Peace not Love


New member
Eph 1:2 "Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."

The apostle opens his letter to saints with 'grace and peace'. That is not what happens today. Today everyone greets everyone with 'God loves you'. Saints and sinners alike hear the same greeting. Why did the apostle leave out God loves you?

In grace, there is an abundance of lovingkindness. Using the words grace and love would be tautological.

You have a habit of commenting on words without understanding the meaning.


New member
Peace precedes love. Sinners must first know peace with God before they can know the love of God. This is the message of the introductory,'Grace and peace to you...'.


New member
Peace precedes love. Sinners must first know peace with God before they can know the love of God. This is the message of the introductory,'Grace and peace to you...'.

No sinner has peace with Elohim:

"But Elohim commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Messiah died for us."​


Well-known member
Eph 1:2 "Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."

The apostle opens his letter to saints with 'grace and peace'. That is not what happens today. Today everyone greets everyone with 'God loves you'. Saints and sinners alike hear the same greeting. Why did the apostle leave out God loves you?

Thing is though IS/I am doesn't know sinner or saint, seeing these fruits are from the same tree of good and evil, peace needs war like hate needs love etc....


New member
Thing is though IS/I am doesn't know sinner or saint, seeing these fruits are from the same tree of good and evil, peace needs war like hate needs love etc....

Peace with God for sinners who were at war with God.


Well-known member
Eph 1:2 "Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."

The apostle opens his letter to saints with 'grace and peace'. That is not what happens today. Today everyone greets everyone with 'God loves you'. Saints and sinners alike hear the same greeting. Why did the apostle leave out God loves you?

Maybe you could define grace (Greek: charis) and explain how it does not imply love.


Well-known member
Eph 1:2 "Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."

The apostle opens his letter to saints with 'grace and peace'. That is not what happens today. Today everyone greets everyone with 'God loves you'. Saints and sinners alike hear the same greeting. Why did the apostle leave out God loves you?

Because that was not God's word that God gave him to write

People who are not at peace cannot accept love. They need to realize God's grace and peace, they need to cease from the turmoil in their heart before they can learn anything else.

If you had a loved on in the hospital, it might be difficult to focus on much else. If you were wondering if God was out to get you, because someone told you He is, then the first thing you would need is to know that God's unmeritted favor and peace is yours for the having.

I cannot learn nor can I receive love until I am ready to learn and receive. I have to first realize that I am in a good state with God. Since both God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ extend grace and peace to me, my heart can be peaceful and calm, then I can receive what they have to offer. One of those things, of course, is their love to me.


Well-known member
Peace precedes love. Sinners must first know peace with God before they can know the love of God. This is the message of the introductory,'Grace and peace to you...'.

I read this after I replied to your opening post.

We agree.


Well-known member
The point of the greeting is 'peace with God'
Peace through the blood of Jesus shed on the cross.

Colossians 3:15 is noteworthy along these lines.

And let the peace of God rule (umpire) in your hearts.....

Let what rule in our hearts?

a. the love of God

b. the light of God

c. the peace of God

d. the word of God

We are to let the peace of God be the umpire in our hearts

the peace of what or who?

a. praying for world peace?

b. hippie peace

c. the peace of God

d. peace of pie

Where is it to rule?

a. in the world

b. in our family life

c. in our hearts

d. in someone else's heart


New member
In grace, there is an abundance of lovingkindness. Using the words grace and love would be tautological.

You have a habit of commenting on words without understanding the meaning.

I'm not getting that loving-kindness from you there bud!


Well-known member
Eph 1:2 "Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."

The apostle opens his letter to saints with 'grace and peace'. That is not what happens today. Today everyone greets everyone with 'God loves you'. Saints and sinners alike hear the same greeting. Why did the apostle leave out God loves you?
:think: Matthew 5:44 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 1 Peter 1:22 1 John 4:7 ONE mark of being saved is being a lover. There are a few weaned on lemons (sometimes me too, but I'm working on it - do better in person than in print...) :e4e: -Lon


New member
Guess the member who is convinced he judges infallibly by the Holy Spirit? He judges every word that we write and passes sentence immediately. The Holy Spirit's leading is to love the brethren not judge them! Let this member speak love and then we can believe he is lead by the Holy Spirit.


New member
The Holy Spirit brings forth the fellowship of the saints and the love of the brethren. The same Spirit effects a hatred of lies and the distorting of the truth.

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."


New member
:think: Matthew 5:44 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 1 Peter 1:22 1 John 4:7 ONE mark of being saved is being a lover. There are a few weaned on lemons (sometimes me too, but I'm working on it - do better in person than in print...) :e4e: -Lon

A mark of being saved is not twisting Universalism into unlimited atonement like you did, unloving liar.