Political Polarization, Greater Today


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Hall of Fame
"Republicans and Democrats are more divided along ideological lines – and partisan antipathy is deeper and more extensive – than at any point in the last two decades."

Read the study, offer a response, as to what you think about the study, agree, or disagree, and what you think the study means, or what you think it should mean.


My thinking is age plays a major role, yet I do not see the results expected. For me, age seems key, although I do think location, and family socioeconomic history plays a major role? I say socioeconomic history, not socioeconomic status, because the later applies mostly to relative wealth, while socioeconomic history applies to differences is several other areas, such as relative wealth and lifestyle, that being, there would be a difference between high income, and high spending wealth, compared to wealth acquired by frugal lifestyle. Here, I would assume the later more conservative and more likely to vote Republican, and value tradition.

In my opinion, the most conservative persons would have been born before 1945, raised in the South, or the rural Midwest, have worked as company employees, lives is a suburb, or rural- small town, prefer a quite life, and have a preference for the past over the present.


Take the test, see how it identifies you, and whether you agree, or disagree with the results.


I was a "consistent conservative", which is what I expected.


New member
It's a ruse. There is little distinction between the policies of a Republican and a Democrat president.

Dividing the masses down the middle helps them keep the status quo going


Well-known member
Take the test, see how it identifies you, and whether you agree, or disagree with the results.


I was a "consistent conservative", which is what I expected.
I stopped simply because I don't like the questions, which probably means I'm somewhat moderate in my overall politics. I've seen abuse in a couple of factories. I think in my area, unions can stop that but they barely exist any more and often go a lot further after concerns I'm not interested in, hence: moderate. However, I quickly swing Conservative when it comes to issues of morality and Republicans have garnered my votes BUT I live in an area where my vote seldom counts (Democratic NW).

The Horn

The Republican party is no longer "conservative ". Supposedly, conservatism means wanting to preserve the best of the past .
But the GOP doesn't want to do this . It wants to go back to the WORST of the past, and then some !
The Republican party is now fascist and theocratic . Regressive. Atavistic . It wants to "take America back " - right back to the dark ages !
The late senator Barry Goldwater used to call himself a conservative . But today, he would be considered a left-wing extremist pinko commie by today's regressive right.
He was pro gay rights, pro choice and adamantly opposed to the totalitarian theocratic agenda of the religious right, which is even worse today them when he was alive .