Post of the day...Idiot variety

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New member
Indeed, that is the purpose of the Law (schoolmaster).....then we graduate into LIFE, where we are not under the law any more. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. Those aren't just empty words, brother. Romans 4:8
I fully understand the Gospel, sister, but being free from the Law does not free you to now say that sin is no longer sin. It only frees you from sin.

Of course all men need God's Grace. His death is only in vain if we reject it.
It's also in vain if you say that you have no sin.

Those who are IN CHRIST JESUS have not rejected it....they have been persuaded that He has performed what He has promised.
Those who claim that they have no sin, make His death a sham.

We certainly can't keep the law well enough to earn Grace.
No one suggested anything like that, or even came close to suggesting anything like that.
We can't have enough kids to earn it, and we can't earn it by making our wives have babies where babies aren't meant to grow.
A comment like that is most likely why Paul told women not to teach.
There is not one of us who can find justification through obedience of the law.
The conversation has NOTHING to do with "obedience", and EVERYTHING to do with "choosing" to call what is a sin, not a sin, thus calling the death of Jesus meaningless.
We certainly don't obtain life through obedience to the law, and we will never be made righteous by obedience to the law. To claim we are still under the law for righteousness is a mistake.
Nobody has, or would, who knows the gospel. It is indeed a mistake to claim that Jesus did not die for our sins, by claiming what is a sin, is not a sin. And the reason, people do that, is because they refuse to admit that they willfully sin, and instead lie against the truth to defend themselves.


New member
Of course. However, we live in a corrupt world of sin. We each must walk in the light we're given....being led by the Spirit.
In other words, according to you, if someone does not have the light that murder is sin, then it is perfectly acceptable to murder. Right, that makes sense. :rolleyes:

We see the problem right here of expecting others to walk in our convictions. You say any form of birth control is a sin. Therefore, you have made a law that you expect others to follow.
No, you are greatly in error, and you will never find one post where I said that someone needs to not take birth control. I have and will continue to say that it is a sin, because it is a sin. What you do, is between you and God, but you do not get to call what is a sin, not a sin, just so you can feel better about doing it.


New member
Yes. The last time the command to multiply was given there were less than 10 humans. He said subdue the earth not destroy it.
Please share with us when God took on your liberal view, and rescinded what He said, because He is convinced that over population is destroying the earth.

It sure is interesting how a woman was the one first deceived, and that today it is women who are doing all the deceiving. Just like Adam, God rebuked him for listening to Eve, when he should have believed God. The world is being "destroyed" by women who want to be in "control", and by effeminate men who want to be controlled.


New member
So everything's Eve's fault, because she used her mental faculties? Where was Adam in all of this? Staring at the ground and shuffling his feet or something? Should women simply not exercise their intelligence at all and play the dutiful doting wife 'Phil Robertson' style?
Either educate yourself, or do yourself a favor and don't speak about things you know nothing about.

"For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety." 1 Tim 2:13-15

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame

I thought this was a thread for idiots. Here I was making myself right to home. :doh:

No, seriously. Idiot of the day is 120 replies? Do you want me to award you an idiot of the day post? It actually takes a lot, a real boneheaded post to get it. Disagreement over something isn't an "idiot award".


Well-known member
I fully understand the Gospel, sister, but being free from the Law does not free you to now say that sin is no longer sin. It only frees you from sin.

It only frees you from sin? What does that mean, exactly? To me, it means much more than that. It means we are no longer under the law for righteousness.....righteousness does not come from law-keeping but from walking according to the Spirit. Walking according to the Spirit means we obey the VOICE of the Lord...the leading of the Spirit.... in every particular situation in which we find ourselves. We seek HIS direction in our lives...not just life and death decisions but those things that are right or wrong for us. What is right for you may be wrong for me.

It's also in vain if you say that you have no sin.

Who accuses me of sin? Certainly not God. So, I can't agree with you on that one. I think it is absolute faith to say I have no sin. That means I trust and believe that our Lord took all my sin on the cross. All of it. How can I have sin when I am not under the law? It would be in vain if I were first coming into the light to claim I have no sin. I have no sin now because our Lord Jesus Christ has cleansed me from ALL unrighteousness. I am clean every whit. I have been adopted into the household of longer a son of Adam, but a son of God.

Those who claim that they have no sin, make His death a sham.

Actually, they prove His death accomplished exactly what it was meant to.

No one suggested anything like that, or even came close to suggesting anything like that. A comment like that is most likely why Paul told women not to teach.

Actually, Paul set very strict quidelines on that....which you seem to have redrawn a bit. We are not to usurp authority over men in the assembly.

The conversation has NOTHING to do with "obedience", and EVERYTHING to do with "choosing" to call what is a sin, not a sin, thus calling the death of Jesus meaningless. Nobody has, or would, who knows the gospel. It is indeed a mistake to claim that Jesus did not die for our sins, by claiming what is a sin, is not a sin. And the reason, people do that, is because they refuse to admit that they willfully sin, and instead lie against the truth to defend themselves.

And you have decided that certain forms of birth control are murder, right? Tell me which commandment says that? No, Sozo. You are most definitely judging what is sin and what isn't sin, and we are not to walk according to YOUR convictions. I have the mind of Christ, just as you do, and NO MAN is to judge me any more than I am to judge you. We simply cannot know what God is telling the "other guy". We can speculate...we can think we know....but we should never go beyond that.

1 Cor. 2: 15-16
But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.​

Can you imagine what we would say to Abraham if we saw him tying Isaac and placing him on the altar?

I know a MAN who teaches that those who don't speak in tongues do not have the Spirit dwelling in them. I know another who teaches that women can be pastors in a church, and another that teaches babies must be baptized. The list is long, but YOU are not the interpreter of what the Spirit tells other members of the body.


Well-known member
In other words, according to you, if someone does not have the light that murder is sin, then it is perfectly acceptable to murder. Right, that makes sense. :rolleyes:

That would be YOUR definition of murder, right? It seems to be the only definition in existence. Motive and intent as well as extenuating circumstances always define murder....under any law.

No, you are greatly in error, and you will never find one post where I said that someone needs to not take birth control. I have and will continue to say that it is a sin, because it is a sin. What you do, is between you and God, but you do not get to call what is a sin, not a sin, just so you can feel better about doing it.

And you don't get to call something a sin when the Lord has given me permission to do it. I am very familiar with the peace that comes from a clear conscience. Your assumption I would say something is not a sin just so I "can feel better about doing it" is nothing short of self-righteous judgmentalism at it's finest. Nice try, though. ;)


Well-known member
Please share with us when God took on your liberal view, and rescinded what He said, because He is convinced that over population is destroying the earth.

It sure is interesting how a woman was the one first deceived, and that today it is women who are doing all the deceiving. Just like Adam, God rebuked him for listening to Eve, when he should have believed God. The world is being "destroyed" by women who want to be in "control", and by effeminate men who want to be controlled.

Ah, I see. You're angry with women. "All the deceiving", really? :doh:

It wasn't that Adam "listened" to Eve. It was that Adam chose Eve over God... Adam's sin was willful disobedience. And it's interesting how Adam blamed God for giving him that woman. Hmm....sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Gen. 3:12
And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.​

This world is "being destroyed" because men and women love the world more than they love God. It's a shame to blame the women for that. :nono:


Well-known member
No, seriously. Idiot of the day is 120 replies? Do you want me to award you an idiot of the day post? It actually takes a lot, a real boneheaded post to get it. Disagreement over something isn't an "idiot award".

Seriously, I got it. I was just making a joke. So, please don't give me an idiot award. I have a hard enough time staying out of the woodshed with my frequent attempts at wit.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
That sounds like a contradiction to me.
Then you need to clear the clutter from your mind.

Murder is defined already. And God knows what is and is not murder. He has told us. I have every right, nay every obligation to tell others who do not know. I do not, however, have the right to redefine it and call things that are not murder as though they are murder.

I also do not have the right to say things are not murder when they are.

Are you denying there is such a thing? What do you think Paul meant when he said the law was spiritual? Romans 7:14
Yes I am denying there is a "spirit of the law," as far as the intent behind it being different from the letter of it. I am not denying the Spirit that gave that law. It is because the law was given by God, who is Spirit, that the law is spiritual.

I think you'll see the difference in Matt. 5. We commit adultery when we look with lust....spirit of the law (magnified). Now, once we admit that we can not keep the law as God intends us to, then we can move past obedience to the law to the obedience of faith. Keeping the letter is outward obedience...keeping the spirit is walking by faith.
Looking at one who is not your spouse with lust is adultery committed in the heart. It was not punishable by the law as there was no act to prove it had taken place. One only had to claim they were thinking of their spouse if caught acting in lust while alone.

And looking to the law for righteousness is foolishness and walking according to the flesh rather than the Spirit. This is not about righteousness. This is simply discussing what is sin and what is not.

Since it was made for the ungodly, the ungodly should heed it. It was not made for the righteous man. 1 Timothy 1:9 We don't need the law to tell us right from wrong....we have the indwelling Spirit and a heart purified by faith.
That doesn't mean we can just go about doing that which is wrong. Sin is sin, and our freedom from it doesn't change that.

That's very true....sometimes we don't know. When in doubt, don't. Which is why we are told to wait upon the Lord. We wait for that peace that He is faithful to give.
But even in that we have His word to which we can go while seeking Him in prayer to direct our paths.

The earth is populated. Here's what I say. Each person must walk in the light the Lord gives him. He is not to walk according to another man's convictions. The hand does not have to consult the foot before it responds to the head.
And people die every day. Should we just let the population dwindle?

The entire discussion here is over what the Head said. What did He say? Are you listening?

It was a joke, Lighthouse. And I was actually referring to something like masturbation, for instance. Talking about making rules and all....
I know exactly what you meant.

I have no idea. I haven't heard anyone but Catholics be so serious about birth control.
then maybe you should stop being so knee-jerk reactionary and ask him.

That is one of those hypotheticals that wouldn't happen because it was never meant to happen in the first place. I swear, people worry more about things that would never happen than they do about the problems they actually face. And, they worry more about what the other guy might do wrong than they SHOULD. :carryon:
So you're a Calvinist?

It only frees you from sin? What does that mean, exactly? To me, it means much more than that. It means we are no longer under the law for righteousness.....righteousness does not come from law-keeping but from walking according to the Spirit. Walking according to the Spirit means we obey the VOICE of the Lord...the leading of the Spirit.... in every particular situation in which we find ourselves. We seek HIS direction in our lives...not just life and death decisions but those things that are right or wrong for us. What is right for you may be wrong for me.
That last line is a lie from the pit of Hell. If there is any difference in God's commands for His people they are already spelled out in His word.

Who accuses me of sin? Certainly not God. So, I can't agree with you on that one. I think it is absolute faith to say I have no sin. That means I trust and believe that our Lord took all my sin on the cross. All of it. How can I have sin when I am not under the law? It would be in vain if I were first coming into the light to claim I have no sin. I have no sin now because our Lord Jesus Christ has cleansed me from ALL unrighteousness. I am clean every whit. I have been adopted into the household of longer a son of Adam, but a son of God.
No one is accusing you of sin. Sozo has always preached, since before I ever joined TOL, that we who are in Christ are free from sin; that Jesus took it all away and therefore we now have no sin.

His intent here was to say that it is a lie to say we have never had sin, or to say that there is no sin dwelling in our flesh, per Romans 7.

Actually, they prove His death accomplished exactly what it was meant to.
See above.

Actually, Paul set very strict quidelines on that....which you seem to have redrawn a bit. We are not to usurp authority over men in the assembly.
Do you really think Sozo meant any different?

And you have decided that certain forms of birth control are murder, right?
Se are. You know that. Sozo is not saying the others are murder. He is not saying they transgress God's command t not murder; he is saying birth control in general transgresses God's command to be fruitful and multiply.

Tell me which commandment says that?/quote]
He never said there was such a commandment. Stop reacting before you've taken the time to read what he wrote.

No, Sozo. You are most definitely judging what is sin and what isn't sin, and we are not to walk according to YOUR convictions. I have the mind of Christ, just as you do, and NO MAN is to judge me any more than I am to judge you. We simply cannot know what God is telling the "other guy". We can speculate...we can think we know....but we should never go beyond that
Why do you think Sozo is redefining sin?

Ah, I see. You're angry with women. "All the deceiving", really? :doh:
He didn't say "all women." Stop letting your emotions rule you.

It wasn't that Adam "listened" to Eve. It was that Adam chose Eve over God... Adam's sin was willful disobedience. And it's interesting how Adam blamed God for giving him that woman. Hmm....sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Gen. 3:12
And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.​
This world is "being destroyed" because men and women love the world more than they love God. It's a shame to blame the women for that. :nono:
You're being emotionally reactionary and not paying attention, or allowing Sozo to tell you what he believes.
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Well-known member
Then you need to clear the clutter from your mind.

Ah, I'll have to remember that one. When I fail to make myself clear, I'll just tell the reader to "clear the clutter" from his mind. :thumb:

Murder is defined already. And God knows what is and is not murder. He has told us. I have every right, nay every obligation to tell others who do not know. I do not, however, have the right to redefine it and call things that are not murder as though they are murder.

Are you suggesting members of the body of Christ do not know what murder is? Do you realize motive and intent are involved with that charge? Tell a mother she is guilty of murder for leaving her child in a hot car for a brief moment in time. Tell her she is guilty of murder for dragging her toddler out of the road while her baby drowns in a bucket of water on the porch. When does this "telling" cease?

I also do not have the right to say things are not murder when they are.

Nor do you have the right to claim what someone else does is murder when you cannot see into that person's heart. Charge a father who shoots a teenage prowler with murder. Charge a soldier who kills a child while shooting at a terrorist. Charge a policeman who makes an error in judgment. Charge a father who runs over his toddler in the driveway......sure looks like murder from the outside.

Yes I am denying there is a "spirit of the law," as far as the intent behind it being different from the letter of it. I am not denying the Spirit that gave that law. It is because the law was given by God, who is Spirit, that the law is spiritual.

Deny it if you like, but I don't think you understand what is meant by the term. David kept the spirit of the law when he ate the showbread....the letter said nay, but the spirit of the law allowed it. Mercy has a definite place in the law. There are always exceptions to the letter of the law.

Looking at one who is not your spouse with lust is adultery committed in the heart. It was not punishable by the law as there was no act to prove it had taken place. One only had to claim they were thinking of their spouse if caught acting in lust while alone.

What? It has nothing to do with whether we're caught in the act or not. It has to do with external compliance as opposed to internal compliance.

And looking to the law for righteousness is foolishness and walking according to the flesh rather than the Spirit. This is not about righteousness. This is simply discussing what is sin and what is not.

How can anyone possibly have a discussion about sin without discussing righteousness?

That doesn't mean we can just go about doing that which is wrong. Sin is sin, and our freedom from it doesn't change that.

That's exactly what the Jews claimed would happpen when Paul taught his gospel of Grace. This "license to sin" charge is usually made by those who don't understand what happens to those who are crucified with Christ and raised in newness of life.

But even in that we have His word to which we can go while seeking Him in prayer to direct our paths.

Indeed, and is He faithful to perform what He has promised or not?

And people die every day. Should we just let the population dwindle?

It isn't our job to keep the population from dwindling. God always had a particular reason for the be fruitful and multiply command. It was to replenish the the beginning....after the flood....after great calamities befell the nation of Israel.

The entire discussion here is over what the Head said. What did He say? Are you listening?

I always the Lord Jesus Christ not every preacher that comes along.

I know exactly what you meant.

I guess I made myself clear then, and can't say you should "clear the clutter". Shucks, I was hoping I could use that one. :sigh:

then maybe you should stop being so knee-jerk reactionary and ask him.

Uh, I say your knee is jerking pretty good just now.

So you're a Calvinist?

See? Knee-jerk. :chuckle:

That last line is a lie from the pit of Hell. If there is any difference in god's commands for His people they are already spelled out in His word.

What this? Really? I think you're over-reacting.

glorydaz said:
What is right for you may be wrong for me.

It may be right for you to drink alcohol, but not me. It may be right for you to watch R-rated movies, but not me. Come on, Lighthouse, admit you JUMPED too quickly on that one.

No one is accusing you of sin. Sozo has always preached, since before I ever joined TOL, that we who are in Christ are free from sin; that Jesus took it all away and therefore we now have no sin.

His intent here was to say that it is a lie to say we have never had sin, or to say that there is no sin dwelling in our flesh, per Romans 7.

You think there is sin dwelling in our flesh? That is a direct contradiction to what Paul says in Romans 6 and Romans 8. It's a good excuse, though, for people to claim sin dwells in their flesh so they aren't guilty of anything. They couldn't help it, after all. The Spirit of LIFE in Christ frees us from that law of sin in the flesh you're talking about. Romans 8:2-3

Romans 6:6-7
Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin.

Colossians 2:10-12
And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.​

Stop letting your emotions rule you.

You're being emotionally reactionary and not paying attention, or allowing Sozo to tell you what he believes.

You really need to stop telling me to stop doing what you are doing yourself. If you can't see that YOU are being "emotionally reactionary" then perhaps you need to look a little closer.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Ah, I'll have to remember that one. When I fail to make myself clear, I'll just tell the reader to "clear the clutter" from his mind. :thumb:
I made myself perfectly clear.

Are you suggesting members of the body of Christ do not know what murder is? Do you realize motive and intent are involved with that charge? Tell a mother she is guilty of murder for leaving her child in a hot car for a brief moment in time. Tell her she is guilty of murder for dragging her toddler out of the road while her baby drowns in a bucket of water on the porch. When does this "telling" cease?

You are much more daft than I thought if your first assumption is that I was referring to the Body of Christ.

Nor do you have the right to claim what someone else does is murder when you cannot see into that person's heart. Charge a father who shoots a teenage prowler with murder. Charge a soldier who kills a child while shooting at a terrorist. Charge a policeman who makes an error in judgment. Charge a father who runs over his toddler in the driveway......sure looks like murder from the outside.
No they don't. None of those look like murder.

Deny it if you like, but I don't think you understand what is meant by the term. David kept the spirit of the law when he ate the showbread....the letter said nay, but the spirit of the law allowed it. Mercy has a definite place in the law. There are always exceptions to the letter of the law.
Then show the "spirit of the law" from Scripture.

What? It has nothing to do with whether we're caught in the act or not. It has to do with external compliance as opposed to internal compliance.
The law was only ever enacted when people were caught in the act of breaking it.

And internal compliance leads to external compliance.

How can anyone possibly have a discussion about sin without discussing righteousness?

A discussion of righteousness is not required for one to state simple truths such as "rape is sin."

That's exactly what the Jews claimed would happpen when Paul taught his gospel of Grace. This "license to sin" charge is usually made by those who don't understand what happens to those who are crucified with Christ and raised in newness of life.
No kidding. I've been dealing with those people for almost a decade.

Indeed, and is He faithful to perform what He has promised or not?
This has what to do with what?

It isn't our job to keep the population from dwindling. God always had a particular reason for the be fruitful and multiply command. It was to replenish the the beginning....after the flood....after great calamities befell the nation of Israel.
Can you back up this claim that God does not want us to keep the population from dwindling? Nay, that He does not want us to boost the population...

I always the Lord Jesus Christ not every preacher that comes along.
Then what did He say?

I guess I made myself clear then, and can't say you should "clear the clutter". Shucks, I was hoping I could use that one. :sigh:
I'm not daft.

Uh, I say your knee is jerking pretty good just now.

See? Knee-jerk. :chuckle:
Are you saying your statement wasn't Calvinistic?

What this? Really? I think you're over-reacting.
I have Asperger's. I over-think too much to overreact.

It may be right for you to drink alcohol, but not me. It may be right for you to watch R-rated movies, but not me. Come on, Lighthouse, admit you JUMPED too quickly on that one.
Nope. If it is wrong for someone to drink it is not because God commanded them so. It has nothing to do with that. The same goes for R-Rated movies. You're starting to sound like a Pentecostal.

You think there is sin dwelling in our flesh? That is a direct contradiction to what Paul says in Romans 6 and Romans 8. It's a good excuse, though, for people to claim sin dwells in their flesh so they aren't guilty of anything. They couldn't help it, after all. The Spirit of LIFE in Christ frees us from that law of sin in the flesh you're talking about. Romans 8:2-3
Romans 6:6-7
Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin.

Colossians 2:10-12
And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.​
If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find.​
-Romans 7:16-18

Our spirit is free, not our flesh.

Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption.
-1 Corinthians 15:50

You really need to stop telling me to stop doing what you are doing yourself. If you can't see that YOU are being "emotionally reactionary" then perhaps you need to look a little closer.
Again, I have Asperger's; I am nearly incapable of being emotionally reactionary. Logic is my default mode. I'm much like Spock in that regard.


New member
It only frees you from sin? What does that mean, exactly?
To be free from sin, has nothing to do with you no longer doing those things that the Law would define as sin (such as coveting), but that God is no longer taking your sins into account. This is because you are no longer in the flesh (in Adam; in darkness; etc), but in Christ, and in Him there is no sin.
Walking according to the Spirit means we obey the VOICE of the Lord...the leading of the Spirit.... in every particular situation in which we find ourselves.
Are you a charismatic? Walking in the Spirit has nothing to do with anything like that. It is about being in Christ, and walking by faith in His finished work, and NOT attempting to be made right with God through obedience to the Law.

We seek HIS direction in our lives...not just life and death decisions but those things that are right or wrong for us. What is right for you may be wrong for me.
That's just bizarre.

Who accuses me of sin? Certainly not God. So, I can't agree with you on that one. I think it is absolute faith to say I have no sin. That means I trust and believe that our Lord took all my sin on the cross. All of it. How can I have sin when I am not under the law? It would be in vain if I were first coming into the light to claim I have no sin. I have no sin now because our Lord Jesus Christ has cleansed me from ALL unrighteousness. I am clean every whit. I have been adopted into the household of longer a son of Adam, but a son of God.
:sigh: This conversation is going nowhere. You're not listening.

Actually, they prove His death accomplished exactly what it was meant to.
We are talking about two different things. :sigh:

Actually, Paul set very strict quidelines on that....which you seem to have redrawn a bit. We are not to usurp authority over men in the assembly.

And you have decided that certain forms of birth control are murder, right?
Certain types are, that's not an opinion.
Tell me which commandment says that? No, Sozo. You are most definitely judging what is sin and what isn't sin, and we are not to walk according to YOUR convictions. I have the mind of Christ, just as you do, and NO MAN is to judge me any more than I am to judge you. We simply cannot know what God is telling the "other guy". We can speculate...we can think we know....but we should never go beyond that.
You are not free to tell others what is murder, that it is not murder.

Can you imagine what we would say to Abraham if we saw him tying Isaac and placing him on the altar?
This is getting weird. You are not involved in the coming Seed.

I know a MAN who teaches that those who don't speak in tongues do not have the Spirit dwelling in them. I know another who teaches that women can be pastors in a church, and another that teaches babies must be baptized. The list is long, but YOU are not the interpreter of what the Spirit tells other members of the body.
This is crazy. God does not tell one person one thing, and another person something else. Objective truth is not subjective.


New member
Ah, I see. You're angry with women. "All the deceiving", really? :doh:
I never said "all women", but the vast majority have abandoned God's intent concerning them.

It wasn't that Adam "listened" to Eve.
"Then to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it’; Cursed is the ground because of you; In toil you will eat of it All the days of your life." Genesis 3:17

I'm done listening to you.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
To be free from sin, has nothing to do with you no longer doing those things that the Law would define as sin (such as coveting), but that God is no longer taking your sins into account.

What I tell people, especially new Christians if they show a zeal for God according to knowledge and believe the gospel, is that they do not sin. They are to present themselves as perfect and Holy. Not because of their dead flesh, but because the Spirit is alive in them. We do not regard people according to the flesh. I don't regard Nang or godrulz according to their behavior. I tell them they are dead because they are not in Christ. My evidence is the evil they post.

And that has nothing to do with immoral behavior like adultery, that should still be a crime and shamefully is not in the USA.
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New member
What I tell people, especially new Christians if they show a zeal for God according to knowledge and believe the gospel, is that they do not sin. They are to present themselves as perfect and Holy. Not because of their dead flesh, but because the Spirit is alive in them. We do not regard people according to the flesh. I don't regard Nang or godrulz according to their claims. I tell them they are dead because they are not in Christ. My evidence is the evil they post.

And that has nothing to do with immoral behavior like adultery, that should still be a crime and shamefully is not in the USA.

So what about the evil you post? What about the obnoxious lies to continually post and attribute to me? What about your lies to cover yourself when you are caught? You are the proverbial rotten apple in the barrel and it seems you are allowed to get away with it for some reason. I'm placing you on ignore which is where you should always have been.


New member
What I tell people, especially new Christians if they show a zeal for God according to knowledge and believe the gospel, is that they do not sin. They are to present themselves as perfect and Holy. Not because of their dead flesh, but because the Spirit is alive in them. We do not regard people according to the flesh. I don't regard Nang or godrulz according to their claims. I tell them they are dead because they are not in Christ. My evidence is the evil they post.

You stand unarmed because you do not recognize sin. You told me to heed Paul. Why don't you?

"For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not. For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want. But if I am doing the very thing I do not want, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me.…" Just as Paul was when he wrote this, so are you now...not free from your body of death. This is why Paul was so eager to go and be with Yeshua, so he would be free from sin. You lay before new believers an enormous stumbling block all the while condemning yourself as you condemn members of the Body with the evil you post.

You act as if there is no King in Israel. "In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes." (Judges 21:25)
One who would be a living sacrifice is one who does not do what is right in his or her own eyes.
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