ECT "PISTEUO", the secret of the universe....


I have explained how faith fits in.
Faith is a gift that God gives to those whom he chooses to save. No one else can have faith that saves.
Humans can believe something very strongly, but that's not faith as expressed in scripture.
God gifted faith will express itself in good works that glorify God. Such action comes with the gift.

Your at the other end of the Salvation journey , the end. I'm highlighting how pisteuo is fulfilled at the beginning of the relationship.

First , We are called out by the Father to Christ , two we respond by turning and stepping towards God by " pisteuo " !

Pisteuo , the words the NT writers used 248 times to communicate how we must recieve the Grace deposit , making Christ , His Spirit , and His Word ours to claim.

Then and only then do "we " paradoxically " grow into the state of being your referring to.

So let's start at the beginning. We are drawn or called out by the Father to Christ . We respond by turning and stepping towards Him by "pisteuo". ( By faithing )

Are you suggesting pisteuo is something God does for us ?


New member
All who are born again have been chosen by God.

Where is it written God gave them faith; gave them anything except the capability to believe and obey?
Ephesians 2:8-9
"For you have been saved by grace through faith, that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God so that no one can boast."
Faith is the gift of God. It's that simple.


New member
Your at the other end of the Salvation journey , the end. I'm highlighting how pisteuo is fulfilled at the beginning of the relationship.

First , We are called out by the Father to Christ , two we respond by turning and stepping towards God by " pisteuo " !

Pisteuo , the words the NT writers used 248 times to communicate how we must recieve the Grace deposit , making Christ , His Spirit , and His Word ours to claim.

Then and only then do "we " paradoxically " grow into the state of being your referring to.

So let's start at the beginning. We are drawn or called out by the Father to Christ . We respond by turning and stepping towards Him by "pisteuo". ( By faithing )

Are you suggesting pisteuo is something God does for us ?
I'm at the beginning.
"You were dead in your trespasses and sins"
"But God made you alive in Chist Jesus."
You have been saved by grace, through faith, which is not of yourselves, but is the gift of God so that no one can boast."
Faith is a work of God, not a work of men.

Cross Reference

New member
An undeserved action of God.
You are like a spider, dangling over the flames of hell by a thread. Your doom is sure...unless God intervenes on your behalf.

Undeserved action of God? Lets see, I guess I didn't have faith or His grace to receive it. So why did God "gift" me with faith or grace.

Lets paraphrase:

"For by [God's} grace are ye saved through [your] faith; and that [salvation] is not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:" Ephesians 2:8,9 (KJV)

[Emphasis mine]


New member
Undeserved action of God? Lets see, I guess I didn't have faith or His grace to receive it. So why did God "gift" me with faith or grace.

Question: Are you a universalist who believes everyone has been saved irrespective of faith or grace and there is nothing else to gain by believing for more regardless of what the atonement provided for?

God chose to save you purely because he chose to do so. Nothing you did merited his choice of you.
Free-will philosophy teaches universalism. God does not teach free-will. Therefore the only people that are saved are those whom God elects to save. God's salvation is limited to the elect.


I'm at the beginning.
"You were dead in your trespasses and sins"
"But God made you alive in Chist Jesus."
You have been saved by grace, through faith, which is not of yourselves, but is the gift of God so that no one can boast."
Faith is a work of God, not a work of men.

Grace is the free gift , nothing anyone can do will ever be able to replicate that free gift . But that free , completed , gift , is recieved by Faith and faithing .

Pisteuo is defined as " A personal surrender to Him , and a life inspired by such surrender ." This mandatory act of fulfilling pisteuo isn't done to replace or contribute to the free gift , it's done and mandated by the authors to recieve the free gift.

Now how bout focusing on the point of this thread which is the Greek word pisteuo.

Are you suggesting that God somehow personally surrenders our lives to Himself for us ?


New member
Grace is the free gift , nothing anyone can do will ever be able to replicate that free gift . But that free , completed , gift , is recieved by Faith and faithing .
Nope. If you were right, you would have cause to boast in your superior faith. You can have no faith if God doesn't gift it to you.
Look at Abraham. He consistently displayed lack of faith until the moment when God formed the covenant and God walked between the heifer meat. It is after that act of God that Abraham then has the faith to believe that God would raise Isaac from the dead or provide a different sacrifice.
Faith is entirely a gift from God.


New member
Undeserved action of God? Lets see, I guess I didn't have faith or His grace to receive it. So why did God "gift" me with faith or grace.

Lets paraphrase:

"For by [God's} grace are ye saved through [your] faith; and that [salvation] is not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:" Ephesians 2:8,9 (KJV)

[Emphasis mine]

Indeed, you added words that actually contradict what God says.
The gift is faith. If it was generated by you, you could have cause to boast. But, it isn't generated by you. Faith is given to you as a gift by God's grace.
You just butchered God's word in an attempt to create a man-made philosophy.

Cross Reference

New member
God chose to save you purely because he chose to do so. Nothing you did merited his choice of you.

So what you are saying is Salvation was the gift.

Free-will philosophy teaches universalism.

No it doesn't. It teaches freewill is the enablement of God to man that he be able to decide for or against God of his own volition.

The account of Adam's disobedience tells us that.

God does not teach free-will.

God is THE FREEWILL of Freewillers.

Therefore the only people that are saved are those whom God elects to save. God's salvation is limited to the elect.

The great commandment:

"Love God with all you heart, soul, mind and strength" Question: How can man choose to love God if he has no freewill?


Nope. If you were right, you would have cause to boast in your superior faith. You can have no faith if God doesn't gift it to you.
Look at Abraham. He consistently displayed lack of faith until the moment when God formed the covenant and God walked between the heifer meat. It is after that act of God that Abraham then has the faith to believe that God would raise Isaac from the dead or provide a different sacrifice.
Faith is entirely a gift from God.

You do realize that there are two words for Faith right ?

You have pistis the noun and pisteuo the corresponding verb.

A verb is an act , based upon a belief , sustained by confidence. We fulfill hundreds of acts of Faith and faithing everyday.

Pisteuo is a specific act , based upon a specific belief , sustained by a specific kind of confidence.

The specific act : a continual personal surrender to Him. Based upon a belief : that he will accept the continually surrendered life. Sustained by a specific kind of confidence : making all the many daily decisions that support the fact we stand on the fact God has not only accepted the surrendered life , but will keep it , hide it , and complete it. This is how pisteuo is fulfilled , starting , maintaining , and completing in Christ.

How does pisteuo the verb, the act we must fulfill fit into your understanding ?

You just can't continue to make your own declarations , pisteuo is something we must do from the very start. At the very start , we don't have the Spirit of Christ yet . So as Rom 8:9 says Christ , and His word are not ours yet. Meaning Christ is none of ours at the beginning.

We must make the choice who we will serve. God , by pisteuo , or our sinful nature , by pisteuo.

Cross Reference

New member
Indeed, you added words that actually contradict what God says.
The gift is faith. If it was generated by you, you could have cause to boast. But, it isn't generated by you. Faith is given to you as a gift by God's grace.
You just butchered God's word in an attempt to create a man-made philosophy.

I told you the emphasis was mine.

I have been down this road in the past. Nothing has changed. Repent. Maybe get saved.


New member
So what you are saying is Salvation was the gift.

No it doesn't. It teaches freewill is the enablement of God to man that he be able to decide for or against God of his own volition.

The account of Adam's disobedience tells us that.

God does not teach free-will.

God is THE FREEWILL of Freewillers.

The great commandment:

"Love God with all you heart, soul, mind and strength" Question: How can man choose to love God if he has no freewill?

Answer: Dead men can't. There is no free-will in a dead man.
God must make you alive in Christ.
God must save you.
God must adopt you.
God must give you the gift of faith.
These are all gracious acts of God on your behalf.

Cross Reference

New member
Biblical text? You have none, so you make this spurious accusation.

If you could reason there might be hope for you. But you can't. As with some others here, It has been denied you because you have allowed your biased religion/philsophies to rule you.. Even to the degree you have no idea why you were saved; what salvation is meant to acheive for God by the faith of a born again Christian.


The Greek word "pisteuo". Probably the most important word that we will ever hear as called out ones. I consider this word to be the "secret of the universe". Because one day, God will reveal the importance of "pisteuo," and everyone will know it was right there in front of us all the time.

I beat this drum of "pisteuo ", because without actively exercising "pisteuo", no one can have the relationship with Christ that the NT talks about. An indwelling Holy Spirit, being in Christ, having Gods nature flowing through us, the word of God being ours to look at like a mirror, the mind of Christ, to be able to have that continual praying without ceasing. Without "pisteuo," none of these things will come to pass.

With those things said, what exactly is "pisteuo?"

"Pisteuo" is the Greek word, a verb, that's corresponds with the Greek word, a noun, "pistis".

When pistis and pisteuo were translated into the English texts, Pistis is where we get our word
"faith", the noun, was no problem. But when the translators tried to find an English word for "pisteuo," there was none. Pisteuo is a verb, An act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. The specific act that the Greek word pisteuo needed to translate to English is, the vines: "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." The Strongs: "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded, to trust, to place confidence in, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence, hence it is translated "commit unto," "commit to ones trust,"Be commited unto".

Pisteuo is the word that describes, encompasses, and teaches us what NT saving Faith is. We should have had the words faither, faithing, and to faithe, for the translators to use when translating pisteuo into English. But only because they had no other choice, they had to go with believer, believing, and to believe. The word pisteuo and it's English mistranslations are used over 250 times in the NT. The words believer, believing, and to believe are only one third of what Nt saving Faith is. And building an understanding on any of these three words is not NT saving Faith.

Stick to the topic of the OP . Yes that means you CR.


New member
If you could reason there might be hope for you. But you can't. As with some others here, It has been denied you because you have allowed your biased religion/philsophies to rule you.. Even to the degree you have no idea why you were saved; what salvation is meant to acheive for God by the faith of a born again Christian.

I have provided biblical reference. You now have resorted to childish comments.
I am saved because God chose to save me by his amazing grace. God has given me the faith to believe. I am adopted by God. I was chosen before the foundation of the world and predestined to be seated in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus.
Please read Ephesians 1 and 2 so you can perhaps comprehend the amazing grace of God.


New member
MennoSota writes:

“ God is the Sovereign King. “


Why is He a King? Is it because He has a kingdom? Can God be a King without a kingdom? Isn’t having a kingdom a prerequisite for being a king? Can God violate His own nature? The nature that is, reality itself? If anything is real, it’s because of God. Having a kingdom and subjects is a real requirement for being a king. Just like being the infinite, almighty God, demands that there isn’t another infinite and almighty God. By default, the implications of infinity, infinite power, infinite knowledge, excludes “others” from possessing such infinite, absolute power.

Being a just and gracious God, demands just that. And what is just and gracious? Do words have any meaning? Your philosophy ignores the fact that God has a lot more options and resources than we do, hence why assume God would abandon 99.9% of humanity to destruction? With all of the knowledge and power He possesses, it’s more likely a just and gracious, infinite God would provide a more constructive, far reaching solution to man’s fallen nature. With an emphasis on restoration, reformation, regeneration, reconciliation.

In your version, the devil wins. The evil one destroys practically all of creation, except for a few five point Calvinists.

MennoSota writes:

He is not obligated to withhold punishment on lawbreakers. In fact, since God is a just God, he is fully obligated to require that justice be meted out.


He’s not obligated to continue providing anyone with life, but He does, out of His compassion. Is it truly just to cast a creature into a state of eternal torment in hell, for being corrupt, when the ultimate source of that corruption is beyond its control? Thousands of years ago Adam broke God’s law, introducing sin into a perfect world, hence Adam’s offspring are forced into a state of corruption. You might object, but I assert that God’s justice is tempered by His grace and omnipotence. He is omnipotent and omniscient, hence His focus is not on destroying the wicked, but in reconciling them to His Son. Regeneration and restoration, rather than eternal damnation and torment.

Christ is the resurrection and the life, the savior of not just the elect, but of the whole world. All of creation.

MennoSota writes:

God expects the elect to forgive those who wrong them because God has chosen to forgive the elect through Jesus atoning sacrifice.


But according to your philosophy, he chooses not to forgive His enemies? We should forgive those who wrong us, God on the other hand is obligated not to forgive those who wrong Him? Why did God’s creatures wrong Him? Could it be, because they were born with a fallen, corrupt nature? If anything, God being just and merciful would use His omnipotence and wisdom, to restore His creation, rather than abandoning it in a state of torment.

Is there life, apart from God? There is no life, no existence detached from God, hence what you propose is that God is going to maintain 99.99% of humanity in a state of utter torment and torture, for behaving according to the fallen nature forced upon them at birth. Is this what your philosophy considers “just” ? You hold a very peculiar notion of justice.

The elect are the first fruits of salvation. The few in this age/aeon, who are born again and will one day reign with Christ over the nations. Who will the elect reign over? The elect are like the angels, the ministering spirits that manage God’s creation. That will be the role of the human elect in the age to come. Not all who are spared from the second death, reign with Christ. The elect are comprised of the genuine, born again disciples of Christ, who walked with Him in this life.

MennoSota writes:

Humans will never choose God.


Our choices are often influenced by many different factors, hence God’s grace and wisdom working within us, to restore us to His original image, the image of His Son. Nonetheless, within a certain context, people do choose God and His Kingdom, over this fallen world.

MennoSota writes:

Even in the Garden, Adam and Eve hid from God.


They sinned, without a sin nature. They fell, and then they felt shame. One doesn’t have to be totally depraved to sin or choose to disobey God. Likewise, one doesn’t have to be perfect or free of a sinful, corrupt nature, to choose God over evil.

MennoSota writes:

So it is with all lawbreakers. No criminal wants to be caught. They don't seek out the one who rightly judges their sin. God must call them out and choose to grant them pardon. God does not choose to pardon all humanity.


God will not pardon, nor restore all of humanity, on this point we agree. Some will indeed suffer the second death. The problem with your understanding, is that you believe only the elect will be spared the second death and they will reign with Christ, over….??????? God knows what. I propose, that the elect will reign with Christ over the nations, a sea of humanity, that was indeed spared from the second death. Every knee shall bow and tongue confess, that Jesus is Lord. Indeed, that will occur one day.
A significant number of people, will be spared the second death, thanks to the grace afforded to them, through Christ’s atoning sacrifice. Not all who inherit the earth and this physical universe, will be of the elect. The elect will reign with Christ, as ministering spirits/angels, over creation. Members of His royal family.

MennoSota writes:

There is no need to have faith in Adam to be corrupt. Our corruption is passed down by nature. We are born in rebellion to God.


We are born with a corrupt nature, but the sin of rebellion is a conscious one. A decision, not a question of nature. All of creation, including the animals, the plants, are in a state of corruption. Being born with a corrupt nature, is not the same as an angel created in a perfect state and environment, choosing to rebel against God. That is much worse. Adam and Eve, were not born with a sinful nature, yet they rebelled. You and I were born under very corrupt conditions, out of our control. That’s not rebellion, that’s a tragedy, one that God solved through Christ. The Second Adam.

MennoSota writes:

Unless God chooses to pluck us out, we will die in rebellion to God.


This is true. Our corruption, leads to a rebellious and wicked condition. Our fallen nature, leads to rebellion and without God’s grace we are doomed. Christ however was God’s solution to this crises.

MennoSota writes:

You are correct...if God chose not to extend his gracious saving hand, we would die as rebels to God. Our salvation is all by God's choice. Our faith is God's gift to us.

Yes indeed….No Christ, no resurrection or life. We would all be doomed to destruction.

MennoSota writes:

Christ is God. He is not adopted into God's family. He is the Sovereign King, the God of Creation.


I agree, He is God, the very image of the Father. Humanity was adopted into the family of God and divine Kingdom.

MennoSota writes:

We, whom God has chosen and elected to adopt are place in God's family so that we can cry out "Abba Father." One day we will have specific roles in God's Kingdom. It will not be like angels or like God. It will be the role God has ordained for us.


I believe the role God has ordained for us, is to be ministering spirits , messengers (angels).

MennoSota writes:

You have provided no scripture, therefore your claim to be from the Bible is illegitimate.


Everything I said is supported by inspired scripture. Perhaps not your understanding of the bible or holy scripture, but nonetheless, from my perspective and those who share my beliefs, this is the truth. More importantly, we are in agreement with the truth, reality itself, which is revealed to us through the Holy Spirit. A Spirit filled life, in Christ Jesus.

MennoSota writes:

You claim that you are guided by the Holy Spirit, yet the Counselor points us to God's word…


God’s Word is Jesus Christ. Not a collection of writings. The writings are profitable for instruction and guidance, provided you are born again and filled with Christ’s spirit. The church is superior to the book, the body of Christ, is comprised of every spirit filled disciple of Jesus Christ. The true elect, who work out their salvation in fear and trembling, making their election and calling sure. Christ first, then His Church/Bride, then what is written. Those who don’t really have a relationship with Christ, and haven’t been born again, do not understand this.

MennoSota writes:

which you have not provided. At this moment you are making an unproven assertion.


But if you cite the protestant bible, according to your own interpretation or understanding, then it’s a “proven assertion” ?


New member
MennoSota writes:

“ God is the Sovereign King. “


Why is He a King? Is it because He has a kingdom? Can God be a King without a kingdom? Isn’t having a kingdom a prerequisite for being a king? Can God violate His own nature? The nature that is, reality itself? If anything is real, it’s because of God. Having a kingdom and subjects is a real requirement for being a king. Just like being the infinite, almighty God, demands that there isn’t another infinite and almighty God. By default, the implications of infinity, infinite power, infinite knowledge, excludes “others” from possessing such infinite, absolute power.

Being a just and gracious God, demands just that. And what is just and gracious? Do words have any meaning? Your philosophy ignores the fact that God has a lot more options and resources than we do, hence why assume God would abandon 99.9% of humanity to destruction? With all of the knowledge and power He possesses, it’s more likely a just and gracious, infinite God would provide a more constructive, far reaching solution to man’s fallen nature. With an emphasis on restoration, reformation, regeneration, reconciliation.

In your version, the devil wins. The evil one destroys practically all of creation, except for a few five point Calvinists.

MennoSota writes:

He is not obligated to withhold punishment on lawbreakers. In fact, since God is a just God, he is fully obligated to require that justice be meted out.


He’s not obligated to continue providing anyone with life, but He does, out of His compassion. Is it truly just to cast a creature into a state of eternal torment in hell, for being corrupt, when the ultimate source of that corruption is beyond its control? Thousands of years ago Adam broke God’s law, introducing sin into a perfect world, hence Adam’s offspring are forced into a state of corruption. You might object, but I assert that God’s justice is tempered by His grace and omnipotence. He is omnipotent and omniscient, hence His focus is not on destroying the wicked, but in reconciling them to His Son. Regeneration and restoration, rather than eternal damnation and torment.

Christ is the resurrection and the life, the savior of not just the elect, but of the whole world. All of creation.

MennoSota writes:

God expects the elect to forgive those who wrong them because God has chosen to forgive the elect through Jesus atoning sacrifice.


But according to your philosophy, he chooses not to forgive His enemies? We should forgive those who wrong us, God on the other hand is obligated not to forgive those who wrong Him? Why did God’s creatures wrong Him? Could it be, because they were born with a fallen, corrupt nature? If anything, God being just and merciful would use His omnipotence and wisdom, to restore His creation, rather than abandoning it in a state of torment.

Is there life, apart from God? There is no life, no existence detached from God, hence what you propose is that God is going to maintain 99.99% of humanity in a state of utter torment and torture, for behaving according to the fallen nature forced upon them at birth. Is this what your philosophy considers “just” ? You hold a very peculiar notion of justice.

The elect are the first fruits of salvation. The few in this age/aeon, who are born again and will one day reign with Christ over the nations. Who will the elect reign over? The elect are like the angels, the ministering spirits that manage God’s creation. That will be the role of the human elect in the age to come. Not all who are spared from the second death, reign with Christ. The elect are comprised of the genuine, born again disciples of Christ, who walked with Him in this life.

MennoSota writes:

Humans will never choose God.


Our choices are often influenced by many different factors, hence God’s grace and wisdom working within us, to restore us to His original image, the image of His Son. Nonetheless, within a certain context, people do choose God and His Kingdom, over this fallen world.

MennoSota writes:

Even in the Garden, Adam and Eve hid from God.


They sinned, without a sin nature. They fell, and then they felt shame. One doesn’t have to be totally depraved to sin or choose to disobey God. Likewise, one doesn’t have to be perfect or free of a sinful, corrupt nature, to choose God over evil.

MennoSota writes:

So it is with all lawbreakers. No criminal wants to be caught. They don't seek out the one who rightly judges their sin. God must call them out and choose to grant them pardon. God does not choose to pardon all humanity.


God will not pardon, nor restore all of humanity, on this point we agree. Some will indeed suffer the second death. The problem with your understanding, is that you believe only the elect will be spared the second death and they will reign with Christ, over….??????? God knows what. I propose, that the elect will reign with Christ over the nations, a sea of humanity, that was indeed spared from the second death. Every knee shall bow and tongue confess, that Jesus is Lord. Indeed, that will occur one day.
A significant number of people, will be spared the second death, thanks to the grace afforded to them, through Christ’s atoning sacrifice. Not all who inherit the earth and this physical universe, will be of the elect. The elect will reign with Christ, as ministering spirits/angels, over creation. Members of His royal family.

MennoSota writes:

There is no need to have faith in Adam to be corrupt. Our corruption is passed down by nature. We are born in rebellion to God.


We are born with a corrupt nature, but the sin of rebellion is a conscious one. A decision, not a question of nature. All of creation, including the animals, the plants, are in a state of corruption. Being born with a corrupt nature, is not the same as an angel created in a perfect state and environment, choosing to rebel against God. That is much worse. Adam and Eve, were not born with a sinful nature, yet they rebelled. You and I were born under very corrupt conditions, out of our control. That’s not rebellion, that’s a tragedy, one that God solved through Christ. The Second Adam.

MennoSota writes:

Unless God chooses to pluck us out, we will die in rebellion to God.


This is true. Our corruption, leads to a rebellious and wicked condition. Our fallen nature, leads to rebellion and without God’s grace we are doomed. Christ however was God’s solution to this crises.

MennoSota writes:

You are correct...if God chose not to extend his gracious saving hand, we would die as rebels to God. Our salvation is all by God's choice. Our faith is God's gift to us.

Yes indeed….No Christ, no resurrection or life. We would all be doomed to destruction.

MennoSota writes:

Christ is God. He is not adopted into God's family. He is the Sovereign King, the God of Creation.


I agree, He is God, the very image of the Father. Humanity was adopted into the family of God and divine Kingdom.

MennoSota writes:

We, whom God has chosen and elected to adopt are place in God's family so that we can cry out "Abba Father." One day we will have specific roles in God's Kingdom. It will not be like angels or like God. It will be the role God has ordained for us.


I believe the role God has ordained for us, is to be ministering spirits , messengers (angels).

MennoSota writes:

You have provided no scripture, therefore your claim to be from the Bible is illegitimate.


Everything I said is supported by inspired scripture. Perhaps not your understanding of the bible or holy scripture, but nonetheless, from my perspective and those who share my beliefs, this is the truth. More importantly, we are in agreement with the truth, reality itself, which is revealed to us through the Holy Spirit. A Spirit filled life, in Christ Jesus.

MennoSota writes:

You claim that you are guided by the Holy Spirit, yet the Counselor points us to God's word…


God’s Word is Jesus Christ. Not a collection of writings. The writings are profitable for instruction and guidance, provided you are born again and filled with Christ’s spirit. The church is superior to the book, the body of Christ, is comprised of every spirit filled disciple of Jesus Christ. The true elect, who work out their salvation in fear and trembling, making their election and calling sure. Christ first, then His Church/Bride, then what is written. Those who don’t really have a relationship with Christ, and haven’t been born again, do not understand this.

MennoSota writes:

which you have not provided. At this moment you are making an unproven assertion.


But if you cite the protestant bible, according to your own interpretation or understanding, then it’s a “proven assertion” ?

What's your point?
If I share God's word as God has given it, will you ignore it?