Racism, Bigotry and Misogyny at TOL

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Well, you've brought about such consequences upon yourself....that is, your actions raised the probability for such an outcome. Though, such a consequence is not a foregone conclusion ...

likewise, the woman who ignores the warnings about risky behavior will likely not get raped every time

but when she does, eventually, inevitably, she's brought it on herself

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I would say it's the choice of the robber.

yes, and we've discussed this before also

the robber is just as much at fault as if he knocked you over the head and took your wallet

but your foolish behavior is a contributory factor


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
yes, and we've discussed this before also

the robber is just as much at fault as if he knocked you over the head and took your wallet

but your foolish behavior is a contributory factor
And if no one robbed you or knocked you over the head, was your behavior a factor of that?


Well-known member
SEE! You speak of freedoms but when someone stands up to you and says otherwise you hide behind your own political power within this micro-system. You talk the talk but your posts in the last 5 minutes alone illustrate that you are a hypocritical coward.

It's good to see this poster got what he deserved. He was clearly asking for it, too. :thumb:


likewise, the woman who ignores the warnings about risky behavior will likely not get raped every time

but when she does, eventually, inevitably, she's brought it on herself

Right, but the point is thay don't choose such an outcome.

Risk vs. reward behavior....usually works toward the reward side of the equation.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And if no one robbed you or knocked you over the head, was your behavior a factor of that?

if you leave your car door open with the engine running while you dash in to get a couple donuts at the 711 and someone steals your car, you are partly responsible for that theft

if you leave your car door open with the engine running while you dash in to get a couple donuts at the 711 and nobody steals your car, you're responsible for nothing more than acting a fool

don't be a fool tam


Well-known member

what i'm saying is that if someone chooses to act in disregard of the risk of known consequences and they reap those consequences by their informed choice, they have chosen those consequences

if i drink a quart of scotch and drive home at 140 mph and crash and burn, i have chosen that consequence

but we've thrashed all this out before

People don't realize that their actions choose for them....their mind is just too stupid to figure that out. :chuckle:


People don't realize that their actions choose for them....their mind is just too stupid to figure that out. :chuckle:

They want an equality they don't realize they already have, but can't handle the throws of caution that men have grown so adept with.

When it comes down to the brass tacks, they want equal results without the accountability and work that comes with it. Only a complete fool would dress like a sheep and surround themselves with wolves. But, it's their 'right', you see.
It's lunacy.

They talk about 'real men'- is the definition of a real man to support that madness?
It is not. A real man points out the madness. Others are simply defending their own captors- women's heels to their jugular. That's not a man. Or at the very least, a bad example of one :rolleyes:

When men were men, they didn't put up with these absurdities, plain and simple. And that's for about 99% of mankind's history, so ther usage of what a 'real man' is, is something of a comedy to me.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes Aaron, and with the Libertarian doctrine that you follow, you're living testimony to that.

When the day comes where you meet God at His Gates, I'm sure He'll be impressed with your resume of lying about other people on a regular basis.

Do you ever write anything original, or do always have to rely on borrowing off of something that I've written?


New member
Probably not the best words to use: "Woman choose to be raped"

I think it got right to the point, and don't think for a moment that he didn't chose that wording deliberately.

At the same time, however, Eve's transgression was in tempting Adam, and women dress and act the way they do to tempt men or serve as a stumbling block.

A very simple example would be when a woman wears a shirt which amply shows their cleavage for the world to see, but also finds it disrespectful if a man looks.
"My eyes are up here", they'll say, but apparently, when getting dressed that morning, it wasn't simply eyes they planned on another peering at.

It's not illegal to look. She might take offense, but she can't really stop you, if it's just a look. Personally, I think that the social compact is that what is displayed in public is fair to view, but we're all responsible for the actions that we take.

These little things cascade into madness- when they go out and act provocative or careless, they are fully aware of what they are doing. This 'fight' and 'awareness' of rape is nothing more than a hopeless war against the world which is no less dangerous for men.

Even if you ignore the fairly obvious role of male choices and actions, there is no winning this game for women, because there's always a way to demand greater modesty and there's never a point where it's enough. Women in burkas still get harassed. The standard has to be that men (and women) keep their hands to themselves unless invited to do otherwise, like your parents used to tell you. And while we can probably never stop women from being sexually assaulted, we can at least make an effort to place the blame where it belongs and stop making excuses for the men who do it.

The reality is that if you expect to not get burned while walking through a flame, then you may as well be asking for it. Men are getting tired of having to secure women's imaginary 'right' of being able to walk around all the deep corners of the world like it's their glass palace- especially when it's about treating men like they must be taught not to rape, like we're animals to be tamed.

If men don't want to be treated "like animals to be tamed", they should think with their brains and exercise self-control. You can't justify men's behavior as instinct and then object to being treated as animals.

And that's what feminists and SJW's perpetuate- all the blame goes to men for the enmity between themselves and these 'innocent angels' we call women.

It's disingenuous to describe the very real problem of rape as "the enmity between men and [..] women".

But you see, the first pages of Genesis tell a different story.

I'm pretty sure it was written by a man. And it's a myth.

They've lost their mind, quite frankly, if they are expecting a person to accept a notion that they are less than another because of their sex and should pertain to the other simply because they don't know how to be accountable for their own selves :nono:

You're the one suggesting that men aren't responsible for their own behavior. Not sure how you think you've got the moral high ground on accountability.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think it got right to the point, and don't think for a moment that he didn't chose that wording deliberately.

actually, i chose it in a hurry, as i had to log off and go to class

but i've had fun defending it! :banana:


Well-known member
They want an equality they don't realize they already have, but can't handle the throws of caution that men have grown so adept with.

When it comes down to the brass tacks, they want equal results without the accountability and work that comes with it. Only a complete fool would dress like a sheep and surround themselves with wolves. But, it's their 'right', you see.
It's lunacy.

You're right. Of course, not all women are that stupid, but sadly the ones who are have become quite vocal.


Well-known member
I really just think the mods are standing up for the underdogs so that we don't feel insecure on here.

That's never been the way TOL works, but ironically your desire for a safe place is echoed by women on this forum.

Because here's the thing- several posters who I suppose I don't need to name have made it an agenda to make others look bad or make unpopular, and that's not cool..

ClimateSanity, Glorydaz and Ok Doser do that. You can see Glorydaz and ClimateSanity doing that just yesterday in my thread on Lust in the ECT forum. Why don't you correct them if you object to such behavior?

a person's opinion or outlook on any particular subject should not be met with some sort of crusade against them.

I agree with you, but that's exactly what you see happening on my Lust thread in the ECT forum. Who started that crusade? Glorydaz. Who joined in? ClimateSanity. They are clearly provocateurs, and people react to them. Blaming the people for reacting to them when you remain silent about what they are doing makes you look hypocritical.

There's a vicious antic therein to have a person question their status on the forum, produced by claims of them or misrepresenting what they say with an intent of having them be hemmed up by the rules of the board.

Glorydaz and ClimateSanity are doing that to me.

Nobody can say this is imaginary, because I've dealt with it more than several times on here. I mean, even in my very first dispute, I was outright told that some members try to get others banned- and that's a little ridiculous.

Well, I've got the infractions and bans to prove that I'm not one of the bad guys you are whining about. :chuckle:

For that reason, I believe the mods are just trying to be fair on the matter.

You're just sucking up, imo. Start preaching Calvinism and see what happens to you.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
a person's opinion or outlook on any particular subject should not be met with some sort of crusade against them.

meh, it happens

just look at artie's infatuation with aCW

and anna's infatuation with me

and town's obsession with me