The Greek word "pisteuo" was mistranslated into English , using the words believe, believer, and believing. The reason this was done is because the English language has no verb for the noun, "Faith". To have a verb that corresponds with the Noun "Faith," we just need to add the er, ing, and the e endings to the Noun "Faith" and we would have Faither, Faithing, and to Faithe. Since we didn't have these words available to the translators, they had to choose other words, believe, believer, and believing. These words are a part of what NT pisteuo or Faithing is, but only a part. By themselves they create a false path, thinking all we have to do is "believe", to have a personal relationship with Christ.
Interestingly enough, the definition for a verb, is an action , based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. The translators not only had to use a word that only partially defined Pisteuo, but they accually used the definition of what a verb is. Interesting!
The true complete meaning of the Greek word pisteuo used 248 times in the NT is,
1) "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender. "
What is it were surrendering to Him?
What does it mean by a life inspired by such surrender?
Is this a one time act, or is it continuous?
These are some good questions to be asking our selves.