Perfect Answer to Ocasio-Cortez


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Yep, Trump Derangement Syndrome.

It turns them into screaming mobs. Call out the riot police....and the dogs.

Grab some nets while you're at it. :angrymob:
But if the insane proposals of a leftist are mocked, that is "obsession."


Well-known member
Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.
Sounds horrible, huh?
It does to me...

Socialism is an economic system where the ways of making a living (factories, offices, etc.) are owned by a society as a whole, meaning the value made belongs to everyone in that society, instead of a group of private owners. People who agree with this type of system are called socialists. -- Simple English Wikipedia

I don't want the government to own all companies. We'd all be in bread lines, just like they are in Venezuela. I don't want to be forced to pay $80,000 dollars for a loaf of bread. :nono:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You probably meant to say you disagree with me and making fun of me is the best choice you can make.
I remember doing the same thing when I was little.
You just got finished admitting you're obsessed with whatsisname. I see no point obsessing over anyone, let alone a politician who will be gone in a few years.

What's the point?


But if the insane proposals of a leftist are mocked, that is "obsession."

I understand.
I just believe that obsession is a normal human emotion and should not be feared.

Years ago I menstioned to a friend that “I am obsessed with Jesus.”
The friend was a lay reader in our church and simply replied “You love Jesus.”

I will remember that all of my life!


Acts 4:31 - 35 The Believers Share Their Possessions

31 After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.

33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all

34 that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales

35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.
- all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly

- no one claimed that any of their possessions was their own,

- they shared everything they had

- there were no needy persons among them

- distributed to anyone who had need.

Conservative Christians would have us believe that his episode in the Bible serves no useful purpose and that such "socialist" ideas of sharing and eliminating poverty have no relevance in the 21stC!
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i'm gonna need your car tomorrow - just leave the keys in it, ok?

and leave your front door open as well - i'll probably need your TV too
Are you "mocking" the Apostles and early Christians while under the influence of the Holy Spirit!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Are you "mocking" the Apostles and early Christians while under the influence of the Holy Spirit!

i'm pointing out that you're attempting to hold Christians to a standard that you don't intend to meet

classic alinsky tactic :sigh:


same question to you - do you meet the standard jg puts forth?

have you given away all of your possessions?
Regrettably, I have not. We routinely clear the house by having "garage sales.”

We have invited homeless people to live with us but I got too ill [I had to visit a clinic three days a week--where I still do]. My survival is at stake.

A focused and honest look at my hypocrisy and other major shortcomings is why I believe separating the authentic Jesus from the dogma and theology that was placed into his mouth by later scribes is of primary importance.

I collect specific teachings from Jesus that are so radical and difficult that they absolustely have to be authentic.

Jesus made savage attacks on lip service and moral elitism and he did so very, very often.
A focused and fealess ethical inventory should be in all of our lives.

Its’s a puzzling and curious point that many self-described Christians have never been exposed to these teachings.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Christians would have us believe that his episode in the Bible serves no useful purpose.
Can you name one of these people, or are you just generalizing with no support for what you assert?

Such "socialist" ideas of sharing and eliminating poverty have no relevance in the 21stC!

Much like the conditions set out for pre-flood people have little use today, or those for the Hebrews in Egypt, in the wilderness, entering the promised land, or the time of the judges or kings.

Are you willing to investigate why the rules at the time shortly after Christ were as they were, or are you only interested in playing "gotcha"?