Pharmaceutical Exec: Hillary Clinton has Parkinson's Disease


New member
That is what charity is for, taxation is a forced burden, juxtaposing that I as a citizen have to support others financial burden as well as my own even if I have to work harder to do so. The recipient on the other hand is not required to work harder, attempt to better themselves, or to pay me back for my financial assistance. The difference between our world view is that I do not feel duty bound to give any more than I want to, and for what I want to give it for, ie. the burdens of others outside of my own family are not my burdens unless I choose to make them so. Creating codependence is not improving the lot of those who have little, in fact it worsens the problem.
That's not really an argument against the government subsidising certain aspects of essential services. That is more an argument against unaimed government handouts without a clear strategy. Interestingly it is because of this issue (welfare dependence) among others that I am considered right wing in my own country yet despite that I'd still probably be considered left wing in yours.
Yea, you liberals are all about helping stealing from those that achieve & giving to those that not only do not achieve but, don't even attempt to, all this and never even with the expectation that the recipients of your forced charity to be self sufficient. Liberals are the epitome of enablers in a dysfunctional codependent societal assumptions here, just the facts.
Given many of the rich are also "liberals" how do they steal from themselves?

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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
That's not really an argument against the government subsidising certain aspects of essential services.

Maybe that is where the rub is...define "essential".

Given many of the rich are also "liberals" how do they steal from themselves?

Rich liberals don't pay taxes, they skirt the system through loopholes, offshoring, & hedging and leave the burden of forced giving (stealing) upon the middle class...the working class. Why do you think that rich liberals do not want a fair tax...a flat percentage of gross earnings? they will pay more, and they know it, the tax system they game now suits them just fine.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You seem to have confused the funding of social programmes (good) with giving out obligation free cash (bad in many cases). Your mistake —*you are criticising me for acts and opinions that exist only in your mind and do not represent reality.

Please, critique what I actually said, instead of what you'd have liked me to say.

Exist in my mind? please...I am the one being robbed and now you want to convince me it is figment of my imagination? There is no "good" in the codependence that liberals enable no matter how you want to sell it.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I think at this point we have taken this thread off the rails so, if you want to make a thread to discuss liberal codependence in society than make one, this thread was for the felon Hillary's possible medical issues.


New member
Do you believe everything don lemon, Rachel Maddox etc. tell you?

I don't really watch either of them much, but you should understand that, unlike on the Right, the mainstream media isn't essentially a network of activists. MSNBC is different, and also not mainstream.

I would say so because you believe and use every single narrative the MSM pushes

I don't require television personalities to figure out what to believe.


New member
I think at this point we have taken this thread off the rails so, if you want to make a thread to discuss liberal codependence in society than make one, this thread was for the felon Hillary's possible medical issues.

There's no evidence Hillary has any serious medical issues. There's just a nasty smear campaign by the Right-wing media against her. Here's Hannity trying to get two doctors to endorse the idea that a couple of very clearly non-seizure reactions are seizures, and the two doctors simply refusing to do so:

Why is Hannity pushing so hard? The doctors don't seem to think there's anything to it.


New member
Exist in my mind? please...I am the one being robbed and now you want to convince me it is figment of my imagination? There is no "good" in the codependence that liberals enable no matter how you want to sell it.
Agreed, and all the 'liberals' responding to you agree with that. Co-dependence, unsurprisingly, is a waste of money that could go on better programmes or be left in my wallet. Why are you still banging on about codependence when there is no argument?(It is this assumption that I support codependence or cash handouts to the lazy that is in your own head and not part of reality.

So please, breathe slowly and pause before responding again. Read what has been written and incorporate that new knowledge into your next post, and we'll get a little further along.


New member
I think at this point we have taken this thread off the rails so, if you want to make a thread to discuss liberal codependence in society than make one, this thread was for the felon Hillary's possible medical issues.

Who cares? No-one else is offered a job on condition of a public medical examination, so why her unless it is naked political opportunism to smear someone without clear evidence?


New member
I don't really watch either of them much, but you should understand that, unlike on the Right, the mainstream media isn't essentially a network of activists. MSNBC is different, and also not mainstream.

I don't require television personalities to figure out what to believe.

I beg to differ. The MSM is a network of activist at least five times more so than the right. Your own left wing bias blinds you to this .

You don't think you need network personalities to know what to believe but somehow, you follow lockstep with the most leftist among them. You accept what they say always, and I mean always, especially if it contradicts what the right is saying.


New member
I beg to differ. The MSM is a network of activist at least five times more so than the right. Your own left wing bias blinds you to this .

That's just a rubber-glue gambit. You have nothing to support it. This thread is about the attempt by Right-wing media personalities to fabricate from scratch a health problem in Clinton. It isn't journalism. It's activism in disguise, and really a hyper-cynical sort of attempted deception that would lead me to suspect anything and everything said by the source thereafter. But you don't care if the media sources you're listening to are lying to you.

You don't think you need network personalities to know what to believe but somehow, you follow lockstep with the most leftist among them.

I don't think there are any media personalities that I am in lock-step with. There are some who I consider credible and worth listening to, and some of those names wouldn't surprised you, although some of them might. But then, I don't imagine you listen carefully enough to know.

You accept what they say always, and I mean always, especially if it contradicts what the right is saying.

I know this is impossible for you to understand or believe, but the claims that I consider credible have little to do with the left-right spectrum in this country. I do tend to trust sources that have shown themselves credible, but you wouldn't realize that because you only see the left-right divide, and you project your approach to the whole thing onto everyone else.


New member

Why is Hannity pushing so hard? The doctors don't seem to think there's anything to it.
But she had a coughing fit. A coughing fit! OMG She had a coughing fit!!!111!!one!!!1111!! And lets not even get started about her forgetting a word in one of her speeches,clearly not presidential material! (Although how then did G W Bush get elected... twice...?). Clearly there is so much more to this than a totallynotaseizure seizure. What will the great investigative journalism of Fox find next?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
From Fox News to Infowars.............
Sorry to break it to you rexlunkhead, but Fox News is both the top rated and most trusted news organization in America, per poll after poll; after poll. Who do you trust, the old leftist media? Go back to your sandbox, loser.

Is Hillary Clinton's health less important than Trump's?

By Gerard J. Gianoli, M.D

Imagine, if you would, that tomorrow Donald Trump suffers a concussion. Suppose he trips on a flight of stairs, falling down and hitting his head. The head injury is so severe that he is unconscious for a time and has to be hospitalized for a week.

After getting out of the hospital, the Trump campaign tells us he has fully recovered, and that there are no lingering effects of the head trauma. During the following weeks, he is seen in public to wear glasses with a Fresnel corrective lens on one side. He also seems to have trouble maintaining his balance, loses his thoughts in the middle of speeches and has episodes of spasmodic movements suggestive of seizures.

In this imaginary scenario, would it surprise anyone if the media became skeptical and pressed for release of Trump’s medical records? Would it surprise anyone if the Clinton campaign made an issue of Trump’s health status during speeches and in TV ads? Would the media cry “foul” over the Clinton campaign doing so?

The answers to these questions are self-evident. The media and the Clinton campaign would be all over this, and no one would question the appropriateness of their actions.

To my knowledge, Trump has had no such issues with his health. However, Clinton has had multiple problems -- some she has revealed and some that she has not revealed.

So why has the media not been asking Clinton to release her medical records? Is her health status less important than Trump’s?

What do we know about Clinton’s health? We know that she has suffered two deep vein thromboses and an episode of cerebral venous thrombosis.

Blood spontaneously clotting within one’s veins on three separate occasions is not a good thing. In fact, it is life-threatening. This tells us that she has a hypercoagulable state requiring the use of Coumadin (a “blood thinner”) for the rest of her life to try to prevent this from happening again. While Coumadin may prevent future blood clots, it can also lead to life-threatening hemorrhage if she has any future trauma.

We also know that she suffered a concussion and, according to her husband, she took six months to recover. How do we know she recovered?

If she was a high school athlete, she would have had mandatory neuropsychological testing before being allowed to participate in sports again. Given that being the leader of the free world is more important than playing goalie for the local high school, why is the mainstream media not demanding to see Clinton’s post-concussion testing?

We also know from the Clinton camp that she has had a right transverse venous sinus thrombosis. This has been described as a blood clot in her brain, but that is not accurate.

More specifically, it is a blood clot that formed in one of the two major veins that drain blood from the brain. Coumadin was prescribed, not to dissolve the clot (it won’t), but to prevent the clot from extending to the other transverse venous sinus, which could result in death.

However, the right transverse sinus clot by itself will cause longstanding consequences. Since there are only two veins draining blood from the brain, the blockage of one results in increased intracranial pressure, which will remain a lifelong problem for such patients.

What are the symptoms of increased intracranial pressure? The most common are headaches, visual problems, and dizziness/balance problems. We know that Clinton has had all three of these. Less commonly known are “brain fog,” problems with concentration, and short-term memory problems. Sounds familiar?

Why has the media not been inquiring about Clinton’s health records as aggressively as they did when GOP candidate John McCain had skin cancer? What do her visits to ophthalmologists and neurologists show? Has she had any neuropsychological testing, as is routinely done in traumatic brain injury cases?

We also know from the leaked Democratic National Committee emails that some of the major media outlets were in collusion with the Clinton campaign and the Democrat Party. Could this be why they have not pursued the issues of Clinton’s health? This is an important issue to be explored for any candidate of any political party.

As a concerned American, I ask the media: Would you please do your job?

Gerard Gianoli, M.D., F.A.C.S. specializes in Neuro-otology and Skull Base Surgery. He is in private practice at The Ear and Balance Institute, in Covington, Louisiana and is a Clinical Associate Professor at Tulane University School of Medicine


New member
Fox News has high trust ratings overall, but that is predominantly die to the huge backing it gets from conservatives.

This survey post puts it into perspective, with British news sources topping the list.



New member
seems to have trouble maintaining his balance,
Hilary does not seem to have much trouble maintaining balance given how easily she appears to move on stage. So far I've seen people post evidence of her having trouble with very large steps (big whoop) and tripping over a lip/gap in the floor when she isn't looking where she is going (much like over 6 billion other people have done too).
loses his thoughts in the middle of speeches
Ummmm like George W Bush? Oh wait that would require having a thought at the start of the speech to lose... :chuckle:

But in all seriousness please find me a politician or person who hasn't lost their train of thought due to a distraction.
and has episodes of spasmodic movements suggestive of seizures.
None of the videos presented have suggested even in the slightest that Hillary has had a seizure. Anyone who claims the title of doctor and says otherwise is either a quack or using video not yet presented here.

To my knowledge, Trump has had no such issues with his health.
So what is Trump hiding? Where is his medical records by an independent examiner! What is he covering up? How sick is he really? Why isn't the main stream media talking more about this... I smell a cover-up! :chuckle:

What do we know about Clinton’s health? We know that she has suffered two deep vein thromboses and an episode of cerebral venous thrombosis.

Blood spontaneously clotting within one’s veins on three separate occasions is not a good thing. In fact, it is life-threatening. This tells us that she has a hypercoagulable state requiring the use of Coumadin (a “blood thinner”) for the rest of her life to try to prevent this from happening again. While Coumadin may prevent future blood clots, it can also lead to life-threatening hemorrhage if she has any future trauma.
Fortunately the rates of such complications with such anticoagulation is relatively rare whether it be Coumadin, Marevan, Rivaroxaban, etc. It is also an extremely common therapy for a number of conditions (Given their average age I'd be surprised if many other senators weren't also on similar therapy for various reasons). Unless she is falling over and hitting her head all the time it's not a big deal.

We also know that she suffered a concussion and, according to her husband, she took six months to recover. How do we know she recovered?
By looking at how well she functions.

However, the right transverse sinus clot by itself will cause longstanding consequences.
Misleading statement, the vast majority of people who have a CVT have a good recovery and recurrence is rare.

Since there are only two veins draining blood from the brain, the blockage of one results in increased intracranial pressure, which will remain a lifelong problem for such patients.
Again misleading. First of all recannalisation of the vein is common and secondly while chronicly elevated intracranial pressure is a potential complication it is not common and if it does occur it is treatable.

What are the symptoms of increased intracranial pressure? The most common are headaches, visual problems, and dizziness/balance problems.
Headaches are only significant if severe and frequent, they are extremely non-specific. Dizziness and balance problems are not major chronic issues given how freely she walks around without significant gait disturbance or any walking aids. Visual problems are hardly uncommon in general or particularly people her age, you'd need to be more specific about the type of visual problems.

Gerard Gianoli, M.D., F.A.C.S. specializes in Neuro-otology and Skull Base Surgery. He is in private practice at The Ear and Balance Institute, in Covington, Louisiana and is a Clinical Associate Professor at Tulane University School of Medicine[/SIZE]
Great now we have ENT surgeons pretending to be neurologists because of each of their subspecialties contains the word "neuro" (FYI it means he does surgery related to nerves around/in the ear). Next you'll have an orthopaedic surgeon tell us about how Hillary has a heart condition...

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patrick jane

Hilary much trouble maintaining balance
You couldn't be more wrong about Hitlery's medical conditions, just like you're wrong in the Creation thread. You are coddling clinton and overlooking obvious illnesses she has now, and they will soon get worse - your whole post is drivel.


New member
You only see what you have been allowed to see, unless you have personally been to her rallies.
I don't need to see much, gait disturbances don't typically turn on one minute then off the next. If i see her walking normally for a few minutes that's typically a good sign.

Perhaps you only see what you have wanted to see? Unless you have been to one of her rallies.

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