Pro-life activism

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Patron Saint of SMACK
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Poly said:
"My Child, That is the cry of the unborn. The grief-stricken wail of those 25 million little ones who have died in the American Holocaust."

Twenty-five million, Lord?" Are you sure? How can this be? Where have we been? Why haven't we heard it before?

The thing that is hard for me to accept is that the killing of the unborn has become so common for so long that I can hear that 25 million have been murdered and I don't shed a tear. It sickens me that I don't shed a tear, but I don't shed a tear!


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I think some things are so terrible crying or any reaction is simply not an option anymore.


Resident Atheist
deardelmar said:
The thing that is hard for me to accept is that the killing of the unborn has become so common for so long that I can hear that 25 million have been murdered and I don't shed a tear. It sickens me that I don't shed a tear, but I don't shed a tear!
It just shows you're human...

We lose the ability to comprehend when human tragedy occurs on a truly immense scale... most people cannot visualize more than a few thousand deaths or injuries. In the millions we have difficulty thinking of them as persons and they become just statistics.


Resident Atheist
Justin (Wiccan) said:
I tried to do some pro-life activism once ... they wouldn't have me because I'm Wiccan.
Why would they care?

Doesn't "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" apply to such things? :think:


New member
Justin (Wiccan) said:
I tried to do some pro-life activism once ... they wouldn't have me because I'm Wiccan.

How on earth did they figure that out? If you don't mind sharing.

Why did it matter? What were they afraid of?

Oh... I have more questions by the way. The actions of silly people is a source of great curiosity for me.


Patron Saint of SMACK
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Justin (Wiccan) said:
I tried to do some pro-life activism once ... they wouldn't have me because I'm Wiccan.
If you wish to stand against the killing of unborn babies I will stand beside you. I will still let you know that that I think you are going to hell, I will still try and convince you that Jesus Christ is Lord, but I will stand beside you!

Justin (Wiccan)

New member
Zakath said:
Why would they care?

Doesn't "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" apply to such things? :think:

Zak, the pro-life movement is not "pro-life"--they are pro-power, specifically political power. I opened a discussion of that statement--got neg-repped by Poly for my pains, but hey, wherever she needs to be.

Now, there are various pro-life individuals out there who do not fall prey to the "pro-power" paradigm ... but they're the rank-and-file folks that you never hear about, mainly because the pro-power folks get all the press.


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Justin (Wiccan) said:
Zak, the pro-life movement is not "pro-life"--they are pro-power, specifically political power. I opened a discussion of that statement--got neg-repped by Poly for my pains, but hey, wherever she needs to be.

Now, there are various pro-life individuals out there who do not fall prey to the "pro-power" paradigm ... but they're the rank-and-file folks that you never hear about, mainly because the pro-power folks get all the press.

Justin, you're not going to use this thread to get into that business again. Either start another thread or revive the existing one on this topic.

Any further comments over this will be deleted.


New member
deardelmar said:
The thing that is hard for me to accept is that the killing of the unborn has become so common for so long that I can hear that 25 million have been murdered and I don't shed a tear. It sickens me that I don't shed a tear, but I don't shed a tear!
Do many Christians shed a tear knowing that billions are lost without Jesus at this very hour?


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Freak said:
Do many Christians shed a tear knowing that billions are lost without Jesus at this very hour?
I'm sure sombody is crying somwhere over somthing, probably lots of people.

Truth Hunter

New member
Provide both a loving alternative and direct intervention.
Why doesn't the organized pro-life movement publicly push for more "loving alternatives" from the government, like federally funded orphanages or something. The cry to ban is important, but the cry for alternatives maybe more effective.


New member
Truth Hunter said:
Why doesn't the organized pro-life movement publicly push for more "loving alternatives" from the government, like federally funded orphanages or something. The cry to ban is important, but the cry for alternatives maybe more effective.
Because that's called socialism and socialism is stealing. You don't solve government-approved murder through government-approved theft.

Truth Hunter

New member
So you don't believe in your tax dollars going towards things that support your values? Or is it that you don't believe in alternatives?


New member
Truth Hunter said:
So you don't believe in your tax dollars going towards things that support your values? Or is it that you don't believe in alternatives?
Of course I believe in alternatives to abortion.That however, doesn't mean that the government has the right to force someone to give to charity. I completely support helping others. I don't support the government forcing people to do so. That's socialism and immoral.
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Truth Hunter

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Imrahil said:
Of course I believe in alternatives to abortion.IThat however, doesn't mean that the government has the right to force someone to give to charity. I completely support helping others. I don't support the government forcing people to do so. That's socialism and immoral.

The government supports education, arts, public works, public safety, farmers, national parks, and all sorts of other stuff. Why not help some unwanted babies? Why is it immoral of the gov to support unwanted children? I've not seen one church on TV say, "Give to us to support our orphanage and help us curb abortion in America." Someone needs to offer real loving alternatives not lip service.


Patron Saint of SMACK
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Freak said:
Do many Christians shed a tear knowing that billions are lost without Jesus at this very hour?
That is deep! Thanks for putting that in perspective!
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