Only a fool would compile, and continue to compile, a list of the hurtful names he has been called.
Only a fool would once more take himself to that hurt state by that list.
Of course, a fool would not see this simple error.
But...what that actually is - a simple indication of just how enmeshed in legalism said fool is - is never seen for what it actually such a fool.
You "Faither" are a fool.
Did you run out of worldly names danoh? You reject the Greek texts, the Greek dictionary, and call the Word of God "A LIVING DICTIONARY" LOL! And think you can get away from it?
All i've done on this thread is "copy" a definition out of two Greek dictionaries, put them in there perspective NT Scriptures and this is what i got!
deliberately evasive
lordship salvationist
blind x 3
don't know what i'm talking about
religious fanatic
outside the faith
preaching false gospel
know it all
author of confusion
over reliant
reliance on notions
fabricated my own gospel
in error
in need of a crutch
made myself captive
personal translations
false posts
have pagen higher power
trading addictions
liar x 2
drunk on pride
cherry picker
a waste of time
have cart before the horse
third grader
fools view
fool x8
on high horse
jerry shugart
legalistic x4
Prideful x 5
twister of scripture
This is you danoh, this is whats inside you. You and your other friends here had no right to treat me the way you have. You've proven by your own words what dwells inside you. But your proud of that, aren't you?