ECT "PISTEUO", the secret of the universe....

God's Truth

New member
When a person wants to be saved, they better prepare their heart by doing exactly as Jesus says.

Come to God, through Jesus, come with a humble heart; fear God and lean on everything He says, and He will guide your path to Him.

Right Divider

Body part
What I posted was the NEW COVENANT, and Jesus' words did NOT BECOME OLD and a false gospel. That is what you all keep saying to me when I repeat Jesus' words.

Jesus came and taught the guidelines to the NEW COVENANT. Tell me, is it old or new that we are not to take an eye for an eye, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot?

Tell me, is it old or new to stone someone to death for adultery?

Tell me, is it old or new that we have to go through Jesus?

Is it old or new that a man died for our sins?

In the book of John we are told that MOSES came with the old law---and that Jesus CAME with GRACE.

You want me to believe that Paul alone came with grace. NONSENSE!
You poor frantic girl. Just like always, you're going to stick with your story no matter what.

Jesus was BORN UNDER THE LAW. Now what LAW do you suppose that was?

Jesus told people to "offer the gift that Moses commanded". Now where do you think THAT came from?

John says:
John 1:17 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:17) For the law was given by Moses, [but] grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

So I guess that you think that TRUTH didn't come UNTIL Jesus came also.

God's Truth

New member
Is there someone who wants to be saved?

Is there someone who wants to know God and Jesus?

Is there someone who wants to know without a doubt that they are saved, loved, and a child of God?

Is there someone confused by all the many religions and Christian denominations?

I will tell you what you must do to get past the devil and find salvation.

Search for God by getting Jesus' teachings.

You will find God when you obey Jesus' teachings.

You do not need any denomination or teacher, for Jesus Christ is your teacher.

In the New Testament times, people needed the apostles, and we still do, because we need the written Word, the Holy Bible.

Since we have God's Word, we can seek Him with confidence that He will be found.

God's Truth

New member
You poor frantic girl. Just like always, you're going to stick with your story no matter what.

Jesus was BORN UNDER THE LAW. Now what LAW do you suppose that was?

Jesus told people to "offer the gift that Moses commanded". Now where do you think THAT came from?

John says:
John 1:17 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:17) For the law was given by Moses, [but] grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

So I guess that you think that TRUTH didn't come UNTIL Jesus came also.

Jesus wasn't against Moses! Christians are not against Moses! You have no idea about Jesus FULFILLED the scriptures, and that everything Moses said, it was about Jesus Christ.

God's Truth

New member
Yes, that's OC again.

The gospel of the grace of God is not the same no matter how much you cry.

Does that make sense! Is that not the mind of someone ensnared by the devil? Think about it...I am being rebuked when I speak Jesus' words. I will lose in this world to those ensnared, because it is all about humbling, and even Christ was killed by those who would not humble.

I will be killed off in this world by those who are offended by Jesus' words. I will be banned, hated, and put away because I speak Jesus' words. I do not care, because those people do not like me anyways. I thank God that I was never popular, according to the standards to this world, because I might have loved the feeling of acceptance by the mass of people.

I might stand alone here, but I am not without the Lord.

Right Divider

Body part
Jesus wasn't against Moses! Christians are not against Moses! You have no idea about Jesus FULFILLED the scriptures, and that everything Moses said, it was about Jesus Christ.
I didn't say that Jesus was against Moses. You (like way too many here) are trying to put words in my mouth.

Jesus preached ALL of the things that God gave to Israel, including.... THE LAW OF MOSES.

Fulfilling the scripture does NOT mean cancelling everything that came before.

Right Divider

Body part
Does that make sense! Is that not the mind of someone ensnared by the devil? Think about it...I am being rebuked when I speak Jesus' words. I will lose in this world to those ensnared, because it is all about humbling, and even Christ was killed by those who would not humble.
No, you are not being "rebuked for speaking Jesus' words. You are being told that you take things out of context and refuse to accept what God is doing TODAY through the apostle Paul.

Paul says that salvation NOW is "not of yourselves, it is the gift of God" (Eph 2:8), but YOU say otherwise. What part of NOT OF YOURSELVES to you have trouble understanding?

Paul also says that "by the obedience of ONE shall many will be made righteous" (Rom 5:19). But you, once again, disagree with Paul (whom Jesus gave that revelation).

I will be killed off in this world by those who are offended by Jesus' words. I will be banned, hated, and put away because I speak Jesus' words. I do not care, because those people do not like me anyways. I thank God that I was never popular, according to the standards to this world, because I might have loved the feeling of acceptance by the mass of people.

I might stand alone here, but I am not without the Lord.
You have such a self-centered persecution complex.

God's Truth

New member
I didn't say that Jesus was against Moses. You (like way too many here) are trying to put words in my mouth.

Jesus preached ALL of the things that God gave to Israel, including.... THE LAW OF MOSES.

Fulfilling the scripture does NOT mean cancelling everything that came before.

God gave JESUS TO Israel and the WHOLE WORLD.

God's Truth

New member
No, you are not being "rebuked for speaking Jesus' words. You are being told that you take things out of context and refuse to accept what God is doing TODAY through the apostle Paul.

Paul says that salvation NOW is "not of yourselves, it is the gift of God" (Eph 2:8), but YOU say otherwise. What part of NOT OF YOURSELVES to you have trouble understanding?

Paul also says that "by the obedience of ONE shall many will be made righteous" (Rom 5:19). But you, once again, disagree with Paul (whom Jesus gave that revelation).

You have such a self-centered persecution complex.

Not just because you say so.

God's Truth

New member
Can you imagine what Paul is thinking about when people misunderstand him and think that he brought the gospel that saves that entails NOT obeying, and entails improving on Jesus' words!

God's Truth

New member
No, because GOD says so in HIS WORD.

I can always tell, when you post replies that like that, that you simply REFUSE to accept the SIMPLE and CLEAR scripture for what it says. So the only thing that you can do is make a childish remark.

No, not just because you say so.