"The assertion of God's universal mercy is more powerful to affect the hearts of the most hardened than the terrifying pictures of the rigorous judgments of God." ~Pierre Cuppe
"Let no man take offense at the opening of this mystery as though it brought anything new into religion, for it has nothing new in it; it alters no point of Gospel doctrine, but only sets each article of the old Christian faith upon its true ground. Every number of destroyed sinners must, through the all-working, all-redeeming love of God, which never ceases, come at last to know that they had lost and have again such a God of love as this." ~William Law
"Love opens every gate to every depth and supreme height of life! The love that never demands, but instantly finds fulfillment in giving! God holds all universes and infinite creations with the magic of love! In your heart is hidden that secret key of unconditional love with which you can unlock the doors of heaven!" ~S. Brahmachari