Practise the Trinity Everyday!

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New member
Jesus's God and our God is the most high God yes, but Jesus isn't God, the father is. Because Jesus is subject to God and God has exhalted Jesus to his right hand. God is also the head of Christ, making God the God of Jesus.

Has Jesus been born twice?


Eclectic Theosophist
Slice & dice as you please,....Spirit is still One......forms appear different.......

Slice & dice as you please,....Spirit is still One......forms appear different.......

I am not seeking to debate the Trinity. I am fully 100% convinced of the Trinity. The Trinity is not just a doctrine for academic textbooks or theology students. The Trinity is what I practice everyday. This is especially so in prayer to the Father in Jesus name through the Holy Spirit. My observation of the complete focus on Jesus at church, especially in worship, is out of focus with the New Testament witness. Let the church practise the same Trinitarian balance shown in the New Testament.

What I think you mean to say, is that you approach or contextualize your worship within a Trinitarian context of the 'Godhead', each 'aspect' or 'personality' being inseperable within the identity of this one 'God'. It is therefore a conceptual relationship, whereby you feel all these 'aspects' of God are ever involved, unified, relating and being related to.

This is fine, but we would ever recognize that 'God' is ONE, indivisibly so, being of one essence unto Himself, transcending even personality, even though He is the source of all personality, even if his own Godhead is a compound unity of personalities, since they all originate/emenate from the Universal Father anyways :) - still, one God Alone IS, however personified, expressed or multiplied in persons or forms. One Creative Intelligence or informing Spirit, many creative expressions and forms emerging therefrom.

'God' is kinda wonderful like that :) - I'm sure this will give Trinitarians and Unitarians a chuckle. As a pure spiritualist who sees God as pure Spirit-Energy-Consciousness....the essence of Deity is always one nature unto itself and as itself, while all its offspring, expressions or personifications are multifarious. This is the great mystery of the Many coming out from The Infinite ONE. The many abide in...or emerge from The One Spirit, since there is no 'other' besides the Infinite ONE.



Eclectic Theosophist
Adonai Echad

Adonai Echad

I seek to believe and practise what the New Testament says Christians ought to believe and practise. The word 'trinity' does not appear in the New Testament. But the evidence for the Trinity is overwhelming. I am not saying that I understand the Trinity, but that is no reason to reject the doctrine of the Trinity. The Godhead is a mystery but we have been given some light on it in scripture. The term 'calvinist' is not found in the scriptures. It is a label with a very bad reputation by many Christians today. The anti-calvinists seem to show a great ignorance and misunderstanding of scripture. The doctrine of salvation found in calvinism matches what the Bible teaches about salvation. I do not call myself a 'calvinist'. But if some people think I am a 'calvinist' because I hold the doctrine of the Trinity and seek to practise it everyday then I am not concerned.

It would appear your reference to 'practicing' the Trinity is as noted previously indicating your conceptual approach to 'God', so such a 'practice' is conceptually engaged, intellectually speaking.

All is fine and dandy if recognized for being such, while getting to know God in Spirit, his essence, quality of being and nature.


New member
Maybe?, but I follow the obvious trinitarian view of the NT. Praying to the Father through the Spirit in Jesus name. Keeping it simple, personal and with flowery intellectualism.


New member
Oh right yes I believe that, we must be born of God and have the indwelling holy spirit in our hearts.

Jesus was human until he was born of the Spirit with immortality and an incorruptible body.

Jesus was born of woman and then born of the Spirit by his resurrection from death. We must do likewise.


Eclectic Theosophist
A flower for you............

A flower for you............

Maybe?, but I follow the obvious trinitarian view of the NT. Praying to the Father through the Spirit in Jesus name. Keeping it simple, personal and with flowery intellectualism.


Yes,...nothing wrong with keeping it simple ;) - flowery intellectual wording is fine too, as long as you look to the greater spiritual context and understanding behind the words.

Of course,....only "the pure in heart, see God". That is key,....for "the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the sons of God".

All these essential truths hold, even with ornamental phrasing and embellished vocabulary.

I just couldn't resist responding to the thread-title. 'Practicing the presence of God' as a way of always abiding in 'God-consciousness' has been a theme of saints and mystics in many religious traditions. If your 'practicing of the Trinity' (to coin the phrase) makes you a better person,....more power to ya ;)

Essence is one, forms are many.


New member
'Essence is one, forms are many'. Does this mean that Jesus is just one among many incarnations? Does this imply that all religions are different forms of or from the same essence? Explain what you mean by this statement,please.
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