Pope says church should ask forgiveness from Sodomites for past treatment


The Catholic Church obviously believes that :chuckle:
Child molestation is a "sickness" reflecting someone incapable of developing an intimate relationships with other adults - in my opinion its the Church authorities who knowingly moved these individuals from parish to parish, one step ahead of the law, that bear the greatest responsibility.

This kind of deviant behavior is finally surfacing in Europe and North America - are we to believe that its not just smouldering beneath the surface in Africa, Asia and South America?
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Every human being created in the image of God deserves, on that basis, to be treated with basic human dignity.



The Catholic Church apologized for that, too. Seems like the RCC id doing a lot of apologizing- for it's infallible dictations.


New member
The Catholic Church apologized for that, too. Seems like the RCC id doing a lot of apologizing- for it's infallible dictations.
Many of the historic Protestant sects have apologized for their actions during the late Renaissance as well.

In any case, the Church is infallible in its formal teachings, not in the behavior of every individual member throughout history. Try again.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Declares yet another know-nothing self-styled "expert" on the Catholic Church and her teachings. :yawn:

That's the thing about stupidity; you don't have to know a thing about a person to spot when they're spouting idiocy.

Bradley D

Well-known member
We should apologize for any times where we treated homosexual people with less dignity than is deserved by any other fallen human being, and as less than the image of God in which all men have been created. Of course, that's true of any human beings, not merely homosexuals.

I believe in love the sinner, but not the sin. I am not one to judge. I hope and pray all sinners repent and find God. However, I will not accept the sin nor apologize for calling it such.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Every human being created in the image of God deserves, on that basis, to be treated with basic human dignity.

define "basic human dignity"

especially with regard to those who insist that their perversions be respected

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We should apologize for any times where we treated homosexual people with less dignity ....





noun: dignity

the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.

dude - if you and da pope want to honor and respect men who bugger boys and other men, feel free :idunno:

I'm gonna go with God on this one:

“ ‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.



New member
That's the thing about stupidity; you don't have to know a thing about a person to spot when they're spouting idiocy.
There you go, stick to what you actually know, that is, "spouting idiocy." And stay away from commenting on things you know exactly zero about, such as the Catholic Church and her teachings.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
There you go, stick to what you actually know, that is, "spouting idiocy." And stay away from commenting on things you know exactly zero about, such as the Catholic Church and her teachings.
Don't worry; I intend to stay well away from the pope and her teachings.


New member
I believe in love the sinner, but not the sin. I am not one to judge. I hope and pray all sinners repent and find God. However, I will not accept the sin nor apologize for calling it such.
Neither would (nor does) the Pope. As the Church plainly teaches in the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
2357 ...Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity [141], tradition has always declared that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered. They are contrary to the natural law... Under no circumstances can they be approved.

141. Cf. Gen. 19:1-29; Rom. 1:24-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; 1 Tim. 1:10.

So the Church agrees with you in that we are to condemn the sin (homosexual acts) while treating the sinner with the dignity worthy of his status as the image and likeness of God. It is specifically for failing in the latter that the Pope recommends apology.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Meanwhile, this pope chick thinks we should apologize to homos.


Well-known member
This really isn't complicated. Historically the Catholic Church was responsible for discrimination against many groups, and in some cases atrocities. It is proper to apologize for these things. Apologizing for how you treated homosexuals, heretics or Jews does not mean that you agree with these groups.

The Church can and should apologize for how it treated people.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The Church can and should apologize for how it treated people.
Nope. Individuals should apologize for their own, specific actions that they repent of.

This namby-pamby "apologizing" by faceless entities to people long dead for non-specific issues leads to the watering-down of genuine remorse and resentment from people who have done nothing wrong.

This moron saying that Christians should apologize to homos is utterly un-Christ-like.

The Pope is not female.
What is it: A computer program?


Well-known member
Nope. Individuals should apologize for their own, specific actions that they repent of.

This namby-pamby "apologizing" by faceless entities to people long dead for non-specific issues leads to the watering-down of genuine remorse and resentment from people who have done nothing wrong.

Groups of people are real entities.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
yes. goodbye.
I know why you bother. :troll:

Individuals should apologize for their own, specific actions that they repent of.

This namby-pamby "apologizing" by faceless entities — notwithstanding chair's notion that groups of people are real entities — to people long dead for non-specific issues leads to the watering-down of genuine remorse and resentment from people who have done nothing wrong.

This pope thing saying that Christians should apologize to homos is utterly un-Christ-like.

Now, if morons like stool could just butt out instead of spamming threads, we might have silence, or maybe a rational response. But nothing is better than his nonsense.