Pro-life activism

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Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I am looking for opportunities to get my family involved with Pro-life activism but I don't necessarily want to have to drive to Denver to do it. Protesting, sidewalk counseling, that sort of thing. Anyone here know of contacts in Northern Indiana or Southern Michigan? Anyone know anything about Pro-Life Action League in Chicago?


Patron Saint of SMACK
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Do you think you might be up to a day trip to Chicago?

Army of One

New member
deardelmar said:
I am looking for opportunities to get my family involved with Pro-life activism but I don't necessarily want to have to drive to Denver to do it. Protesting, sidewalk counseling, that sort of thing. Anyone here know of contacts in Northern Indiana or Southern Michigan? Anyone know anything about Pro-Life Action League in Chicago?
Amen to that. I really need to start doing something here in the Pittsburgh area too. A few years back, I began to get involved with the group "People Concerned for the Unborn Child", but I withdrew my membership as a result of their practice of endorsing political candidates who were not really Pro-Life, but merely Republican (in the same way that National Right to Life does). I know that should not keep me from joining in their efforts as they protest the local abortion mills though. So I need to get out there. In all honesty, it's been a case of lazyness on my part, which is inexusable.

Anyway, I hope you find the opportunities that you are seeking, and may God bless you in your efforts.


Patron Saint of SMACK
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Army of One said:
Amen to that. I really need to start doing something here in the Pittsburgh area too. A few years back, I began to get involved with the group "People Concerned for the Unborn Child", but I withdrew my membership as a result of their practice of endorsing political candidates who were not really Pro-Life, but merely Republican (in the same way that National Right to Life does). I know that should not keep me from joining in their efforts as they protest the local abortion mills though. So I need to get out there. In all honesty, it's been a case of lazyness on my part, which is inexusable.

Anyway, I hope you find the opportunities that you are seeking, and may God bless you in your efforts.
It's also true that it is easier to stand as a group then to stand alone.Anyone in the Pittsburgh area who wants to stand with Army of One in this effort?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
deardelmar said:
It's also true that it is easier to stand as a group then to stand alone.Anyone in the Pittsburgh area who wants to stand with Army of One in this effort?
I think erinmarie and her husband live roughly in that neck of the woods.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Army of One said:
Amen to that. I really need to start doing something here in the Pittsburgh area too. A few years back, I began to get involved with the group "People Concerned for the Unborn Child", but I withdrew my membership as a result of their practice of endorsing political candidates who were not really Pro-Life, but merely Republican (in the same way that National Right to Life does). I know that should not keep me from joining in their efforts as they protest the local abortion mills though. So I need to get out there. In all honesty, it's been a case of lazyness on my part, which is inexusable.
What do others think about working with groups with unwise political alliances? I notice on their website that Pro-Life Action League in Chicago is already strongly lobbying for John Robert's Supreme Court nomination.


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Did Freak just send you to the Catholics?
But seriously, I saw a guy standing in front of an abortion clinic all by himself, I didn't even know that the place was one until I read the sign, and I never would have read the sign until I saw the guy.
So it is effective to go alone, you may reveal somthing about places around your town that people didn't know. Try the yellow pages under "baby killer" and see what you get. Or call Planned Parenthood and see if they can direct you to a baby killer near you.


New member
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deardelmar said:
I am looking for opportunities to get my family involved with Pro-life activism but I don't necessarily want to have to drive to Denver to do it. Protesting, sidewalk counseling, that sort of thing. Anyone here know of contacts in Northern Indiana or Southern Michigan? Anyone know anything about Pro-Life Action League in Chicago?

If you're willing to brave Pontiac, you could get in touch with the Women and Teens Crisis Pregnancy Center there.


Patron Saint of SMACK
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Yorzhik said:
I'm up for it sometimes, yes!
I'm just looking to get my feet wet and having friendly faces along would be a good thing! I think I might have a lead on an obortion mill near Detroit where they protest. Maybe we could combine a day trip with a Turbo Sibbie visit.


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deardelmar said:
I'm just looking to get my feet wet and having friendly faces along would be a good thing! I think I might have a lead on an obortion mill near Detroit where they protest. Maybe we could combine a day trip with a Turbo Sibbie visit.

deardelmar this is a great idea!! There seems to be many "clusters" of members on this board living in close proximity of each other. Wouldn't it be great if we could hook up with those members around us and protest in our local areas across the country? I'm ashamed to say it's been too many years since we've actively protested. It's been on my mind a lot lately.


What is this mournful sound I hear?

This sorrowful cry, this weeping in the night?

"My Child, That is the cry of the unborn. The grief-stricken wail of those 25 million little ones who have died in the American Holocaust."

Twenty-five million, Lord?" Are you sure? How can this be? Where have we been? Why haven't we heard it before?

"My child, Theirs is a silent scream, heard only by those who wish to hear. But having once heard it you will never be able to escape its haunting cry."

I'm tormented, Lord! I can't live with their pain. What can I do? How can I end their silent cry?

"Intervene, my Child. Lift your voice in both holy prayer and public protest. Provide both a loving alternative and direct intervention. End this terrible holocaust and their silent screams will be turned into joyous songs of life!"

Richard Exley
Abortion: Pro-Life by Conviction, Pro-Choice by Default


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You might want to consider doing what I do. Purchase a 4 foot by 8 foot "Abortion Malachi" sign HERE.

Then find a friend who is willing to hold the other end of it for you. Then find an overpass over an interstate near you that has a public sidewalk on each side of the overpass.


Blessed beyond measure
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That's really awesome that you're willing to this, Jefferson.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Jefferson said:

You might want to consider doing what I do. Purchase a 4 foot by 8 foot "Abortion Malachi" sign HERE.

Then find a friend who is willing to hold the other end of it for you. Then find an overpass over an interstate near you that has a public sidewalk on each side of the overpass.
That is a GREAT aproach and one I might want to try, but right now a large part of my motivation is to get my kids involved. Involved to the point of actually being there when babys are saved.
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