Seems a bit worst than that. Seems more like demonic activity.What a bunch of spoiled brats!
On Friday, anti-Trump protesters became violent outside the rally venue for President Donald Trump in Minneapolis , assaulting at least one female Trump supporter walking out of the event.
In video captured by Alpha News MN, a young woman walking hand-in-hand with a young man in a pro-Trump “Make America Great Again” hoodie was sucker-punched by a female anti-Trump protester.
“After the [Donald Trump] rally in Minneapolis, his supporters were attacked by left-wing extremists. An unprovoked assault on a woman was caught on camera by [Alpha News MN],” reported journalist Andy Ngo. “Mayor [Jacob Frey] defends charging Trump campaign $530k for public safety.”
Seems a bit worst than that. Seems more like demonic activity.
You may have a point there. This behavior is pretty inhuman.
This is the point I have made repeatedly here on TOL. To dismiss socialists as just misguided people that have no interest in destroying this country is a major mistake. These people act with malice aforethought. It's plain when a person watches them in action. The people doing the violence are most likely just dupes, but they are encouraged, supported, and funded, by the socialist elite. People like the Clintons, Soros, Gates, Cuomo, de Blasio, Pelosi, Schiff, etc... use these people. They wind them up and turn them loose. DNC operatives have been caught on tape admitting to this.
The other thing to take into account is that there is a lot of paganism involved, a lot of devil worship. Don't believe me do your own research. The elite are evil. Many of them are satanists. Hillary was a disciple of Saul Alinsky. He wrote the booklet "Rules for Radicals". In it he acknowledges Satan as one of his inspirations. He says elsewhere that the devil is his kind of guy and that so are the people in hell. Here's a link to where you can look at a copy of it yourself and see if I'm telling the truth about his dedication of his booklet..
"This is the point I have made repeatedly here on TOL. To dismiss socialists as just misguided people that have no interest in destroying this country is a major mistake. These people act with malice aforethought"
Why call them socialists? Their behavior fits the traits of the psychopath: a person who has no moral conscience and is persistent in telling lies. And since their ideology is that of Marxism, why not call them Marxists?
Georg Lukács was one of the earlier founders of the Frankfurt School and its Transformational Or Cultural Marxism, and he talked about the "Aufhebung der Kultur,"or abolishment of culture. "Lukacs identified that any political movement capable of bringing
Bolshevism to the West would have to be, in his words, "demonic"; it
would have to "possess the religious power which is capable of filling
the entire soul; a power that characterized primitive Christianity."
They go on to say that "What differentiated the West from Russia,
Lukacs identified, was a
Christian cultural matrix which emphasized exactly the
uniqueness and sacredness of the individual which Lukacs abjured. At
its core, the dominant Western ideology maintained that the
individual, through the exercise of his or her reason, could discern
the Divine Will in an unmediated relationship. What was worse, from
Lukacs' standpoint: this reasonable relationship necessarily implied
that the individual could and should change the physical universe in
pursuit of the Good; that Man should have dominion over Nature, as
stated in the Biblical injunction in Genesis. The problem was, that as
long as the individual had the belief or even the hope of the
belief;that his or her divine spark of reason could solve the problems
facing society, then that society would never reach the state of
hopelessness and alienation which Lukacs recognized as the necessary
prerequisite for socialist revolution."
Lukacs was aware of protestant individualism and its affirmation of an
personal relationship with God, as Jesus Christ the Son. The West had
affirmed the individual and his spiritual rise above the mere flesh of
man through Christ and the Holy Spirit. But Marxism affirms the
collective, the group. and hence the phrase "It takes a village to
raise a child" of Hillary and other Marxists.
Later Theodore W. Adorno and Herbert Marcuse developed what is now called Transformational Marxism or Political Correctness out of their interest in Anti-Semitism. They emphasized racism and said that Fascism is caused by Christianity and the Family and that both must be abolished. The Culture which came out of and supports Protestant Christianity had to be abolished as Georg Lukács said. All this is exactly what the Left and Democratic Party is doing.
This is just unhinged. I'm what you would doubtless regard as a "liberal" or "leftist" and I have no truck with any sort of extremism or crackpot behaviour or beliefs. Don't you give credence to "Infowars"?
Says it all if you do. Get some balance instead of asinine propaganda.
No. It's truth. That you think everything negative about the "elite" comes from infowars just shows your ignorance of what is going on in society right under your nose. Your faith in a bunch of lying manipulators in politics and the media who despise the common man will be your undoing if you do not wake up. Do some independent research and find out for yourself how much evidence there is about what the elites real goals and aspirations really are. Stop being what Stalin called "a useful idiot".
You talk down the wealthy as corrupt and greedy. In other words you dislike them for their wealth. However, most of the richest men in the world are socialists. Do some research and find out for yourself. It's odd how you will place blind faith in extremely wealthy people while condemning them at the same time. For some reason you will trust a guy like Soros who cooperated with the Nazis in sending his fellow Jews to the gas chambers and says he has no guilt whatsoever about it. He says it was the defining moment in the formation of his character. Think about that for a while and see if you really think it's a good idea to trust a sociopath who has zero sense of guilt about sending innocent people to torture and the gas chambers while profiting from it by getting a portion of their possessions.
If you think I'm making this up, Google Soros and Steve Croft. Croft did the interview and it's on Youtube. You'll find out what I said is absolute truth.
This is just unhinged. I'm what you would doubtless regard as a "liberal" or "leftist" and I have no truck with any sort of extremism or crackpot behaviour or beliefs. Don't you give credence to "Infowars"?
Says it all if you do. Get some balance instead of asinine propaganda.
Oh, okay. For starters, I'm as cynical where it comes to politics as it gets, from any party. The rest of this tirade applies as much to me as it does the nearest bus stop.
Nothing applies to you? Really? Then why do you support all the issues Soros supports if you're so skeptical of politicians and their funding? Why do you believe a media that is run by a total of 6 large companies? Those 6 companies own more than 90% of all US media. In other words, all corporate alphabet soup news sources have basically the same ownership. They report what the ownership wants reported and nothing else. Their jobs depend upon it. There is no independence left for them. So when you read/watch US media you are getting only one side of a story. The US media gets their talking points distributed at 4 in the morning every morning. That's why no matter what channel you turn to or newspaper you read the story is the same. Ever notice that?
The only truly independent news sources are people you refuse to listen to or ignore completely. Why? Because the media owned by large corporations tells you they are not to believed. You take the word of people who sold their integrity decades ago for money and who have a vested interest in suppressing the little guy's point of view. Do some real research and look at the hundreds of little operations that do real research and report the things the corporate media refuses to report. You know, like the fact that Ukraine tried, convicted, and imprisoned Ukrainians who cooperated with the DNC and Democrat operatives for interfering in US elections. Have you heard a whiff of that anywhere in the media? No. It's been a wall of silence except for the independent news sources. The ones you think are crazy and that the corporate media tells you are nuts. Do the research. Find the truth for yourself.
Here is the bio for a guy by the name of Paul Craig Roberts.
Here is an interview with him on the current state of US politics and the economy.