Peace Deals with Israel ‘Can Fall Apart’ with Biden

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Credo in Unum Deum
GOP Rep. Waltz: Peace Deals with Israel ‘Can Fall Apart’ if Biden Gets Back Into Iran Deal

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Daily Briefing,” Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL) reacted to the Biden foreign policy team picks by stating that “Biden’s made it clear, and a number of his advisers, that they want to head back into the disastrous Iran deal,” Waltz continued that the threat of Iran “was what pushed Israel and the Arab states together in those historic deals. I think that can fall apart.”
Waltz said, “[A]t the end of the day, this is a headlong push right back into the Obama years. This is putting the old band back together. And what I’m concerned about is the really bad policy that I think a lot of people have already forgotten about, and I do think actually, they’ve made it clear, Biden’s made it clear, and a number of his advisers, that they want to head back into the disastrous Iran deal, and Iran and the threat from Iran was what pushed Israel and the Arab states together in those historic deals. I think that can fall apart.”

Trump has negotiated three historic peace deals with Israel and Arab countries. Amazing and historical which no other president was able to do, and totally ignored by the hate-Trump media.

Now the sick anti-Semite democrats might take over and that is dangerous for Israel.


Well-known member
Trump has done some good in foreign policy. It's a shame that he's done harm in other areas.

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Credo in Unum Deum
Why Won't Joe Biden Repudiate Anti-Semitic Democrats?

At the first debate, Joe Biden took ownership of today's Democrats with an uncharacteristically clear proclamation: "I am the Democratic Party." With that, Biden assumed responsibility for repudiating and distancing himself from the anti-Semitism surging through his party's ranks.

Anti-Semitism has been on full display among Democratic leaders and left-wing protest groups alike in recent years. Leaders of the Women's March, for example, proved so undeniably anti-Semitic that even former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz felt compelled to distance herself. Yet those same anti-Semites—Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory—were featured speakers at this summer's Democratic convention. The Women's March since recruited new leaders—who proved to be just as anti-Semitic.

Black Lives Matter protests have likewise featured anti-Semitic slogans from the beginning. BLM's official platform accuses Israel of genocide, endorses BDS and expresses such blinding anti-Semitism that even many desperate to support the organization have dissented. Liberal Alan Dershowitz, who lauded BLM for having done "so much good," nonetheless concluded that "until and unless Black Lives Matter removes this blood libel from its platform and renounces it, no decent person...should have anything to do with it." The staunchly left-leaning Anti-Defamation League labeled BLM's platform "repellent." Radical leftist Jews with their own histories of anti-Semitism extol BLM's virtues while labeling its attacks on Jews "stupid" and "dismaying." Still, BLM remains immensely popular among Democrats who flood it with money. Democratic politicians—from Biden on down—have adopted the mantra. BLM featured prominently at the Democrats' 2016 and 2020 conventions. BLM's horrifying anti-Semitism no longer concerns Democrats' leadership; anyone who notices it is demonized as racist.

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Credo in Unum Deum

(CUT). . . . Because we are Jews, because Israel is a Jewish state, it is targeted in the same way Jews have been for thousands of years. No one country has ever been so persecuted, so surrounded by those who sought its destruction. No one country has ever been created — literally — from the ashes of the world’s greatest crime against humanity, the Holocaust.

No country has needed a better friend.

And no country has stood with the Jewish state of Israel more than the United States of America.

President Harry Truman was the first world leader to recognize the State of Israel in 1948. President Jimmy Carter negotiated the first diplomatic recognition with one of its Islamic neighbors, Egypt, in 1979. Landmark achievements that would have never happened without the United States.

Yet in all these years — 72 to be exact — Israel has had no better friend than President Donald J. Trump.

You don’t need to take my word for it. You can take the word of the leader of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking to President Trump at the White House earlier this year at an event I was privileged to attend: “You have been the greatest friend that Israel has ever had in the White House… t’s not even close.”

In a time after which President Barack Obama stood with Israel’s enemies in signing an appeasement deal with the terrorist nation of Iran, Donald J. Trump ripped it up.

In a time when Israel is constantly threatened by attack from across its border, Donald J. Trump recognized the Golan Heights as a permanent part of Israel.

In a time where anti-Semitism has come roaring back across the world, in its modern-day incarnation,the BDS Movement, Donald J. Trump has adopted a zero-tolerance policy, forcing colleges and universities, where BDS is at its most insidious, to treat BDS as it treats systemic racism.

After a time when U.S. president after U.S. president promised to do for Israel what every one of the other 194 countries gets without thought or hesitation — putting the American embassy in that nation’s capital — Donald J. Trump did what he said he would do and moved our Embassy to the eternal, undivided capital of Israel, Jerusalem.

And today, Donald J. Trump will host the signing of not one, but two sovereign recognitions of Israel. The first in decades — the Abraham Accords, in which the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain will both formally recognize the Jewish State of Israel.

I often ask myself why President Trump has done so much for Israel. I know one thing — it isn’t for the votes. No matter what he does, most Jews won’t vote for him.

Perhaps he does it to honor the memory of 6 million Jews that were exterminated in places like Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen. Perhaps he does it because he recognizes the immense financial, artistic, scientific, and commercial achievements of this tiny land. Perhaps he does it because he is the first American president to have three Jewish grandchildren that he loves and cherishes.

Perhaps he does it because G-d spoke to him when he was the first U.S. president to ever pray at the Western Wall.

I don’t know the answer. But what I do know is that he does it. He has been the friend to Israel that Israel has been waiting for. He has been the friend to Israel that Israel had needed. And with our support, he will be that friend to Israel for the next four years.