is sex that is an expression of passionate Love giveth life at any forum. Loads of married couples cease having sex in their marriages because passionate "life giving' love have waned. They are all dying daily, ever so fast.

On this planet the most uninformed practice is the denial and relegation of God given liberty and justification that is given to spiritually aware people to express passionate love, completely freely, among themselves.

If your spouse no longer love you or never loved you, you have to set him or her free and if he or she comes back then God/love is present in your existing union and then he or she belongs to you. This is the most honest approach

It is a sin to invoke the ten commandment on your spouse so as to keep him or her trapped in guilt with you, in a loveless/spiritless marriage. Seems to me that lots of women do this, regularly and commonly.

When, in a union, love has waned God and Grace had left. It is time to willingly dissolve that union. Only Satan rules in such unions. At any event, under grace of God those marriages are inevitably dissolved. It is the way of Nature.

How can you find this unreasonable?

Among spiritually dead/natural people, men are hunters. Women seem to be nest-ers. This is their respective natures. There is therefore a constant struggle to keep their marriage together. Laws like the ten commandments must be used on them, to regulate their behavior.

It is different among spiritually aware people. Unions among spiritually aware people are glued with love. They are not inclined to hunt or nest. They are simply led by God/Love. Love/God always brings the best actions to them.

Love arises, is sustains and fall off, in a never ending cycle, out of God's violation. This totally outside of human thinking and intellectualizing.

Spiritually aware people do not determine these urging of love. They can only obey these urging of love though these three phases. They form associations or relationships when love arises (between each other), and they stay together while love is sustained and then they dissolves their relationships or relationships when love wanes. This is how God rules and runs life/heaven on earth. However only spiritually aware people can access and have this life in God's kingdom of heaven. Only the spiritually aware are aware of God's/Love's rule and cycle.

It is like a menstrual cycle which is controlled by the moon (i.e. controlled outside of one's violation).

It is (foolish and corrupt) 'man' who forces their fellow man to stay in marriages that have run its natural graceful course.
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It's irrelevant. There is never an excuse to cheat.

Cool story.

Always found it funny that when a woman files for divorce, they typically have another man right around the corner before the separation even begins. Nothing dubious about that, right?

It's nothing but technicalities and semantics with you people :rolleyes:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Cool story.
I never cease to be amazed by what passes for wit in some circles. Or how some circles pass for wit.

Always found it funny that when a woman files for divorce, they typically have another man right around the corner before the separation even begins. Nothing dubious about that, right?
You have a peculiar sense of humor...but one heck of an imagination. Now try to prove that "observation" of yours.

I'll wait while you never do.

It's nothing but technicalities and semantics with you people
He probably thinks semantics has something to do with the Jews. :plain: