I'll give you the point I was working for with identifying exactly what a verb is and does .
Satan , doesn't want to pervert the whole truth just enough of it to make it null and void . Now I don't know who is responsible for the English language not having the correct words for the translators , faithe , faither ,and faithing . That's anotherdeep discussion . But that fact still remains , the English language has no verb form of the noun Faith , and the translators had to find a word that would've as close as possible .
So , in my opinion , the translators having to choose the words believe , believer , and believing , only captured one third of what true pisteuo means . In fact they may have unknowingly simply translated that the word pisteuo was a verb , and only a part of what a verb is at that . That was a small point I was trying to share with you along the way of the 100 or more points I have waited for you . Most of have much greater importance .
So , is a mistranslation mean something has been translated completely wrong , or can it be considered a mistranslation if the intended communicative message has been lost ?
Of course believe , believing , and believer are a part of whole truth which is what we agreed on , " a personal surrender to Him , and a life inspired by such surrender ."
When the called out ones started to make believing the whole truth , it changed pisteuo 180 degrees .
If we are going any further , ide like to go back to point four and continue from there . Are you ok with that ?