people who don't like Fox News are ungodly

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I have never caught anyone on Fox (regular newscasters) in a lie

Quit being such a mindless RINO shrill. Alan Colmes tells lies all the time. Bob Beckel tells lies all the time. And Fox allows them to do it. As if I needed to hear it. If wanted the left's rhetoric, I would have just watched Brian Williams (make up stories about RPGs).

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

Know what? He made a mistake a long time after the incident while trying to note and recognize an actual soldier and when the mistake was brought to his attention he publicly corrected himself. I'm not a particular fan of his and I don't watch his broadcast, but reading his response and knowing about how witnesses to and near traumatic events have a tendency to do that over time, I think the apology makes sense.

NBC noted that a "Dateline NBC" story in 2003 correctly reported that Williams learned after his helicopter had landed that "the Chinook ahead of us was almost blown out of the sky." Williams said he also wrote about the incident correctly in 2008.

"Because I have no desire to fictionalize my experience ... and no need to dramatize events as they actually happened, I think the constant viewing of the video showing us inspecting the impact area — and the fog of memory over the years — made me conflate the two," Williams wrote.​

That's a fairly human experience related to stressful situations. Heck, people even do that when it's a positive, euphoric one. People who watched a memorable game, over time, become people in the bleachers, conflating that sort of tangential experience with a more immediate sense in memory. Now if it had happened last year or last month I'd have wondered. But it's something if known he'd also know could be easily refuted by any number of people and wouldn't add anything to his stature, his having been in danger and at a front more than once in his career.

Here's a link to the more immediate reporting and it was done, unsurprisingly, correctly.

WILLIAMS: (Voiceover) We quickly make our drop and then turn southwest. Suddenly, without knowing why, we learned we’ve been ordered to land in the desert. On the ground, we learn the Chinook ahead of us was almost blown out of the sky. That hole was made by a rocket-propelled grenade, or RPG, fired from the ground. It punched cleanly through the skin of the ship, but amazingly it didn’t detonate.​

The most likely way that sort of thing happens is that the general we (as in "I was in a group") becomes the more literal we over years.

Jose Fly

New member
The Guardian: Fox News Aiding ISIS

Fox News has chosen to embed on its website the video of Islamic State burning a hostage to death, a move which makes them the only US media organisation to broadcast the video in full.

The extremely graphic 22-minute video shows Muadh al-Kasasbeh, a Jordanian pilot, being set on fire and burned to death in a cage. Fox News did not post the videos of the killings of previous Isis hostages, and no other media company has hosted this video.

On Twitter, accounts associated with Isis supporters are sharing the video via the links to the Fox News site. One account, which regularly posts pro-Isis slogans and updates about Islamic State ‘victories’ in battle, tweeted boastfully that “Whoever is looking for the al-Furqan version [of the video], here it is and it cannot be deleted because it is on an American network.” Al-Furqan is Isis’ media outlet.

Malcolm Nance, the executive director of the Terror Asymmetrics Project on Strategy, Tactics and Radical Ideology thinktank and an expert on counter-terrorism and radical extremism told the Guardian that by posting the video Fox News was propagating “exactly what Isis wants to propagate”.

“The whole value of terror is using the media to spread terror,” he said.

Rick Nelson, a senior associate in homeland security and terrorism at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said that posting the video actually empowers Isis.

“They’re a terror organisation,” he said. “They seek to strike terror in the hearts and minds of people globally, and by perpetuating these videos and putting them out there into the internet, it certainly expands the audience and potential effects.”

“These groups need a platform, and this gives them a platform,” he added.

Nance told the Guardian that showing the video would also further endanger other hostages, including the 26-year-old American aid worker currently held by the militant group.

“[Fox News] are literally – literally – working for al-Qaida and Isis’s media arm,” he added.

“They might as well start sending them royalty checks.”


New member
The Guardian: Fox News Aiding ISIS

I don't get why Fox did that, not ONE bit

but I think it is a HUGE stretch to say they are working for ISIS..

all they ever seem to talk about is destroying ISIS and how PRes O doesn't seem to want to do that, won't commit ground troops, won't help ground troops of other countries..

so this is just more liberal (redundancy alert) LYING


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
That's a fairly human experience related to stressful situations. Heck, people even do that when it's a positive, euphoric one.


I thought I won the Powerball. Turns out it was my neighbor. I just forgot.


I am standing there in jeans next to the rocket. The container it first went through is smoldering behind us. It didn't hit us. That is 10 years ago and I remember it very well. Dramatic events like that are remembered in explicit detail very well. You can tell me where you were when Kennedy was shot by Oswald. You can tell me where you were when the Challenger exploded in 1986.


New member
yes, i believe (know) this to be so, that those who hate Fox News are... hey, lost souls...

I mean, saying you hate Fox News is like saying you hate trees and rain and sunshine...

trees and rain and sunshine are part of reality

so is the news, and Fox tells us news that other channels do not begin to tell about... Lois Lerner scandal... Benghazi scandal...

and if that weren't bad enough, the other channels got Mr VirtualCommie elected...

i rest my case...


Try to not be a retard. I guess you missed Megan Kelley saying
that we need Big Brother for some things?


New member
Wrong again. We need the Feds
to protect our borders and settle
disputes between states and to keep
commerce regular between the states.

All the rest can and should be handled
by the states.

ok, I forgot the military (I can be excused, seeing as how the pres has forgotten them also..)

but we do not need the Feds controlling interstate business...



New member
The commerce clause has, and will
continually be abused.

I'm beginning to wonder if there is any law that hasn't been abused

we've had too many presidents who.. lack integrity.

I mean just b/c the pres doesn't like the Rs doesn't mean the Rs have no validity.. which is what Pres O acts like.. I say this b/c the Rs want small gov (the real ones, that is ,not the rinos)


Know what? He made a mistake a long time after the incident while trying to note and recognize an actual soldier and when the mistake was brought to his attention he publicly corrected himself. I'm not a particular fan of his and I don't watch his broadcast, but reading his response and knowing about how witnesses to and near traumatic events have a tendency to do that over time, I think the apology makes sense.

NBC noted that a "Dateline NBC" story in 2003 correctly reported that Williams learned after his helicopter had landed that "the Chinook ahead of us was almost blown out of the sky." Williams said he also wrote about the incident correctly in 2008.

"Because I have no desire to fictionalize my experience ... and no need to dramatize events as they actually happened, I think the constant viewing of the video showing us inspecting the impact area — and the fog of memory over the years — made me conflate the two," Williams wrote.​

That's a fairly human experience related to stressful situations. Heck, people even do that when it's a positive, euphoric one. People who watched a memorable game, over time, become people in the bleachers, conflating that sort of tangential experience with a more immediate sense in memory. Now if it had happened last year or last month I'd have wondered. But it's something if known he'd also know could be easily refuted by any number of people and wouldn't add anything to his stature, his having been in danger and at a front more than once in his career.

Here's a link to the more immediate reporting and it was done, unsurprisingly, correctly.

WILLIAMS: (Voiceover) We quickly make our drop and then turn southwest. Suddenly, without knowing why, we learned we’ve been ordered to land in the desert. On the ground, we learn the Chinook ahead of us was almost blown out of the sky. That hole was made by a rocket-propelled grenade, or RPG, fired from the ground. It punched cleanly through the skin of the ship, but amazingly it didn’t detonate.​

The most likely way that sort of thing happens is that the general we (as in "I was in a group") becomes the more literal we over years.
"People who watch FOX "News" are ungodly."

What an untelligent thing to believe.


this is about as dumb as it gets. I was calling Pres O a communist or darn close to it for YEARS before... heck, I don't even know who Sammon is... and I have only been watching Fox for something like 2 yrs...
You seem to be unable or unwilling to find out who Bill Sammon is and how he first used the insult during a GOP/conservative cruise.

And the insult was "socialism," not "communism."

just more lib hate mongering
So facts, evidence and data are "mongering"?


Show me.

Still waiting for you to weigh in on my "ungodly grandmother."