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patrick jane

And yet here you are, making a thread about it.

Amazing how people miss the point sometimes. This isn't about Warren, or whether she does or doesn't have Cherokee blood in her lineage.

This is about the president of the United States using an occasion meant to honor Native American heroes, as a soapbox for his petty, self-serving agenda.

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe leader Harold Frazier:

I am deeply ashamed of the way the President of the United States has treated the veterans during an honoring ceremony at the White House. Veterans are brave heroes who sacrificed everything, despite the historical trauma to tribal nations, when asked to defend the United States. Absolutely nothing should have taken away from honoring the veterans for their contributions to the war that ensured the American way of life.

The President of the United States had an opportunity to honor veterans and bridge gaps in the relationship Tribes have with the Federal government. Instead, he chose to disgrace himself, his position and the nation he represents. It has been more than 200 years of living together yet the President of the United States knows nothing about us. We have been forced to learn the way of the American life. We have learned American religions, language, economy, politics and society. We all share in following the American dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A dream that all of those things we learn about, try to keep us from achieving. The President’s comments are another reminder that we are not allowed to participate.

Pocahontas was only a child when she became a victim of rape, kidnapping, imprisonment, and her forced conversion to Christianity. What happened to Pocahontas is still happening today to our women. Native American women continue to be victims of rape and exploitation by white men.
The President of the United States is practicing that by exploiting native women as an insult for political machismo. Pocahontas is beloved by native people and is recognized as a victim of European colonialism. To use her name in that manner is disgusting and reflective of the President of the United States’ ignorance.

This President of the United States does not deserve to represent the American people if he cannot acknowledge the contributions of the people who make America great. The President of the United States has shown no responsibility when caring for American resources or the people.
An apology is in order for the warriors that were present, to the native nations and the United States for his behavior. The President of the United States wanted to utilize an opportunity to honor native warriors who defended this land to make a political attack. I have one for him, leave the office you bought and take your swamp things with you.
Sounds like Trump brought some much needed and long overdue attention to the needs and concerns of Native Americans in the entire country.

patrick jane

Then you should have titled the thread: Trump is in the news again for insulting Native Americans and has been rebuked by several Native American leaders. But because I refuse to think Trump could possibly be wrong or insensitive or just plain stupidly selfish about anything at all, I'm gonna make fun of people who are disgusted by Trump's behavior and instead focus on how Elizabeth Warren claims she's part Cherokee but she can't prove it and that'll show everyone how wonderful Trump is and how evil "the left" is.
Nobody has to try making the left look bad. Trump was being a joker and a showman. No harm at all was done, nobody should be "hurt" by the word Pocahontas. He couldn't call her Geronimo or Tonto, could he?



Mountains out of mole hills.
The things people complain about just cracks me up sometimes.

I, personally, got a HUGE chuckle at Trump's Pocahontas comment towards Elizabeth Warren. ...

The left wants to make it about Trump, not the Indians.

Honoring the Navajo veterans in the Oval Office, for their service to the nation, is neither the time nor the place for this President to have "a senior's moment" by mocking a Democratic Senator.

This may all be considered "red meat" to amuse Trump's basket of "deplorables," but the President's own marquee appointee, the Secretary of State, said it best when he referred to "The Donald" as a "MORON" - Tillerson's comment can't be dismissed as just another criticism from the "left!"
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Then you should have titled the thread: Trump is in the news again for insulting Native Americans and has been rebuked by several Native American leaders. But because I refuse to think Trump could possibly be wrong or insensitive or just plain stupidly selfish about anything at all, I'm gonna make fun of people who are disgusted by Trump's behavior and instead focus on how Elizabeth Warren claims she's part Cherokee but she can't prove it and that'll show everyone how wonderful Trump is and how evil "the left" is.

No, she can name her thread what she wants and she can make it about what she wants, why dont you make your own since you dont want to talk about what its about, why sit here and cry like a baby?