ECT Questions for Roman Catholics


New member
TRANSLATION: "I don't GET it! I'm not familiar with this as a part of my preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect! This all seems weird to me! Therefore, it cannot possibly have any reasonable Christian rationale behind it, and so I'm going to reject it out of hand as somehow supposedly "unchristian!"

Gaudium de veritate,


Dona Bate

New member
Once again you have failed miserably to answer any of the questions put to you in post #225.*

Has a Cath got your tongue?

and the angle said "See thou do it not..."
angle? Never heard of 'it'!

Do Cath's bow...
No more than you bow before the ink and paper of the bible you are reading. Do you conjure up image's of Jesus , Mary, the Saints, the Angels or any others whilst reading your bible?*

Waiting for the old codger to ludicrously claim that his mind goes completely blank when reading his bible.

So please do not twist what I say when trying to prove your points of refute.
No need for me or anybody else to do such a thing...all I have ever seen here from you is already twisted.

Until you are willing to deal with post #225 point by point I suggest you go and bore the pants off whoever else is willing to listen to your boring ignorant drivel...


God Bless!

Dona Bate

New member
The question remains, WHY???
It's a Christian biblical thing. You were not meant to understand...

"and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.

They came out of the tombs after Jesus' resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people" Matthew 27:52-53

How shocking it still is for non Christians back then and now. Did God or His Church care back then what anybody thought? No!
Should His Church care today? No!

God Bless!


Well-known member

I cannot speak for the Latin practices, but for the Orthodox, it is a matter of honoring God in His Saints who died as martyrs for Christ... The Service of the Divine Liturgy would be served on their dead bodies, and to this day, the Linen on which the Liturgy is serves must have a fragment of the body of a martyr sewn into it in order that the Liturgy be served...

Christ was the first Christian martyr, the First Fruit of the dead, and there are those who have followed Him, including Peter and Paul, in martyrdom... The whole Christian Faith is based on martyrdom, for it is the ONTOLOGICAL witness of the Truth...

The monk who is responsible for the monastic skulls in the picture here smiles as he refers to them as his "future room-mates"... As Christians, we are discipled to scorn death as unworthy of motive to do or not do anything... Remembrance of our earthly future, the grave and a corpse, helps keep us focused... A Christian ruled by his or her body has a serious problem...


Old man

New member

All one has to do is take a look at and pagan Egyptian Pharaoh's tombs to see the connection. Venerated and beatified Pharaohs/Popes.

Just another pagan tradition adopted by the RCC. Pharaoh's were to be looked upon and honored as gods and Catholic Popes are to be treated the same as if divine and holy.

The RCC is a conglomeration of Babylonian, Mithraism and Egyptian religions all rolled into one with a tiny sprinkle of truth here and there.


Well-known member
All one has to do is take a look at and pagan Egyptian Pharaoh's tombs to see the connection. Venerated and beatified Pharaohs/Popes.

Just another pagan tradition adopted by the RCC. Pharaoh's were to be looked upon and honored as gods and Catholic Popes are to be treated the same as if divine and holy.

The RCC is a conglomeration of Babylonian, Mithraism and Egyptian religions all rolled into one with a tiny sprinkle of truth here and there.

Those old caricatures of the Faith of Christ were but pre-Christian attempts to find God that failed...

The early Christians did not borrow from them at all...


Dona Bate

New member
By speaking thus????:

boring ignorant drivel...

God Bless!

By asking God to bless a human curse?
By speaking according to His word!!!! (Isaiah 8:20)

You DO know that we ask God to bless our enemies as instructed in Matthew 5:44? In the hope that God will lead them to believe, and not teach what is tedious,uneducated nonsense or boring, ignorant,drivel, take your pick of whichever wording you prefer.

That is the formula for LOST...
Better check your formula.....

"..which the ignorant and unstable people distort..." (2 Peter 3:16)

You HAVE to know that...
Take it up with Saint Peter and Saint Matthew who both disagree with what YOU think we have to know.

Saint Peter won't be to happy about you accusing him of cursing in scripture either!

God Bless! (Matthew 5:44)


Well-known member
By speaking according to His word!!!! (Isaiah 8:20)

You DO know that we ask God to bless our enemies as instructed in Matthew 5:44? In the hope that God will lead them to believe, and not teach what is tedious,uneducated nonsense or boring, ignorant,drivel, take your pick of whichever wording you prefer.

Better check your formula.....

"..which the ignorant and unstable people distort..." (2 Peter 3:16)

Take it up with Saint Peter and Saint Matthew who both disagree with what YOU think we have to know.

Saint Peter won't be to happy about you accusing him of cursing in scripture either!

God Bless! (Matthew 5:44)

By your own judging then will you be judged...

God Bless!


boring ignorant drivel...

I am speaking as one insane, obviously...

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Old man

New member

I was wondering, was an official notification sent out when old St. Chris (who had more windshield time than any other so called saint) was sacked by the vatican?

What became of all the little idols of him that was placed on the dashes of the cars of those catholics who looked to him for protection while driving? Since he has know been limited to travelers on foot will he be placed in the pocket or purse? (he wont be able to see what's going on you know)

Your vatican really imagines itself to have the power when it claims it has the authority to make or break saints and control what goes on in heaven, dictate duties to a saint who is supposed to be in heaven with God and then strip him of his authority for dereliction of duties assigned by the church.

What an absolute FARCE! Do you Catholics actually believe in all that???


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I was wondering, was an official notification sent out when old St. Chris (who had more windshield time than any other so called saint) was sacked by the vatican?

saint christopher was a great story
he is still a saint
he got bumped off the calendar to make room for local saints
apparently the calendar is not the same in different parts of the world

see here for details

What Happened To Saint Christopher?