Poor nations: Poverty and corruption


New member
I've been reading various articles and videos about why some nations are rich while others are poor. The biggest contributing factor to the economic success of a nation is the strength of its institutions. You cannot have strong institutions with rampant corruption (see Mexico and Ukraine).

Does anyone have ideas about how to reduce corruption? Does anyone think there are other stronger factors that determine the economic well being of a nation?

patrick jane

I've been reading various articles and videos about why some nations are rich while others are poor. The biggest contributing factor to the economic success of a nation is the strength of its institutions. You cannot have strong institutions with rampant corruption (see Mexico and Ukraine).

Does anyone have ideas about how to reduce corruption? Does anyone think there are other stronger factors that determine the economic well being of a nation?
Checks and balances


'Checks and Balances' is a central thing the Founding Fathers implemented to ensure that the institutions never get so out of control that they dominate the other. This is something most clearly seen with the trinity of the branches- executive, judicial, and legislative, but also includes the states and people thereof as well.


Well-known member
Our own nation is now rife with corruption and the result is that our people are being divided into a small number of extremely wealthy 'elites', and a huge number of poor and people just scraping by , with fewer and fewer living in between. So, yes. it appears that the result of corruption is to create this huge divide between rich and poor, with a very small number of people on the 'rich' side, and a very large number of poor.

The solution for this in the U.S. has traditionally been representational democracy, in which the influence of the rich on government policy is offset by the will of everyone else, as expressed through elections. If a politician served the rich too exclusively, he could be elected out of office and replaced by one that serves the broader constituency. But those days are long gone in the U.S., as the rich now control virtually every candidate, of either electable party, and so will be served almost exclusively regardless of who gets elected. And they do this through the legalized bribery of campaign financing, through lobbying, and through the promise of after-office patronage jobs.

The result of which is that a recent study found that there is literally no mathematical correlation between the behavior of the U.S. legislature and the will of the people of the United States. The politicians are not responding to the people's wishes regarding any issue, for or against, AT ALL!

So I don't really see how we have any way of telling any other nation how to combat internal corruption. As we clearly have no idea how to combat it here in our own country.


New member
Thanks, but there are countries with checks and balances and still corruption is rampant. Food is shipped in from foreign countries. People walk for miles only to be told that most of the food is gone or already claimed. These are people working for the government that are given the obligation to make sure the food goes to needy people. They end up selling the food to businessmen at a very cheap price who turn around and make a profit on it. Almost all the free food ends up like this. What can be done to stop it?