Poor nations: Poverty and corruption


New member
Hall of Fame
I've been reading various articles and videos about why some nations are rich while others are poor. The biggest contributing factor to the economic success of a nation is the strength of its institutions. You cannot have strong institutions with rampant corruption (see Mexico and Ukraine).

Does anyone have ideas about how to reduce corruption? Does anyone think there are other stronger factors that determine the economic well being of a nation?

yes, whether or not the majority of its citizens honor/revere God.


New member
yes, whether or not the majority of its citizens honor/revere God.

I disagree. God chooses whom he will bless not based on merit. I would rather say that to the extent that a nation adopts godly principles regarding honesty and integrity and work ethic, the better they do economically. Atheists do those things now and hence we prosper. It's just that they don't realize their ethics were adopted from Christianity.