ECT "PISTEUO", the secret of the universe....


Try typing better.

I've seen people here contradict themselves even worse than you SEEMED to do there. HAD that been an actual contradiction instead of sloppy typing, then yes, it would have been idiotic.

As to who is welcome on TOL, that's up to Knight. As to who is welcome in conversation among some of us, it depends on what Gospel you believe. So please tell me, if you don't mind: what must a sin-convicted lost person do to be saved? Be as detailed as you like. Thanks.

Start a thread on that then. This thread is about the Greek word "pisteuo."


Well-known member
Anyway, if you repost the definitions your referring to, I'll comment on them.

It had to do with piesteuo. You said there was no noun or verb form (can't remember which). I posted exactly that from Strongs but you dismissed it rather archly.


Try typing better.

I've seen people here contradict themselves even worse than you SEEMED to do there. HAD that been an actual contradiction instead of sloppy typing, then yes, it would have been idiotic.

As to who is welcome on TOL, that's up to Knight. As to who is welcome in conversation among some of us, it depends on what Gospel you believe. So please tell me, if you don't mind: what must a sin-convicted lost person do to be saved? Be as detailed as you like. Thanks.

I guess you must know "knight" very well to get away with calling people idiot, and misrepresenting what there saying because you can't answer the questions without contradicting your understanding's.


Well-known member
I guess you must know "knight" very well to get away with calling people idiot, and misrepresenting what there saying because you can't answer the questions without contradicting your understanding's.

I misrepresented nothing. I took your post in what seemed to be the only way that made sense BECAUSE you'd already dismissed my post with Strongs. So if anyone did any misrepresentation, you misrepresented yourself and should endeavor to communicate more carefully.


It had to do with piesteuo. You said there was no noun or verb form (can't remember which). I posted exactly that from Strongs but you dismissed it rather archly.

Oh ya, just like what you said here, you misrepresented me by saying I said there was no noun or verb form. I never said that. So instead of taking the bait, set by you, to just derail a thread I decided to just ignore the post.

I 've been around long enough to know when someone is trying to derail a thread. I thought this kind of thing would not be on TOL.


I misrepresented nothing. I took your post in what seemed to be the only way that made sense BECAUSE you'd already dismissed my post with Strongs. So if anyone did any misrepresentation, you misrepresented yourself and should endeavor to communicate more carefully.

LOL, does anyone communicate with you carefully enough?


The Greek word "pisteuo". Probably the most important word that we will ever hear as called out ones. I consider this word to be the "secret of the universe". Because one day, God will reveal the importance of "pisteuo," and everyone will know it was right there in front of us all the time.

I beat this drum of "pisteuo ", because without actively exercising "pisteuo", no one can have the relationship with Christ that the NT talks about. An indwelling Holy Spirit, being in Christ, having Gods nature flowing through us, the word of God being ours to look at like a mirror, the mind of Christ, to be able to have that continual praying without ceasing. Without "pisteuo," none of these things will come to pass.

With those things said, what exactly is "pisteuo?"

"Pisteuo" is the Greek word, a verb, that's corresponds with the Greek word, a noun, "pistis".

When pistis and pisteuo were translated into the English texts, Pistis is where we get our word
"faith", the noun, was no problem. But when the translators tried to find an English word for "pisteuo," there was none. Pisteuo is a verb, An act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. The specific act that the Greek word pisteuo needed to translate to English is, the vines: "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." The Strongs: "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded, to trust, to place confidence in, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence, hence it is translated "commit unto," "commit to ones trust,"Be commited unto".

Pisteuo is the word that describes, encompasses, and teaches us what NT saving Faith is. We should have had the words faither, faithing, and to faithe, for the translators to use when translating pisteuo into English. But only because they had no other choice, they had to go with believer, believing, and to believe. The word pisteuo and it's English mistranslations are used over 250 times in the NT. The words believer, believing, and to believe are only one third of what Nt saving Faith is. And building an understanding on any of these three words is not NT saving Faith.

Over the next few days i'm going to post on this thread,certain Scriptures with the vines dictionary meaning in place of the mistranslated words. It will be very hard for many to accept. But remember, this doesn't just affect you, your entire household and family will be affected by this.

Positive comments and good questions are welcome. Please no, I don't accept the Greek dictionary definitions."


Okay, lets try this again. still waiting for responses from Dunoh, and interplanner. post 8 and 9.


Well-known member
I tried to give you a fair shot but you're coming across as evasive, deceptive and defensive. Yet I'll give you another chance to prove me wrong: please restate in one SHORT sentence what the bottom line about pisteuo is with you. What's this thread all about? What's the problem?

In one SHORT sentence, please...aim for concision and clarity. Right to the point.


I tried to give you a fair shot but you're coming across as evasive, deceptive and defensive. Yet I'll give you another chance to prove me wrong: please restate in one SHORT sentence what the bottom line about pisteuo is with you. What's this thread all about? What's the problem?

In one SHORT sentence, please...aim for concision and clarity. Right to the point.

Ok, I can do another chance. Is post 28 understandable?


Well-known member
Going from memory, a few translations (or maybe just margin/footnotes) use "believing" because (again, going from memory) the verb is in the continuous form. Most, I believe, do not acknowledge it.

That about it?


Going from memory, a few translations (or maybe just margin/footnotes) use "believing" because (again, going from memory) the verb is in the continuous form. Most, I believe, do not acknowledge it.

That about it?

I need to ask you musterion the same question I asked dunoh and interplanner. Do you accept the vines and strongs definition of "pisteuo"?

the vines: "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." The Strongs: "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded, to trust, to place confidence in, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence, hence it is translated "commit unto," "commit to ones trust,"Be commited unto".
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I need to ask you musterion the same question I asked dunoh and interplanner. Do you accept the vines and strongs definition of "pisteuo"?

the vines: "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." The Strongs: "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded, to trust, to place confidence in, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence, hence it is translated "commit unto," "commit to ones trust,"Be commited unto".

Anyone else have an accept, or not accept, opinion of the Greek dictionaries definition of "pisteuo" as written above?


Going from memory, a few translations (or maybe just margin/footnotes) use "believing" because (again, going from memory) the verb is in the continuous form. Most, I believe, do not acknowledge it.

That about it?

I want to acknowledge your post here, but before I do, can you give me a thumbs up or down as to whether or not you accept these strongs and vines definitions of "pisteuo"?

the vines: "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." The Strongs: "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded, to trust, to place confidence in, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence, hence it is translated "commit unto," "commit to ones trust,"Be commited unto".


Well-known member
I asked you a question to make sure I understand whatever your main point is. You didn't answer it but just posed another question. This indicates you're deliberately evasive and not really interested in dialogue and don't really care if you're being understood or not.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Romans 3

22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference

Go ahead and "fix" this bad translation for us.


The Greek word "pisteuo". Probably the most important word that we will ever hear as called out ones. I consider this word to be the "secret of the universe". Because one day, God will reveal the importance of "pisteuo," and everyone will know it was right there in front of us all the time.

I beat this drum of "pisteuo ", because without actively exercising "pisteuo", no one can have the relationship with Christ that the NT talks about. An indwelling Holy Spirit, being in Christ, having Gods nature flowing through us, the word of God being ours to look at like a mirror, the mind of Christ, to be able to have that continual praying without ceasing. Without "pisteuo," none of these things will come to pass.

With those things said, what exactly is "pisteuo?"

"Pisteuo" is the Greek word, a verb, that's corresponds with the Greek word, a noun, "pistis".

When pistis and pisteuo were translated into the English texts, Pistis is where we get our word
"faith", the noun, was no problem. But when the translators tried to find an English word for "pisteuo," there was none. Pisteuo is a verb, An act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. The specific act that the Greek word pisteuo needed to translate to English is, the vines: "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." The Strongs: "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded, to trust, to place confidence in, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence, hence it is translated "commit unto," "commit to ones trust,"Be commited unto".

Pisteuo is the word that describes, encompasses, and teaches us what NT saving Faith is. We should have had the words faither, faithing, and to faithe, for the translators to use when translating pisteuo into English. But only because they had no other choice, they had to go with believer, believing, and to believe. The word pisteuo and it's English mistranslations are used over 250 times in the NT. The words believer, believing, and to believe are only one third of what Nt saving Faith is. And building an understanding on any of these three words is not NT saving Faith.

Over the next few days i'm going to post on this thread,certain Scriptures with the vines dictionary meaning in place of the mistranslated words. It will be very hard for many to accept. But remember, this doesn't just affect you, your entire household and family will be affected by this.

Positive comments and good questions only. Please no, "I don't accept the Greek dictionary definitions."


Okay, lets get back to the topic.

I've asked this specific question that if anyone wants to discuss this word "pisteuo" must answer.
Do you accept the strongs and vines definitions of the word "pisteuo" seen in the OP?

Those that have shown interest, dunoh, interplanner, and musterion, have yet to answer. I will go ahead as planned to give examples of the true definition of "pisteuo" in a sentence, replacing the mistranslated words, (believer, believing, and believes) with the true definition straight out of the Greek dictionary.

1) John 3:16

English translation : "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever "believes" (mistranslation) in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Greek translation : "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever "pisteuo" surrenders their life and will to Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

The reason for the two different translations is the English language has no word for the Greek word Pisteuo. So taking out the mistranslated word "believes" and putting in the Greek definition of pisteuo gives us a better understanding of what the Greek texts were trying to convey.

Pisteuo is used 248 times in the Gospels alone. I'll continue to post the true meanings of other Scriptures.


New member
Respectfully, Faither, no, I do not go by "dictionary definitions."

I go by exhaustive word(s) studies I conduct within my KJB.

"Hang with" any culture and or sub-culture long enough, and you can not but pick up on said culture's intended sense through words by how said culture uses said words.

AA is not the Scripture's culture; Scripture ALONE is...

How IT uses any word and or words, WHERE It does, in relation to WHO, WHAT, and WHERE, will bring out IT's WHY.

Also HOW it brings all that out.

Case in point, often, the same intended sense will be repeated in a same passage and or near passage via a seemingly different word.

This, in turn, results in being able to gather even more information WITHIN Scripture as to the intended sense of the word one is attempting to get at the proper sense of.

Next thing one knows; one has a lot of information from all that time IN SCRIPTURE ITSELF IN THIS MANNER, stored up "richly" in the mentality of one's soul.

Information that is more and more useful with each of the above kind of excursion in "what saith THE SCRIPTURE."

Gradually, one begins to find all sorts of things as to their intended sense through words have found their intended place.

Dictionaries, etc., are "intended" as tools, not the crutch their OVERreliance on often ends up.

The best to you in this...


New member
I haven’t done a study on the word but the Vines and Strong’s definition makes sense to me. I see “believe” as action based on faith. Like the example in Matt. 7 of the two men building houses.

24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock….. 26 Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.

It's obvious who is the believer.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I haven’t done a study on the word but the Vines and Strong’s definition makes sense to me. I see “believe” as action based on faith. Like the example in Matt. 7 of the two men building houses.

So you choose to be bound by circumcision. Interesting.