President Trump on a mission from God

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As long as he {Donald Trump] mocks God by flying the rainbow flag of death he isn't [my President]. BTW, why did you vote for a pro homosexual activist?

"Refresh" my memory and explain why you knowingly voted for someone who proudly held the LGBTQueer flag of death just days before the general election.

After that, explain why you continue to defend Donald Trump, who as shown, is an ally of the LGBTQueer movement.

While I normally don't waste my time on multi user name trolls, this is worth repeating:

Here's an analysis/opinion by a conservative periodical about Donald the Degenerate holding the LGBTQueer flag of death:

Republican Presidential nominee Donald J. Trump made history Sunday and the political media barely noticed. Or maybe they did see it - but since it didn’t fit the narrative of what a Republican is supposed to look like they decided to ignore it.
On Sunday, at a rally in Colorado, Mr. Trump proudly held up a rainbow flag with the words “LGBT for Trump” written on it to a cheering crowd of thousands. It was an historic moment for gay equality and the Party of Lincoln as the 2016 GOP nominee for President of the United States held high the flag for gay equality. No other Republican Presidential nominee in history has embraced the LGBT community in such a loud and proud way.
And yet, the moment was barely reported by the media despite the fact it happened in front of the traveling press corps accompanying Mr. Trump. Political reporters, not unsurprising, largely failed to write on the moment where a Republican challenged their negative media stereotype.

But the moment was nevertheless historic. Trump walked on stage in Greeley, Colorado to a large cheering crowd when he spotted a rainbow flag in the audience. As the music blasted through the speakers, Mr. Trump pointed to a supporter as if to ask if he could see his flag and then motioned for a campaign worker to help retrieve the LGBT symbol of equality from the attendee.
Within seconds, Mr. Trump was walking around the platform with the rainbow flag in his hands and moments later unfurled it in full display. You could see a huge smile on Mr. Trump’s face as he walked to both sides of the stage to proudly hold up the rainbow flag announcing support from the gay and lesbian community

Surely you've noticed all of the pro LGBTQueer legislation that Donald the Degenerate has left standing and the homosexuals that he's welcomed into his administration in my thread about recriminalizing homosexuality?

Who needs to fly the LGBTQueer rainbow flag of death when you can do so much more damage with the stroke of a rainbow colored pen?

You have a "Self-Destructive" Homo-Obsession. By the way, it's incurable.


New member
It's interesting that it seems the only people around here talking about Trump being an alpha male are other males. It's like a verbal rolling belly-up.

Men who consider themselves to be alpha males are a huge turnoff to many women. Much more attractive is the man with a quiet strength who doesn't need anyone's adulation to prop up his ego. He's sure of what he believes, he's thought it out, he spends more time listening and observing than he does talking, and when he acts, it's going to the be the best, most intuitive decision for that situation.

Okay. Honestly, the rest of your post isn't worth responding to.

Good post, Anna.

You wanna tell a good man (or woman) from the bad?

Observe how they treat those they have concluded they stand to gain nothing from.

In all walks of life - be they so called "lost" or so called "saved" - waiters; clergy; the President; you name the person...

How do they treat those they have concluded they stand to gain nothing from...

Teach your children both sides of that equation and you'll spare both them and others a whole lot of grief.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I gather you have no problems whatsoever with Donald Trump mocking God?

every single post you make shows that same rainbow flag right under your name

i.e. every single post that I make shows Donald Trump (who was supposed to stand for traditional family values), proudly holding the LGBTQueer flag of death.

Maybe you him like the good little Libertarian that you are and let him know that the public display of sodomy isn't your thing?

Quote: Originally posted by ok doser

ironically, most people don't care what people do in their bedrooms

if homos were willing to keep their disgusting perversions in their bedrooms, nobody would care

but no, they want to flaunt their perversions in public and in the classroom and demand societal acceptance



seems kinda faggy if you ask me

Here, let me help you with your email:

Dear Pastor Hutchinson Daddy Trump:

While my Libertarian friends and I endorse your support of the LGBTQueer movement, could you please keep it low key for now as we pretend that homosexuality is a sin, but in reality don't really care as long as it's not in our face.

Love and kisses from the boyz...

ok doser/musterion/patrick jane



not a chance

wouldn't want to take time away from your bromance with artie :wave2:

Oh but ok doser, you could tell me that being a follower of Christ means voting for Satan himself if it meant Hillary Clinton not winning the election:

Quote: Originally posted by ok doser
i would support satan himself over hillary

Because by golly by gosh if Donald Trump can support Satan and still call himself a Christian, why can't you?