ECT Proper Understanding of Romans 11

patrick jane

They were Israelites.

The first time the word "Jews" is found in the King James Bible, the Jews are at war against Israel.

All Jews were Israelites, but not all Israelites were Jews.

Dispensationalists have to make all Israelites Jews in order for Darby's false teachings to work.

It's one of the reasons Dispensationalism is such a mess.

I've been reading Darby, a true member of the BOC, good writings and study. As opposed to you man-made pretersim invented by Spanish Jesuit Luis De Alcazar, preterism and futurism both have Catholic origins:

With the advent of the printing press in the15th century, and the resulting explosion of Bibles accessible in the common language from Protestant sources, it became readily apparent to those who could now study the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation in particular, that Bible prophecy identified by symbols a persecuting apostate entity generally known as antichrist. The following table shows the common elements from several places in scripture that aid in identifying this antichrist power:


The Little Horn
(Daniel 7) The Man of Sin
(2 Th 2:3) The Sea Beast
(Rev. 13) Woman on Beast
(Rev. 17-18)
Source grows out of the head of the 10 horned fourth beast (Rome) owes his rise to removal of a hindering power comes from the "sea", meaning many people (densely populated Europe) arises in a city with seven hills (Rome) and rules over many waters (peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues)
Time of Origin comes up among 10 horns (the divided successors of the Pagan Roman Empire) revealed only after the fall of the hindering Pagan Roman Empire receives power, seat and authority from the Dragon (Satan working through Pagan Rome) arises among the ten horns (divisions of Rome) that will hate her
Power In Dan 2 Iron & clay = Roman Church (Jer. 18)

Diverse power, blasphemes God, exercises authority over the saints, changes times and laws of the most high political characteristics not mentioned, but demands and receives worship composite of Daniel's beasts, which are kingdoms, and wear crowns, that demands and receives worship the woman is an apostate church - the beast is the power of the state, representing a church-state union, hence this is a religio-political power having a priest-king ruler
Presumption in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things and words against the most high exalts himself above God. has a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies
full of names of blasphemy

Time of
Dominance given power over the saints for a time, times and a dividing of times. (1260 years)

given power forty and two months (1260 years)

God's people made war with the saints and prevailed against them

makes war with the saints and overcomes them this woman (apostate church) is drunk with the blood of the saints - in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
Great Power looks more stout than his fellows has all power, signs and lying wonders who is able to make war with him? the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Divine Homage sets himself over the saints, times, and laws of the most high sets himself up as God, above all that is worshipped causes multitudes to worship him this woman is the apostate "mother" of harlot churches
End they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end (the second coming) the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: cast into the lake of fire
utterly burned with fire


preterism and futurism both have Catholic origins:

:rotfl: LOL

Apparently you don't appear to understand that Dispensationalism is "Futurism".

Dispensationalism wasn't invented by the Catholics, it was invented by John Nelson Darby.

As for your claim regarding Luis del Alcázar, I can show many men who taught preterism before him. You however, cannot show anyone who taught Dispensationalism before Darby.


Well-known member
But what Alcazar did was to express it so that the 16th century Pope had an escape hatch. Everything that mattered took place in 404 AD, and in Constantinople, as I recall. This saved the Pope's face the same way Ribera's Judean-based future scheme did.

If you have a source on someone teaching that kind of preterism before Alcazar, please show that.

The friction between Protestant and Catholic cannot be underestimated in the Bretheren development of Ribera's scheme. I haven't seen it in print, but I get the impression that the only direction they (Bretheren, Darby) could think of to go to resolve the entrenched differences was the future. Their outlook would transcend the differences that had caused several years of wars.