PBA BANNED! (Not One Baby Saved)

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PBA BANNED! (Not One Baby Saved)

This is the show from Wednesday April 18th, 2007.


* Partial Birth Abortion: is banned, and not one schedule abortion will be canceled, because, as the Associated Press correctly reported, "Abortion opponents say the law will not reduce the number of abortions performed because an alternate method - dismembering the fetus in the uterus - is available and, indeed, much more common."

* A High Profile Article: published by Virginia's Roanoke Times and linked to by WorldNetDaily.com, quotes CRTL president Brian Rohrbough saying, "As a Christian, I know it's a terrible idea to say to a parent, 'This was God's will or part of God's plan,'" Rohrbough added. "God doesn't ordain the murder of innocent children."

* VT Memorial Service Outrage: A professor from the English department that murderer Cho attended, Nikki Giovanni, said at the campus convocation attended by president Bush and thousands of others, "We are Virginia Tech. We did nothing to deserve this. But neither did the child in Africa who dies of AIDS... neither did the baby elephant killed for its ivory." These despicable remarks did not even raise eyebrows, and PBS reported them in a favorable context without condemnation. Our teachers tell young people they've evolved from animals, and then they act shocked when students behave like animals. Now this admitted animal of a professor, the filthy Nikki Giovanni, compares the slaughter of innocent people with the killing of animals. Her "condemnation is just," [Rom. 3:8].

* Conservatives Ban Zyklon A: Today, concerned citizens successfully moved the high court to outlaw Zyklon A, a chemical used to kill the innocent. However, the holocaust continues unabated because the executioners use, and have always preferred, Zyklon B. Thus, a 15-year battle ends in victory! However, not one baby will be saved by the partial-birth ban because abortionists kill children with many methods. Now, even late-term abortion is less inhumane, since pro-lifers have helped the abortion industry with its image. We have squandered the blood of the babies killed by PBA using that visual horror to enact a law that prevents not a single scheduled abortion.

* Disassociated Press: (AP) reported today, "Abortion opponents say the law will not reduce the number of abortions performed because an alternate method -- dismembering the fetus in the uterus -- is available and, indeed, much more common." Justice Kenney wrote the majority opinion, joined by Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito, and according to the Associate Press indicated that, "the more common abortion method, involving dismemberment, is beyond the reach of the federal ban."

* The Ban Itself Says: This Partial-birth Abortion ban, "allows the procedure to be performed when a woman's life is in jeopardy," reported the AP. But since when does saving a woman's life involve stopping first to kill her child?

* Today's Ruling Says: "We assume the following principles for the purposes of this opinion. Before viability, a State "may not prohibit any woman from making the ultimate decision to terminate her pregnancy." ... It also may not impose upon this right an undue burden... On the other hand, "[r]egulations... may express profound respect for the life of the unborn... if they are not a substantial obstacle to the woman's exercise of the right to choose." ... Casey, in short, struck a balance. ... We now apply its standard..." -Justice Kennedy with concurrence by Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, & Alito.

* Alan Keys Took No Prisoners: Hear Alan Keyes (try any of the following links: 1, or 2, or 3) take apart pro-abort and former Denver D.A. Craig Silverman on KHOW radio!

Today's Resource: Just some advice: If you can be in Denver Saturday night, call the BEL Cabin at 303 463-7789 to reserve your seat to honor Ken and Jo Scott at LifeCommercials' banquet! If you can be in Denver 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 25th, be at the Capitol for Forty Years in the Wilderness, and if you can be here 7:00 p.m. Wednesday night, call CRTL to reserve a seat at the $100-per-plate fundraiser at Maggiano's Little Italy (with Alan Keyes, Brian Rorhbough, Flip Benham, Judie Brown, and Bob Enyart)! If you can't be here, call BEL to order Focus on the Strategy or to pre-order a copy of the upcoming Focus on the Strategy II DVD!
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Well-known member
Is Zyklon A a figure of speech or intended to be taken literally?
Its a figure of speech for partial birth abortion. Banning partial birth abortion is like telling the Nazis they can't kill Jews with Zyklon A, they have to use Zyklon B. It is a useless law.

EDIT: Actually I shouldn't say its useless. Its good for the pro-abortionists because it'll be harder to pass future abortion bans because they already conceded this.
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Alan Keyes chewed up and spit out Craig Silverman. It was the most extraordinary 15 minutes of radio I've heard in 10 years.
(try any of the following links: 1, or 2, or 3)
Everyone who [teaches young people evolution] is complicitous in the behaviours of those young peoples when they act on the notion that we are animals. When [students] behave like animals, those who have taught them [evolution] are responsible. They share in the guilt.
If...you're for abortion you're a murderer and we're not considering your opinion. You're not qualified to express your opinion publicly.
When you say, out of your filthy lips, that abortion is a state's rights issue, you destroy the personhood of the child.
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