TOL Subscriber
Wait... Let's please take this discussion elsewhere. I hadn't realized it was on this dedicated thread.
Apologies AMR and others.
Apologies AMR and others.
That's a false dichotomy. Neither has to be so.
I'd always perceived you to be one who looked for answers beyond paradoxical and insufficient binaries.
C. Neither
By this do you assume God cannot act within Himself? That is, are you arguing all all acts of God be confined to ad extra?
No. Ek-/ex- procession is movement FROM (and) TO. That's spatiality, and thus linearity and sequentiality.
"Out of" as motion would then not be "interior" to the Father. The ousia cannot be some fourth thing as a component of God distinct from the alleged hypostases themselves, just to insist upon non-exteriorization for economy.
This would have to then mean the (purported) Son and Holy Spirit hypostases were inside the Father hypostasis both before and after the alleged internal procession, having moved from one "place" inside Him to another "place" inside Him. That's neither innate ontology nor economy.
Internal procession as ad intra would deny the innate incommunicable attributes of Eternity, Infinity, Immensity, and Simplicity. The two-fold singular procession for the Logos and Pneuma (exerchomai/ekporeuomai respectively) was external.
And beyond this... the express image (charakter) OF a hypostasis is not another hypostasis (with the third unaccounted for anyway). Charakter is the impressing or engraving, first indicating the tool and its impress. NOT the impressed.
God impressed His (singular) hypostasis upon His Logos. It's not a cookie cutter and another cookie. Cookie cutters aren't cookies.
1 Cor 14:32
And the spirits of prophets
Are subject to prophets...
Free-lancing does not seem to be Biblical...
How can ontological hypostatic movement as procession be interior as opera ad intra?
You reject any notion of circumincession?
A basic statement:
Within the ontological Trinity there are the following properties special to each person: the Father eternally begets the Son; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father; the Spirit eternally proceeds from the Father from the Son. These properties belong to the eternal and necessary existence of God. They have no beginning, and they will have no end.
The Son of God and the Spirit are, like the Father, of themselves (the technical term which we use to express this truth is autotheos). The Son and the Spirit do not owe their origin or their being to God the Father. Like the Father, they are eternal and uncreated.
The persons of the Godhead eternally indwell one another. The Father indwells the Son and the Spirit. The Son indwells the Father and the Spirit. The Spirit indwells the Father and the Son. The technical term we use to designate this mutual indwelling of the persons of the Godhead is the term circumincession.
What in your opinion is wrong with the statement above?
I saw that post, Bro. Arsenios. You were attempting to tell me that every last one of the Patristics agreed on every last thing of theology and practice.
Even if one dismisses the copious amount of anathematizing and exiling and ostracizing of any dissenters, what remains is still not utterly homogenous between all leaders of all eras.
Even amongst the Capadocians, Basil is considered preeminent in some sense; so somebody was introducing and innovating. Otherwise, nothing new would have ever been discovered or postulated and introduced.
Forgive me, I was intruding...
I forgot which thread this is...
Arguments are formulated for heresies...
New truths are not being discovered...
Just new refutations for new heresies...
Truth is Christ - A Mystery indeed...
Augustine is an Orthodox Saint...
He is not a Theologian...
Encounters with God do not give a person some kind of papal infallibility...
Consensus is the key, however long it may take...
Prophesy is subject to prophets...
Theological prophetic insight is subject to the Church Fathers...
This thread is for you and AMR...
Forgive my intrusion...
I, on the other hand, rightly insist that
Didactic truth trumps the consensus of Dialectic among men.
Then you disagree with Paul when he writes that the spirits of prophets are placed under subjection to prophets...
You seem to have a more narcissistic versionary vision of truth...
No, I don't disagree with Paul.
I'm referring to the Dialectic consensus of men that you prefer over God's pure Didactic truth.
No. The narcissism is from those who adhere to joint opinions of men in presumption that God doesn't unfold deeper revelation of Himself through the ages.
Good... Then may I ask you to which prophets is your spirit under subjection??
These men are prophets in the Body of Christ,
the Holy Fathers of the Church...
They are conciliar,
and are all in subjection one to another...
Even when they are all wrong save but one, then it does not take a terribly long time for the many to come around [Basil]...
THAT definition of narcissism is laughable, PPS...
And your last presumption, that God didn't get it fully conveyed through Christ, is a colossal fail...
He told His Apostles that at Pentecost the Holy Spirit would guide them to ALL Truth...
Do you disbelieve that ALL?
First of all... That's not even what that reference means. But I'm subject to the Fathers that are prophets. I've stood on their shoulders to avoid error and search for what they missed, since Prophets aren't Teachers, and Teachers are the NT equivalent of the OT scribes entrusted with the oracles of God unto salvation.
No. Not even by their individual assessment. Provide an example of Basil referring to himself as such.
Careful... We're not to reverence men. Apart from their callings and tasks for the time, they're no more set apart (hagios) that anyone else or since who is faithful and called and chosen.
You seem to think Athanasius, for example, was not a thug like Arius. They both were.
Well... this is a silly conclusion. All was conveyed through Christ. We each may know all that was expressed from God through His Son. Not just a select and early few.
Wow. And yet it took a few more centuries to have a formulaic that has been argued and fought over to this day in minutiae. Remember the Copts and the 1054 Schism?
The amazing thing is... I, with a heart for reconciliation and given that ministry, spent 17 years finding the one thing EVERYONE missed and has brought endless division and anathematization, etc. The vast majority of the rest I agree with.
But if I can't try the spirits and examine scripture and be led of the Spirit to a deeper revelation of presenting the omitted multi-phenomenality of God and His Logos and Spirit; then there's not much need for the Christian faith.
Argument from authority is a logical fallacy. The Patristics missed ONE thing, but it was monumental and yet subtle.
No Prophet formulated the Classic Trinity. It was Dialectic, and over many years' time; not Didactic and given verbatim to any one or more father/s. The earliest weren't even still alive when the formulaic was finalized.
And the historical formulaic (which is in constant flux for minutiae) denies God's intrinsic non-communicable attributes.
You evaded the question.
"To which prophets is your spirit under subjection??"
Yourf answer is: "To no prophet do I submit. I am the great prophet. I read their words and I stand above them on their shoulders. I am the greatest."
Subjection to the prophets means obedience to the Fathers, which begins with obedience to "those appointed over you", and this you have not done... You would have to lower your self... And this you are not able to do, because of all your years of pain and suffering under mistaken formulaics...
That pain and suffering was a gift to you...
"The extended formulaic process was not accomplished by Prophets."
Theology is not about "extended formulaic processes"...
It is not about words at all - Words are but the elementary level of theological enquiry... They are not theology except as it is presented in the scholia, which is not theology but words ABOUT theology...
Theology is a quest in becoming fully human in union with God...
You are mired in the slime of "extended formulaic processes..."
Even your noesis was formulaic, by your own report...
Won't happen - That would make him a narcissist too...
Paul tells us that the spirits of the prophets are to be subjected to the prophets. I asked you to which prophets is YOUR spirit subject. And you reply: "Careful... We're not to reverence men..."
You seem unable to grasp the difference between a Saint and a heretic...
Union with God is N-O-T a verbal enterprise...
WOW! More formulaic obsession...
The fruit of the Spirit is Peace...
Spirits are tried in one's own soul alone...
They know God...
Back to your formulaics... These are only brought forth for heresies... The Faith and its Theology are whole and complete and intact entirely without them...
Words, words, words...
But the circumincession is multi-phenomenal and uni-hypostatic rather than multi-hypostatic and uni-phenomenal. The perichoresis is not an interpenetration of multiple hypostasis and internal filiation/procession, but a circumincession of God's singular multi-phenomenal hypostasis and external filiation/procession.
Good... Then may I ask you to which prophets is your spirit under subjection??