I already refuted his claim.
Mede didn't teach Darby' secret rapture.
Nobody taught Darby's rapture theory before Darby invented it in 1830
No, you did not, you greasy slimy, loser, child of the devil.
"Nobody taught Darby's rapture theory before Darby invented it in 1830."-
666th spam
Now, you child of the devil-one more time:
1. It is quite irrelevant, when you/anyone discovers objective truth, for, if it were, you would "argue," loser, that the earth was spherical, at one time, that the person identified as "God the Father," was not such a person, until the Lord Jesus Christ revealed Him, as such, "The Reformation" doctrines of the 1500's is false.
2. One more time, you demon: Will you leave TOL, if I can show you, habitual liar,
where you asserted that # 1 above is correct, i.e., truth is discovered, and it is irrelevant as to its "recent-ness."
Come on, sweetie-be a "man" for a change.
3. Show us,
before you, where anyone taught:
-that "the Lord Jesus Christ" never taught the law, as you assert
-that the Roman army was the second coming, as you assert
-that the law was "nailed to the cross," as you assert, and that there is no law today, and thus, everyone is saved
-that the word of God, has errors, as you assert="errors only-ism"
"the Greek only-ism," as you assert
-that there is no redemption of the body, as you assert
Here is a softball, Wimp. Name one "non man" teacher, that has ever taught, what you allegedly "teach," on TOL, before you. Name name(s), since you, on record, assert that you never "follow the teachings of men."
Come on, Wimpy-give me your best shot.
You won't. You disgusting, habitual liar, demon.