Praise the Lord III


Blessed is the man that......
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Praise the Lord!
Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ…who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us……Titus 2:13-14


We Have This Hope

We have this hope that burns within our hearts,
Hope in the coming of the Lord.
We have this faith that Christ alone imparts,
Faith in the promise of His Word.
We believe the time is here,
When the nations far and near
Shall awake, and shout and sing
Hallelujah! Christ is King!
We have this hope that burns within our hearts,
Hope in the coming of the Lord.

We are united in Jesus Christ our Lord.
We are united in His love.
Love for the waiting people of the world,
People who need our Savior’s love.
Soon the heavens will open wide,
Christ will come to claim His bride,
All the universe will sing
Hallelujah! Christ is King!
We have this hope, this faith, and God’s great love,
We are united in Christ.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

The finest of wheat.
Psalm 81:16

The bread of heaven.
Psalm 105:40


Fed Upon the Finest of the Wheat

Hungry, Lord, for Thy Word of truth,
Sitting at my Savior’s feet;
Rising, gleaning, just like Ruth,
Feed me on the finest of the wheat.

Work for the Master I will do,
Trusting in His strength so great;
Living in His pastures new,
Feed me on the finest of the wheat.

Then to the harvest let us go,
Bugles sounding no retreat;
Workers for Jesus, He wants you
Fed upon the finest of the wheat.

Bread of life it is now to me,
Honey, milk and meat;
In Thy love I will ever be
Fed upon the finest of the wheat.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!



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Praise the Lord!

And let us not grow weary while doing good,
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

Galatians 6:9
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. Hebrews 12:2-3


Be Not Weary

Yes! He knows the way is dreary, knows the weakness of our frame,
Knows that hand and heart are weary; He, ‘in all points,’ felt the same.
He is near to help and bless, be not weary, onward press.

Look to Him who once was willing all His glory to resign,
That, for thee the law fulfilling, all His merit might be thine.
Strive to follow day by day where His footsteps mark the way.

Look to Him, the Lord of Glory, tasting death to win thy life;
Gazing on ‘that wondrous story,’ canst thou falter in the strife?
Is it not new life to know that the Lord hath loved thee so?

Look to Him who ever liveth, interceding for His own:
Seek, yea, claim the grace He giveth freely from His priestly throne.
Will He not thy strength renew with His Spirit’s quickening dew?

Look to Him, and faith shall brighten, hope shall soar, and love shall burn;
Peace once more thy heart shall lighten; rise! He calleth thee, return!
Be not weary on thy way Jesus is thy strength and stay.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


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Praise the Lord!

LORD, make me to know my end, and what is the measure of my days, that I may know how frail I am.
Psalm 39:4

So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12


Teach Me the Measure of My Days

Teach me the measure of my days,
Thou Maker of my frame;
I would survey life’s narrow space,
And learn how frail I am.
A span is all that we can boast,
An inch or two of time;
Man is but vanity and dust
In all his flower and prime.

See the vain race of mortals move
Like shadows o’er the plain;
They rage and strive, desire and love,
But all the noise is vain.
Some walk in honor’s gaudy show,
Some dig for golden ore;
They toil for heirs, they know not who,
And straight are seen no more.

What should I wish or wait for, then,
From creatures earth and dust?
They make our expectations vain,
And disappoint our trust.
Now I forbid my carnal hope,
My fond desires recall;
I give my mortal interest up,
And make my God my all.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:20


Sunday Morning Praise

Thanks to God
(Something to be thankful for)

Thanks to God for my Redeemer, for all Thou dost provide!
Thanks for times now but a memory, for Jesus by my side!
Thanks for pleasant, balmy springtime, for dark and stormy fall!
Thanks for tears by now forgotten, for peace within my soul!

Thanks for prayers that Thou hast answered, for what Thou dost deny!
Thanks for storms that I have weathered, for all Thou dost supply!
Thanks for pain, and thanks for pleasure, for comfort in despair!
Thanks for grace that none can measure, for love beyond compare!

Thanks for roses by the wayside, for thorns their stems contain!
Thanks for home and thanks for fireside, for hope, that sweet refrain!
Thanks for joy and thanks for sorrow, for heav’nly peace with Thee!
Thanks for hope in the tomorrow, through all eternity!


Psalm 100

A Psalm of Thanksgiving.

1 Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands!
2 Serve the LORD with gladness; come before His presence with singing.
3 Know that the LORD, He is God; it is He who has made us,
and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
5 For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting,
and His truth endures to all generations.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


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Praise the Lord!

Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 6:34

My grace is sufficient for you.
2 Corinthians 12:9


The Two Sufficients

Evil shall pass with the day that brought it,
As the sea is stayed by the barrier land;
When the Giver of good shall say, "No farther,"
And bid the foeman restrain his hand;
But the grace of the Lord outstays the evil,
Outlasts the darkness, outruns the morn,
Out watches the stars in their nightly vigil;
And the foe that returns with the day reborn,
As he left it unwearied, shall find it unworn.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Psalm 23:4

For Thou Art With Me

I know not when I go, nor where, from this familiar scene;
But Christ is here and He is there and all the way between;
And, when I pass from all I know to that dim, vast unknown,
Though late I stay, or soon I go, I shall not go alone.​


Jesus said…I am the resurrection and the life.
John 11:25

Until that Day

I know not when I go, nor where,
From this familiar scene;
But Christ is here and He is there
And all the way between;
And, when I pass from all I know
To that dim, vast unknown,
Though late I stay, or soon I go,
I shall not go alone.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


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Praise the Lord!

Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning.
Psalm 59:16


O Thou Who Turnest Into Morning

O Thou who turnest into morning
The shadows of the passing night,
Again to conscious life returning,
We bless Thee for the newborn light.

Grant us that light, to all unfailing
Who seek to do Thy perfect will,
That we, o’er doubt and fear prevailing,
May trust Thy good above all ill;

That we may offer Thee thanksgiving
Beyond our prayers and songs that rise
In greater faithfulness of living,
In deeper love through sacrifice.


This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

O Day So Wondrous

O day so wondrous, we take thee to us,
And wear thy glory in all our hearts;
Thou givest gladness, thou soothest sadness,
Thro’ thy bright sunshine, all care departs.
Sing of His glory, sing while we may;
God gives the sunshine, He gives the day!

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


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Praise the Lord!

While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen.
For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18


O Jesus Savior, Friend Unseen

O Jesus Savior, friend unseen,
The faint, the weak on Thee may lean,
Help me, throughout life’s varying scene,
By faith to cling to Thee.
Blessed with this fellowship divine,
Take what Thou wilt, I’ll ne’er repine;
E’en as the branches to the vine,
My soul would cling to Thee.

Far from home, fatigued, oppressed,
My soul has found that place of rest
An exile still, yet not unblest,
While still and will cling to Thee.
What though the world deceitful prove,
And earthly friends and joys remove,
With patient, uncomplaining love
Still would I cling to Thee.

Though faith and hope may long be tried,
I ask not, need not aught beside;
How safe, how calm, how satisfied,
The souls that cling to Thee!
Blessed is my lot, whate’er befall;
What can disturb me, who appall,
While as my strength, my rock, my all,
All, Savior, I cling to Thee!

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life,
what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on.
Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?

Matthew 6:25


Do Not Worry

Do not worry for your life, what you’ll eat or drink or wear;
Is not life much more important than these things that cause you care?
See the birds they sow and reap not, nor in barns do store away.
Yet your heav’nly Father feeds them; have you not more worth than they?

And why worry about clothing? see the lilies’ glad array;
Solomon in all his splendor never dressed as fine as they.
This is how God clothes the grasses, though their life is but a day.
Will He not much more meet your needs? Let your faith not fade away.

So I tell you, do not worry, asking what you’ll eat or drink.
Nor be anxious about clothing These are things that all men seek.
And your Father knows you need them; worry won’t command His power.
Which of you by constant fretting adds to life a single hour?

Seek first, then, your Father’s kingdom and His righteousness on high.
All these things will then be given; God will not neglect your cry.
So fret not about tomorrow; God directs the future, too.
Though each day will bring troubles, trust in Him He’ll see you through.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


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Praise the Lord!

My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD.
And in the morning my prayer comes before You.
Psalm 5:3 ~ Psalm 88:13

My times are in Your hand.
Mark 1:35


The Lord’s Times

In the early morning hours,
’Twixt the night and day,
While from earth the darkness passes
Silently away…

Then ’tis sweet to talk with Jesus
In thy chamber still
For the coming day and duties
Ask to know His will,

Then He’ll lead the way before you,
Mountains laying low;
Making desert places blossom,
Sweet’ning Marah’s flow,

Would you know this life of triumph,
Victory all the way?
Then put God in the beginning
Of each coming day.


I am the Lord; I change not.
Malachi 3:6

Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand!

Time is filled with swift transition
Naught of earth unmoved can stand
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God’s unchanging hand.
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God’s unchanging hand.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

O LORD, You have searched me and known me.
Psalm 139:1


Thou Knowest, Lord

Thou knowest, Lord, Thou know’st my life’s deep story,
And all the mingled good and ill I do;
Thou seest my shame, my few stray gleams of glory,
Where I am false and where my soul rings true.

Lord, I am glad Thou know’st my inmost being,
Glad Thou dost search the secrets of my heart;
I would not hide one folly from Thy seeing,
Nor shun Thy healing touch to save the smart.

Like warp and woof the good and ill are blended,
Nor do I see the pattern that I weave;
Yet in Thy love the whole is comprehended,
And in Thy hand my future lot I leave.

Only, dear Lord, make plain the path of duty;
Let not my shame and sorrow weigh me down,
Lest in despair I fail to see its beauty,
And weeping vainly, miss the victor’s crown.


O LORD, You know…altogether.
Psalm 139:4

Lord Thou Knowest Altogether

Thou knowest, Lord, Thou know’st my life’s deep story,
And all the mingled good and ill I do;
Thou seest my shame, my few stray gleams of glory,
Where I am false and where my soul rings true.
Only, dear Lord, make plain the path of duty;
Let not my shame and sorrow weigh me down,
Lest in despair I fail to see its beauty,
And weeping vainly, miss the victor’s crown.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

What shall I render to the LORD for all His benefits toward me?
Psalm 116:12

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!

Psalm 139:17


Sunday Morning Praise

In Thankful Remembrance

What shall I render to Thy name or how Thy praises speak?
My thanks how shall I testify, O Lord, Thou know’st I’m weak.
I owe so much, so little can return unto Thy name,
Confusion seizes on my soul, and I am filled with shame.

O Thou that hearest prayers, Lord, to Thee shall come all flesh
Thou hast me heard and answered, my complaints have had access.
What did I ask for but Thou gav’st, what could I more desire?
But thankfulness even all my days I humbly this require.

Thy mercies, Lord, have been so great in number numberless,
Impossible for to recount or any way express.
O help Thy us that seek Thy face to return unto Thee praise
And walk before Thee as they ought, in strict and upright ways.


In every thing give thanks.
1 Thessalonians 5:18


E’er the day is over we our thanks would say,
For the many pleasures we have had today,
Family and fellowship with friends made us happy, quite —
So a hearty, “Thank you!” tells of our delight.
Before the day is over, let us each recall
How our heav’nly Father plans our pleasures all,
Planting seeds of kindness in each older heart;
So, dear Lord, we thank Thee: Bless us, as we part.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


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Praise the Lord!

In the shadow of His hand He has hidden me.
Isaiah 49:2


In the Hollow of His Hand

In the hollow of His hand He will hide me
When doubt and sin draw near,
Though no earthly friend may walk beside me,
I rest secure from fear.

In the hollow of His hand He will hide me
When the storm is on the deep,
And I know whatever may betide me,
His vigil He will keep.

In the hollow of His hand He will hide me
When the storms of life sweep by,
To the harbor safe He will guide me,
Where His blessed safe rest lie.

I know whate’er betide me,
His hand will safely guide me,
His love will ever hide me
In the hollow of His hand.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

I will not forget you.
Isaiah 49:15

(Deuteronomy 31:6, Deuteronomy 31:8, Joshua 1:5)


I Will Not Forget Thee

Sweet is the promise “I will not forget thee,”
Nothing can molest or turn my soul away;
E’en though the night be dark within the valley,
Just beyond is shining an eternal day.

Trusting the promise “I will not forget thee,”
Onward I will go with songs of joy and love,
Though earth despise me, though my friends forsake me,
I shall be remembered in my home above.

When at the golden portals I am standing,
All my tribulations, all my sorrows past;
How sweet to hear the blessed proclamation,
“Enter, faithful servant, welcome home at last.”

I will not forget thee or leave thee,
In My hands I’ll hold thee,
In My arms I’ll fold thee,
I will not forget thee or leave thee;
I am thy Redeemer, I will care for thee.


“The eternal God is your Refuge.”
Deuteronomy 33:27

I’ve Found a Refuge

I’ve found a refuge from life’s cares in Jesus,
I am hiding in His love divine;
He fully understands my soul’s deep longing,
And He whispers softly, “Thou art Mine.”
Only Jesus! Only Jesus!
Only He can satisfy;
Every burden becomes a blessing,
When I know my Lord is nigh.

For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30


We Lift Our Hearts in Thanks Today

We lift our hearts in thanks today
For all the gifts of life;
And first, for peace that turns away
The enemies of strife;

And next, the beauty of the earth,
Its flowers and lovely things,
The spring’s great miracle of birth,
With sound of songs and wings;

Then, harvests of its teeming soil
In orchard, croft and field;
But more, the service and the toil
Of those who helped them yield;

And most, the gifts of hope and love,
Of wisdom, truth and right,
The gifts that shine like stars above
To chart the world by night.

As we receive, so let us give,
With ready, generous hand,
Rich fruitage from the lives we live
To bless our home and land.


Now therefore, our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name.
1 Chronicles 29:13

We Thank Thee, Our Father

For the fruits of the earth, and the sky and the sea,
For the bountiful harvests so wondrously free,
For the gold of the autumn, the sear and the brown,
For the bloom of the flower when winter is flown,
For the work and the play, for the night and the day,
We thank Thee, our Father, yea, praise and extol;
We thank Thee, our Father, Great God of us all.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
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Praise the Lord!

Remember, O LORD, Your tender mercies and Your lovingkindnesses,
For they are from of old.

Psalm 25:6

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of mercies and God of all comfort.

2 Corinthians 1:3


Sunday Morning Praise

Father of Mercies

Father of mercies, in Thy Word what endless glory shines!
Forever be Thy Name adored for these celestial lines.
Here may the wretched sons of want exhaustless riches find;
Riches above what earth can grant, and lasting as the mind.

Here the fair tree of knowledge grows and yields a free repast;
And richer fruits than nature shows invite the longing taste.
Amidst these gloomy wilds below, when dark and sad we stray,
Here beams of Heaven relieve our woe, and guide to endless day.

Here springs of consolation rise to cheer the fainting mind,
And thirsty souls receive supplies, and sweet refreshment find.
Here the Redeemer’s welcome voice spreads heavenly peace around
And life and everlasting joys attend the blissful sound.

Oh, may these hallowed pages be our joy by day and night,
And still new beauties may we see, and still increasing light.
Divine Instructor, gracious Lord, O grant our fervent prayer,
Teach us to love Thy sacred Word, and view the Savior there.


I will ask the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter.
John 14:16

The Comforter Has Come

O spread the tidings ’round, wherever man is found,
Wherever human hearts and human woes abound;
Let ev’ry Christian tongue proclaim the joyful sound.
The Holy Ghost from Heav’n, the Father’s promise giv’n;
O spread the tidings ’round, wherever man is found —
The Comforter has come!

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20

He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5


His Promise to Me

Darkness may o’ertake me and my song forsake me,
But alone I never shall be;
For the Friend beside me promised He would guide me,
And will keep His promise to me.

Should misfortune meet me, friends may fail to greet me,
But if true to Jesus I stay
He will still uphold me, let His love enfold me
Every dreary mile of the way.

How the thought enthralls me, that whate’er befalls me
One will always love me the same;
Not a trial ever causes Him to sever
From the ones who honor His name.

He will keep his promise to me,
All the way with me He will go;
He has never broken any promise spoken;
He will keep His promise, I know.


This is what He has promised us…eternal life.
1 John 2:25

What Hath God Promised

God hath not promised skies always blue,
Flower strewn pathways all our lives through;
God hath not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.
But God hath promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


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Praise the Lord!

Go work today in My vineyard.
Matthew 21:28


Work For Us All

Out where the reapers are toiling
Out where they earnestly call,
Let us away in the morning,
There is a work for us all;
Lifting the vines that are drooping,
Trying their bloom to renew,
Bathing their leaves in a fountain
Purer and sweeter than dew.

Out where the gleaners are toiling,
Patiently, cheerfully still,
If we are willing to labor,
Here is a place we can fill;
Speaking a word to the weary,
Helping the weak ones along,
Shedding bright sunshine around them,
Cheering their hearts with a song.

Out where the sheaves they are binding,
Sheaves for the garner above,
Go in the name of the Master,
Go in the spirit of love;
Hark! He is tenderly saying,
Work in My vineyard today;
Haste, for the summer is waning,
Harvest is passing away.

Out where the reapers are toiling,
Out where they earnestly call,
Let us away, away in the morning,
There is a work for us all.


As long as it is day, I must do the work of Him who sent Me.
Night is coming, when no one can work.

John 9:4

Work, For The Night Is Coming

Work, for the night is coming, under the sunset skies;
While their bright tints are glowing, work, for daylight flies.
Work till the last beam fadeth, fadeth to shine no more;
Work, while the night is darkening, when man’s work is o’er.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


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Praise the Lord!

Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed
-- in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.
For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

1 Corinthians 15:51-52


Hallelujah! We Shall Rise!

In the resurrection morning, when the trump of God shall sound,
We shall rise, Hallelujah! we shall rise!
Then the saints will come rejoicing and no tears will e’er be found,
We shall rise, Hallelujah! we shall rise.

In the resurrection morning, what a meeting it will be,
We shall rise, Hallelujah! we shall rise!
When our fathers and our mothers, and our loved ones we shall see,
We shall rise, Hallelujah! we shall rise!

In the resurrection morning, blessed thought it is to me,
We shall rise, Hallelujah! we shall rise!
I shall see my blessed Savior, who so freely died for me,
We shall rise, Hallelujah! we shall rise!

In the resurrection morning, we shall meet Him in the air,
We shall rise, Hallelujah! we shall rise!
And be carried up to glory, to our home so bright and fair,
We shall rise, Hallelujah! we shall rise!

We shall rise, Hallelujah!
We shall rise! Amen!
We shall rise! Hallelujah!
In the resurrection morning,
When death’s prison bars are broken,
We shall rise, Hallelujah!
We shall rise. Amen!


Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Titus 2:13

We Have This Hope

We have this hope that burns within our hearts,
Hope in the coming of the Lord.
We have this faith that Christ alone imparts,
Faith in the promise of His Word.
We believe the time is here,
When the nations far and near
Shall awake, and shout and sing
Hallelujah! Christ is King!
We have this hope that burns within our hearts,
Hope in the coming of the Lord.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


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Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

The just shall live by faith.
Romans 1:17


If, On a Quiet Sea

If, on a quiet sea, toward Heaven we calmly sail,
With grateful hearts, O God, to Thee,
We’ll own the favoring gale,
With grateful hearts, O God, to Thee,
We’ll own the favoring gale.

But should the surges rise, and rest delay to come,
Blest be the tempest, kind the storm,
Which drives us nearer home,
Blest be the tempest, kind the storm,
Which drives us nearer home.

Soon shall our doubts and fears all yield to Thy control;
Thy tender mercies shall illume
The midnight of the soul,
Thy tender mercies shall illume
The midnight of the soul.

Teach us, in every state, to make Thy will our own;
And when the joys of sense depart,
To live by faith alone,
And when the joys of sense depart,
To live by faith alone.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!