President Trump on a mission from God


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mrs Bill Clinton

Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.

Yeah, about that.

Where do the two guys go to get their scholarships and reputations back?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

"Whenever there is any kind of incident at Sacred Heart University, we go to great lengths to ensure due process for all parties involved,” said SHU spokeswoman Deborah Noack. “The way that this particular case is playing out certainly demonstrates the validity of our procedures.”






New member
I'm glad that you have some common sense on the issue and are not like other extreme pagan liberals

:chuckle: - you; a supporter of that obviously profoundly self-deluded fraud and would be god unto himself now in the White House, calling anyone pagan, extreme, and or a liberal.

You so called "conservative Christians" sure have lost your way.

I guess your false idol should be grateful he is not living during the time of the following.

Acts 12:21 And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them. 12:22 And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man. 12:23 And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.


Well-known member
:chuckle: - you; a supporter of that obviously profoundly self-deluded fraud and would be god unto himself

That may well be true of Trump but it even more perfectly describes what Obama is, yet I don't recall you ever saying such about him.


New member
Yep; the standard rapist's assertion is that the victim actually wanted to be raped and was only faking resistence.

To such a deranged mind; said sounds of resistence are reinterpreted by their already depraved state of mind when the rape takes place, as "sounds of consent."

But leave it to the extremist observing such things from afar to conclude on them from a one-sided standard not unlike that of the rapist's.

Where are you drawing rape from that?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Which is more a menace to society...gun wielding nut-job bigot with itchy trigger issues or a transgender going to the girls restroom? :think:

Ironic twist: Don't bend over for the soap Nick!

Both are BAD! I guess you Buddhists can't see the problem with a grown man walking into a Female restroom?

The Horn

Much ado about nothing . Trans individuals have been going into women's rooms for years and no one even knew . They appear female . There has yet tone a single example of a trans person bothering, molesting , attacking or raping women or girls there.
Men don't just disguise themselves as women with the intention of harming them . More Republican politicians in congress and elsewhere have been arrested for sexual shenanigans in men's rooms with other men than trans individuals for bothering and molesting women and girls in rest rooms .
Priests , pastors and preachers are a much greater threat to children OUTSIDE rest rooms than in them .
Trump is just pandering to mindless fear and hatred of trans people . This is despicable. America has far greater problems .

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This country is in a "Psychological Civil War." "We are a Nation divided."

we've been divided by a zero for eight years

you know what happens when you divide by zero, right?

the result has no meaning

time to wipe the slate of the bammy years and do a reboot


New member
That may well be true of Trump but it even more perfectly describes what Obama is, yet I don't recall you ever saying such about him.

Only because I was not posting on here much at all, back when he was in office, or what have you.

But hey; it won't be the first time you have jumped to unwarrented conclusions from one post of mine or another :chuckle:


New member
Much ado about nothing . Trans individuals have been going into women's rooms for years and no one even knew . They appear female . There has yet tone a single example of a trans person bothering, molesting , attacking or raping women or girls there.
Men don't just disguise themselves as women with the intention of harming them . More Republican politicians in congress and elsewhere have been arrested for sexual shenanigans in men's rooms with other men than trans individuals for bothering and molesting women and girls in rest rooms .
Priests , pastors and preachers are a much greater threat to children OUTSIDE rest rooms than in them .
Trump is just pandering to mindless fear and hatred of trans people . This is despicable. America has far greater problems .

Are you posting facts again? Shame on you!


New member
What makes you say that? First. What makes you think I have problems with women? Two, what about that statement makes you draw that conclusion?

I didn't take that conversation to be about you; neither was I asserting you have problems with women.

Those are your conclusions about my words.

I don't know you - neither personally; nor well enough, that I'd say something like that as being about you.

My comment was made within the context of a debate about what Trump called consent in that audio of his where he asserted woman basically welcomed his groping them at will.

My comment was about the mentality behind that kind of abuse; how that is very much like the very rationale the rapist also asserts.
