"We IMPART joy, blessing, praise, life, strength, healing and love.
The word "impart" has two main meanings:
1) to make known or to disclose (e.g., to impart knowledge);
2) to bestow a measure or quantity of (e.g., to impart happiness)
Both of these can be done by words - either written, or spoken, and both of these forms of using words readily apply to our life with God.
But more than this, we constantly impart who we are to those around us. We impart our moods and feelings; we impart our personality and character.
Of vital consideration is the imparting through our thoughts and prayers.
The most commonly used word for prayer in the Greek NT is "proseuchomai" --
"Eu" means "well, ease, and well-being;" the "chomai" is what makes it a verb. The "pros" is a prefix which basically means "toward."
So praying is "toward-eu-ing." It is thinking, speaking or mentally projecting "toward things being well, or toward well-being."
Through our spirits and our words, we project and thus impart to other people, and to situations, throughout creation, and, to God Himself.
Care should be taken concerning the "words of our mouths, and the meditations of our hearts."
-Jonathan Mitchell-